Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1656: Excited and excited at this moment

  Chapter 1638 Excitement and excitement on this occasion (third more)

   "I hope the meat can be eaten, but not eaten... Feed the pigs and pandas."

  Li Yi pedaling a scooter, talking to Li Longji and Li Chengqi who are also pedaling a scooter.

  Li Longji are relatively unfamiliar. Fortunately, this is simple and there is no technical difficulty.

  A circle of court ladies and eunuchs put things in the cart and followed along.

   Qingsong is more strenuous. He has a box. He holds the lever of the box with one hand and the middle of the scooter armrest with one hand.

  Ziyu wanted to help a few times and he didn't agree. The box is the pride of the Qingsong quartet. You must hold it in your hands. Others want to bring the box alone!

  "Can't you ride and slide that box?" Li Longji found out that the box was well designed.

  Can pull and ride, with wheels on three sides, wheels and bearings are more technical than scooters.

  "The speed is slow, unless it goes downhill." Qing Song explained.

  Usually, he doesn't ride a box at all, he just drags it away. He thinks riding a box is blasphemy.

   "He has a flatbed truck for boxes, he doesn't use it." Ziyu took the opportunity to file a complaint.

   "Why don't you help him get the flatbed truck?" Li Chengqi glared at Ziyu.

   "Wrong, convict." Ziyu was scared out of sweat instantly.

   "Ten sticks." Li Chengqi said a number and continued to pedal.

  "Yes!" Ziyu promised to look at Li Yi, but Li Yi didn't even turn his head, he breathed a sigh of relief.

  It’s okay with ten sticks. After the cold compress, don’t delay doing things tomorrow. The main thing is ten sticks, there will be no tomorrow.

  At the place, many people were watching, mainly watching the whale meat. The mountains were piled up there, and there was a smell.

  "Cannot eat, unless the proprietor handles it and boils it out."

  "Make soap, it's on the fish, live on the beach, catch a fish, it works!"

  "It's a whale, a mammal."

   "A lot of it is said to be ambergris, which is more smelly."

   "Smelly is also a medicine, the proprietor will make it fragrant, I heard that the proprietor specifically asked for it."

   "Is the meat still edible? It's too hot to add salt."

  "The main reason is that it is not sealed. Fresh meat can be eaten with salt and sealed in a jar."

  "Help to catch the flies, don’t eat or become uneaten when the time comes."

   "Looking at the pork, we don’t lack a bite of meat."

   "The meat is okay, the seaside is really salty."

   "I heard that it is New Year's Eve, and most places teach salt drying."

   "I used to keep it secret, I didn't want others to know, and I was worried about impacting the salt market. Now the price of salt is low, mainly in terms of freight."

   "The well salt from Shu area is still shipped in one ship. Why doesn't it stop if it's cheaper?"

  "There is a profit, you count as labor. Once the brine wells and natural gas wells are drilled, how much salt can one person cook in a day?

  In addition to the transportation costs, go to the wholesale terminal to ensure that you make money, and you can make a lot of money.

  The proprietor said that the price of a necessities of life has always been linked to the cost.

  If there is no profit, no one will do it, so the price will rise and the profit will be regained. "

  "Now that poultry and livestock are raised and started to feed salt, the newspaper says the quantity is not allowed to be too much, and if it is too much, it is guaranteed to die."

  The onlookers talked a lot, and they knew it was the dealer when they heard it, and all kinds of theories were thrown out.

  All the people from Yulin Feiqi in Haizhou have returned, as well as the people who helped transport things. They were allowed to enter the village.

  It is their biggest dream to be able to enter the Lijiazhuangzi. When they come, they say that they don’t need money and run for nothing. Calling for the Zhuangzi is enough!

  "Proprietor, these local people said they were helping to transport things. They don't need money, they just want to enter Zhuangzi..." A Yulin Feiqi said.

   Without waiting for him to finish, Li Yiyi touched his stomach: "I'll go to the toilet and be back in five minutes."

  He ran away on the scooter, whoosh, without seeing the slightest bad stomach.

  As soon as he left, Yulin Feiqi bowed immediately: "Your Majesty, King Song."

  The dealer took a look and hurriedly shouted.

   Helping people: "..."

  We just want to enter a Zhuangzi and see, why...have you seen your Majesty and King Song?

   "No gift! Hard work, everyone." Li Longji got off the scooter, his temperament changed.

   "Your Majesty, I, we, I'll kowtow to you." A citizen was so excited that he didn't know how to express, so he simply knelt down.

  The other people knelt down and kowtow vigorously.

  Li Longji did not have time to stop, so he had to accept: "Get up, the freight will not be given to you, but...I have an extra reward."

   "Thank you, your Majesty." The person who had just led the response was quick, and a group of people followed to thank you.

  It doesn’t matter what you give, but you can also offer it when you go home with a stone.

   "Such a big piece of smelly thing is the ambergris used in the palace? It can only be obtained occasionally in the palace."

  Li Longji looked around a large piece of ambergris, the smell is really bad now.

   "The smell is so bad that it is incense. This is an anode." A group of Bi Gou came over. They heard the news and wanted to see.

  "I have seen Bi Zaifu, Song Zaifu..."

   Yulin Feiqi continued to take the lead, mainly for introduction, otherwise they would not salute others.

  Zaifu has no affiliation with them, they are only responsible for His Majesty.

  Yulin Fei rides a group of zaifu who kneels on both knees. Whoever kneels on the zaifu, whoever zaifu has to commit suicide, will kill himself and avoid being ransacked and annihilated.

  They knelt Li Longji on one knee, and did not kneel in non-military daily life.

  The people didn’t kneel down, and it’s fine to bow, but they were equally excited. Did they meet the legendary court meeting today?

  "Can oil be refined, can meat be eaten?"

  Lu Huai cautiously circled Roshan, bringing some of the meat, and the amount was still large.

   "Can you? It's all salt. Since the introduction of salt drying technology, salted fish from coastal areas have been sent to Chang'an. I don't know how it is dried."

  Yao Chong endured the unpleasant smell and turned to the meaty position.

   "I know." Zhang Jiuling ‘raised his hand’ to speak. He had already used this technique when he was in Guangzhou.

  The people who used to cook the sea as salt along the coast, not only did not lose their jobs or reduce their income due to the improvement of technology, but instead made more money.

  Sun salt is as hard as it is, it is better than boiled salt. If the price of salt becomes ten times lower, the output can be increased by one hundred times.

  "I also know that my house uses salt in the sun. One grid of waves crushes the beach, and additional brine is added to the salty. A rope is used to make flowers, and the water can be pushed by the water step by step."

  The leading people took the conversation again, he understood, his family did this, tired, but better than cooking.

  "I'm back, I'm Everyone did not eat, right? For pancakes and fruits, I will bring someone to make it for you. Drink melon slice soup with watermelon slices and put some chopped green onions."

  Li Yi came back on his scooter, behind which was the flat-panel convoy.

  Some people fetched water in the basin to wash their hands, some people served soup, and some made pancakes and fruits on the spot, all of which are gaining the upper hand.

  There is also a flatbed truck with testing equipment, Li Yide sees if the meat can be eaten.

  He took people to the canteen because he knew that the people wanted to listen to him. He said at the scene that he seemed more close to the people.

  When the people have finished eating, they will be arranged to take a bath, sleep, stay for a few days, and bring gifts when they leave.

  If someone comes with a full car, can't you ask them to return with an empty car, right?

  The neighbor brought a plate of dumplings. Wouldn’t it be possible to go back without washing the empty plate?

  Even if you don’t have money, pick some wild vegetables, pick out the sprouts, wash them, and put them on the plate, so that they know you know how to do it.

    another chapter is coded out, more! It’s finally quiet, after the early hours of the morning, thanks to their 521 (I love you) in Mandarin, otherwise...



  (End of this chapter)

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