Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1657: Repeatedly explain

  Chapter 1639 Tossing over and over to explain (first more)

  The people didn’t know Li Yi’s approach to the people. They stood next to the carts for making pancakes, talking about what they wanted.

  There is garlic chili sauce, which is used whether you want it or not, and an egg on each side.

  The group of Yulin Feiqi who came back withdrew, so they didn't eat pancakes and fruits. They took a bath first, and then went to the cafeteria to eat.

  "This is ambergris, sometimes the whale will spit out a big chunk, and the other...pull it out and it smells very stinky.

  Everyone found it on the beach in the future, so they quickly picked it up and placed it directly in the sun. It would become fragrant after drying.

  Send it to me. I bought it at a high price. This is a medicine. Don’t look at the royal needs.

  The Royal Ambergris used the wrong one, just smell it. I have other ways to calm the nerves of your Majesty..."

  Li Yi explained on the spot that some farmers started to saw the ambergris, which can be dried and stored in pieces.

  He doesn’t want to keep it in chunks, unless he wants to keep the value and sell it.

  The people listen carefully. They live and live by the sea.

  They believe in Li Yi, saying that high prices are high prices, and others cannot give them.

  If someone really gives a higher price, that person has a problem, and he is determined not to sell, or even let others know.

  "This oil, in fact, even other marine fish in the sea, it’s good to boil the oil out of the pot and use it for lighting..."

  Li Yi went on to say that he is not a businessman in this area and does not expect to make money from it.

  To give the people more knowledge reserves, the people can live a better life and avoid being deceived.

  "This meat...I passed the test, thank you! Everyone put a lot of salt, so I can eat it, and the time is right.

  But it’s too salty. I plan to grind it into meat and make sausages. After a bit of grilling, I can’t taste whale meat.

  Anyway, it is better than beef sausage and better than horse meat. It is best to add more starch.

  Because the fat of the pig does not need to be mixed with it to make sausages, everyone knows how to eat it.

  If you encounter it in the future, I will cut the meat and eat it in the hot pot. To be honest, it is tender and fresher than beef. If it takes a long time, I put a little salt on it and feed it to the pigs. "

  Li Yi randomly selected more than 20 locations to test, and concluded that he could eat.

  Too much salt, eat it as bacon?

  He was going to pour the sausage, crushed it and put in the starch, green onion and ginger, and more garlic if it was garlic-flavored.

  Normal speaking, Li Yi doesn't like garlic sausage.

  Garlic has a strong bactericidal effect. If a sausage is made into garlic flavor, it means that the meat is not very good.

  Garlic sausages are usually cheap. With so much garlic, the possibility of bad stomachs is reduced when eating.

  "I won't speak for now, everyone eats." Li Yi said as he found a group of people looking at him.

  "Proprietor, can we raise pigs by the sea? What about ducks?" A person asked his own question.

  "Are you saying let the pigs find food by themselves? Or do you feed the pigs? Free-range, or ducks are more appropriate.

  This involves the technical problem of duck egg collection. The duck will lay the egg in the normal circle prepared by you.

  At the same time, the stronger the warmth, the more ducks like it, which is conducive to the hatching of duck eggs.

  In addition, some ducks can't help but lay their eggs when they are eating at the beach, and people have to pick them up.

  I hope that the ducks don’t have enough food in the sea and need to be fed extra food. What kind of grains are cheap to feed, and the chaff is also mixed in. "

  Li Yi gave the answer immediately, and the key questions should not be fooled.

  "Go and call Yuanyuan." Li Longji said to the person next to him.

  He is in such a good mood, Yi Yi is really Yi Yi, answering questions, knowing everything, and talking endlessly.

  "Uncle, are you looking for me?" Princess Yongmu's voice suddenly came from behind Li Longji.

  She calls Li Longji an uncle, Li Yi is not far away, she is more dedicated.

  "When did you come?" Li Longji frightened "Gu Ling".

  "Come early! Listen to Li Lang's lecture." Princess Yongmu smiled sweetly.

   "I'm just Li Lang who asked you to come and see you." Li Longji breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Thank you, Uncle, Li Lang has always been like this. Back then, I found it interesting to go to the hot springs about ants and bees."

  Princess Yongmu recalled the first time she saw Li Yi, misty, and her grandfather took herself away.

  The second time I met was to see the giant panda. Li Lang seemed to be a different person at the time.

  I found out now that Li Lang is like this.

   "If you haven't raised it before, don't raise too many at a time, ten or so, first look at the egg production..."

  Li Yi went on to say that the people on the coast of Datang have few access to knowledge, and it is normal that they don’t know one big character.

  I’m fishing every day, the nets have been soaked for a long time, the nets have been soaked for a long time, and the nets are broken and repaired.

  Remarry or marry a daughter-in-law, give birth to a child, and continue to repeat when the child grows up.

  To talk about dreams, they have, but they don’t know how to change.

  Now there are fishing nets made of cotton and linen, which are stronger, helping Yulin Feiqi work and earning extra money.

  Listen to Yulin Feiqi's introduction to many situations, read the newspaper and try to learn to read from Yulin Feiqi.

  They decided where they wanted to break through, and just came over to give something.

  Li Yi understands that it is unrealistic for people in coastal areas to sun salt, and the breeding industry is good.

  "The capable people still have to raise... sheep. In addition, starting from the greenhouse this winter, vegetables must be available throughout the year. Because in the future..."

  Li Yi said that Haizhou belongs to the port for the future development and rail repairs.

It is more convenient for Yi merchants or Datang merchants to go to Haizhou to load and unload goods by boat. They need food and lodging, and bring vegetables and other things before going to sea.

  The people of Haizhou are more involved in the tertiary industry under the normal operation of the primary industry.

  If reprocessing of goods is required in places such as wharfs, handicrafts will follow, and the demand for the secondary industry will increase.

  Li Yi wants to make it clear: “Our good days are coming. Demand, supply, and logistics are those who buy things, sell things, and transport things. They belong to a complete circle...”

  Li Yi told the people, you have to prepare, and you need to use big boats for fishing.

  Pick up the money to build ships, UU reading or Lijiazhuangzi, the court to give loans, the interest is low, and even no interest.

  Don’t waste labor because of production tools. Don’t be afraid of borrowing money. If you can’t pay back, an assessment will be made. If it really has nothing to do with your subjective intentions, then you will be exempted.

  Li Yi said over and over again, telling one thing from all angles, otherwise the people would not understand it.

  Bi Gou and others are annoyed to listen. You are fragile and chattering. Isn’t it okay to use more concise language?

   "So now we go back to discuss with the family, whether to raise ducks, build a greenhouse, or raise sheep, and try not to worry about borrowing money from others. Lijiazhuang has a lot of money."

  Li Yi emphasized the matter of borrowing, worrying that the people would borrow other people’s usury and eventually lose their possessions.

   Borrowed money with Lijiazhuangzi, but it was not repayable. Lijiazhuangzi sent someone to look at the situation, whether it was intentional or due to objective reasons.

  The former needs to be cleaned up, the latter finds a way to borrow another sum, teach him, and pay it back slowly after earning money.

    This chapter hasn’t been changed, I thought it was.



  (End of this chapter)

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