Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1516: Praise if you can't criticize

"Hurry over, froze?" Li Yi said to the eldest disciple, didn't you see that your wife went out.

   "Master, I want to eat glutinous rice candy." The little girl blinked her big eyes and asked.

   "I think you want to eat arsenic!" Li Yi stared, getting used to it.

   "Master, I'm not going to be with you, I'll go to my wife." The little girl ran away and went to work as an interpreter.

   The hustle and bustle is over, life will continue.

   You can't always think about Ye Weiyang. People who don't have the burden of life dare to indulge wantonly.

  Like in Li Yichao's song: singing, dancing, long night without dawn, looking for happiness.

   Li Yi couldn't do it himself, he had never done it before, and he needed to pursue a better material life.

   When it comes to Datang, he can do it now, but he doesn't do it.

   People who lack spiritual support are easy to indulge, especially handsome men and beautiful women, they can get more investment resources of the opposite sex.

   Oh, there are same-sex ones too.

   There are many people of the same **** in Datang, but in fact they are not of the same sex, they are both sexes.

   Not only in China, Li Yi also had some artists in the West at that time.

  To what extent is the same sex? Stool, syphilis, etc.

   It sounds good, it makes human cognition transcend the origin of life and sublimated.

   To tell the truth, it is that the brains are flooded, and affected by the society, family, and circle of friends, individuals cannot always be blamed.

   For example, an eight-year-old kid jumped off the building after being scolded by the teacher after looking for a parent.

   A fact has appeared, and there are many opinions.

   Someone commented that the children nowadays are too bad, and they can't bear the small things. What I did and what I did.

   Li Yi has seen this kind of comment, and has asked someone to analyze and research it. Generally, people who post this kind of comment don’t have a very good quality of life...

   People who don’t have a big picture, in proportion, their standard of living is not high enough.

   Always stare at the individual instead of looking at the general environment, just a little bit of vision.

   If there is a chance, suddenly call such a person to be the mayor.

   Yes, the mayor and county mayor are not good, he doesn't understand, he will think that he can be a ****, but it is simple.

   Ask him to be the mayor. Look, there are people in the village who suffer from poverty. What should I do?

   When he saw it, he immediately sneered: ‘It’s too silly to tell you to raise sheep. If you still don’t raise them, even if you don’t have enough money, you can borrow it.

What? You can't even borrow? Oh shit, you are too wasteful, if I borrow money, at least a few buddies...

   This is not worthy of sympathy, it shows that he is bad, I...’

   This is a small person. He will never be the mayor or the village head. What he considers is that he is showing off, even if he is begging for food, he must show his superiority with other beggars.

   So when someone else’s child has an accident, he will attack other people’s child and show his superiority, even if he is no longer a child.

   Society will never lack such people, and the progress of society will never be due to such people.

   "Being an official can't teach the people, and a teacher can't educate the students, don't put the mistakes on the people and students."

   Li Yi said to Tao Hong and others next to them, they were eating and remembering.

   "I'll sort it out later, don't be so painful, just mention a keyword.

   When an individual in the system criticizes the victimized individual, the individual itself cannot rise to the level of changing the system.

   Facing the strong, the weak at the moment when they kneel down, they are more willing to bully the same weak instead of resisting the strong. This is called universal human nature.

   Every political power takes advantage of this universal human nature, and those in power only consider their own rights, rights, and profits, not power.

   When their status and rights are not strong enough, they regret to sacrifice other similar interests, including declarations.

   For example, Red Guard...Ah no, if you don't talk about it, you will be blocked.

   Change another, saying that it provokes abnormal racism among the white-skinned people.

   This is the last resort, it shows that those in power are incompetent and useless.

   Let’s not learn, because there is me, balanced interests, universal spirit, and harmonious coexistence. "

   Li Yi said that he had to change halfway, no way, all the regimes are ‘free’ speech! Datang is no exception.

   "Lord Li, this is too fruity, what do the people think." The recorder was very sad.

   "You just don't let them know! We mainly improve the survival chances of most people.

   If you can't do it yourself, you will belittle others, even lie, and divert conflicts.

  The people who are best at this are the fair-skinned people that we will come into contact with in the future. They actually know everything, but they are shameless. "

   Li Yi continues to teach that he does not train nerds.

   Tell the learners, the whole world, the weak eat the strong.

   When it is impossible to do it externally, playing racism internally, such a leader is the worst failure.

   During the teaching, the night finally passed, and Li Yi fell asleep on the island in the middle of the night.

   The sun rises and the sun shines.

   "Oh, my grass, my bones hurt all over my body, why is it so damp?"

   Li Yi got up. He drank a lot of alcohol last night, and he still had no problem.

   He ate a bowl of noodles while sleeping, but rice is actually fine.

   He didn't eat much food when he was drinking, because he would vomit when he ate too much, and it was uncomfortable to vomit.

   is basically just a few bites of food, which tastes salty.

   When the drink is over, eat noodles or a bowl of rice.

   So that it is not uncomfortable the next morning, there is no feeling of hangover.

   Li Yi controlled his diet. There was no hangover, but it was wet.

   Nauru, this place, if there is no water, it will permeate.

   shows that the soil underneath is loose, it is hot during the day, the hot air is transpiring, and the air-conditioning holes return.

   Now the hotter the sky, the worse the tide.

   Li Yi slept on the beach, he felt that he had won without hemiplegia.

  'Cracking, squeaking,' Li Yi does warm-up exercises: "What's wrong with the baby?"

   "Woke up twice, thirsty, and fell asleep after drinking water, body temperature 37 degrees seven, thirty-seven degrees nine, thirty-eight degrees two, now thirty-eight degrees six. UU reading"

  The nurse on shift guard said the data is still burning.

   "Let's take it away. If it is not cured today, I will leave at noon, not waiting for the evening." Li Yi knew the situation as soon as he heard it.

   It's not how smart he is, it's that he has seen too many similar situations.

   The child's body temperature cannot be kept down, indicating that the inflammation still exists.

  According to the rule, by noon, the mental state should be good, and the body temperature will still be high, because the magnetic field and sunlight are all there, just add water.

   Ensure that the body temperature rises at night, and the medicine can't hold it down, unless special medicine is used.

   From a medical point of view, it will not die and it is guaranteed to be cured.

  From the perspective of individual children, it is uncomfortable and confused.

   Panting is hot, I want to cough but I can’t cough.

   Most parents can’t tell, they just see the doctor, and the doctor does what they say.

   Doctors in the Li Yi era generally only look at the specific situation. As for whether the patient is uncomfortable, many of them don't actually know.

   Li Yi knew that he did not see a doctor for money, and he felt the same way as a four-year-old baby patient.

   "Add oxygen, see through to see if there is any sputum, no, auscultate, and **** it out."

   Li Yi puts the stethoscope on the child's chest, and he can tell if there is any sputum. He is used to it, because more fluoroscopy won't make more money!

   As for the stethoscope, it has become more and more a decoration, like an ornament, or a perfunctory, paving the way for future equipment charges.

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