Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1851: Do not compete with the staple food for the field

  Chapter 1833 Do not compete with staple food for field (first change)

  The people at Sinong Temple tasted it carefully. They participated in the whole process and ate it for the first time today.

  In the future, they will be responsible for cultivating better varieties and increasing production.

  Princess Yongmu’s mother Liu Jieyu looked at the table more than 20 meters away, and the more she looked, the more upset she became.

  She murmured: “Bi Zaifu is sitting in the wrong place. You should be with the people in the Zhengshitang to discuss the affairs of the court.”

  Her chief maid asked: "Should I coax Bi Zaifu away?"

  "Finally, I think it’s asking about something more important than Zhengshitang. Afterwards, the potatoes are opened and eaten, and the soup in the fried potato shreds should be mixed with rice."

  Liu Jieyu waved her hand to stop, forgiving Bi Gou, who had no vision.

  The voice fell, and she was angry again, and Song Jing and a group of people brought the dinner plate and leaned over.

  Then Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan walked towards this side with their dinner plates, obviously not wanting to stay with them for dinner.

  Next, Liu Jieyu saw Li Longji walking there again.

   "Mother, I'll come to accompany you." Princess Yongmu said with a smile. She was not like this before.

  Liu Jieyu thinks that her current daughter is nice, lively, quiet at the beginning, and she doesn’t talk much all day, so she doesn’t usually see a smile.

  The whole person lives as if others want her to live, not herself.

   "Yuanyuan, how do you serve rice?" Liu Jieyu found the difference.

  "The rice is fragrant when you eat braised pork, and pumpkin potato cakes are suitable for soup.

  Rice beans should be cooked and eaten as other beans when they are mature, but when stewed, they are better than kidney beans with the skin.

  Like potatoes, it can be used as a meal or as a dish. It is fuller than other dishes. "

  Princess Yongmu didn't forget about ‘Science’, and after taking a bite, she showed a happy expression.

  "Give me a bowl of rice, I can’t get used to pumpkin pie." Liu Jieyu was greedy.

  On the other side, Li Longji was eating pork ribs stewed in pumpkin pie. He came over to see what everyone was talking about.

  Yao Chong has a problem: "Xiao Yi, according to your words, the yield of potatoes is not much different from that of rice and wheat.

  You are an ordinary people, would you like to accept new crops? "

  The members of the group and the incumbent nodded one after another. Yes, they just thought of this.

  After discussion, research, and analysis, it was found to be difficult.

  I’m sure, there are no other ideas for problem-solving. Come and ask Li Yi, aren’t you capable of it?

   "Yao Xiang said that if you plant potatoes, you can't grow wheat or rice? Grab land?" Li Yi asked.

   "Yes!" Yao Chong nodded.

  "Do people grow mustard greens? Do they grow cabbage? Do they grow sorghum? After the winter wheat is harvested, they must plant other things.

  Grow potatoes as food crops and grab land for food.

   But when potatoes are grown as vegetables, it grabs vegetable plots.

  It is a vegetable itself, and the yield per mu of Datang mustard is not comparable to the yield of potatoes.

  Potherb mustard greens are used to marinate pickles and replaced with potatoes. People will be very happy if they want to come. "

  Li Yi finished, eating vegetables, what are you thinking about? When did potatoes become staple food?

   "Hey?" The ministers were stunned, why didn't they analyze it? Potatoes as vegetable seeds? It is not……

  "It's a dish!" Bi Gou echoed: "In the winter in the north, the cabbage and radish are gone."

  Li Longji followed: "The emergence of greenhouses has increased vegetables. Compared to glass greenhouses, they can grow vegetables.

  Later, potatoes and pumpkins were added. Even dried vegetables, there are dried beans, right, peanuts and sweet potatoes are also vegetables.

  The yield of potatoes is high. They can be put in the spring and eat for a winter. Why don’t the people plant them? "

   "Yes, kind, minister, etc... I didn't expect it." Yao Chong was depressed, and he should let his thinking diverge more.

   "Hmm!" Li Longji nodded slightly, indicating that it was okay.

  A group of people feel that they have suffered more damage, are we so useless in your majesty’s eyes? Your Majesty is used to it?

  Song Jing hurriedly remedy: "After harvesting winter wheat, it is appropriate not to plant sorghum and potatoes."

  "When corn is planted, corn will be the staple food. Corn now produces higher yields than wheat and rice.

  What to plant depends on the situation of the land, the situation of the people, and the situation of demand.

  In addition to providing grain, sorghum also has sorghum stalks and weaving tools.

  Corn stalks cannot be woven, and can be used as feed. Corn is relatively drought-tolerant, but not as good as sorghum. Sorghum can be both drought and flood. "

  Li Yi compared the crops and made it clear that what to grow is not for the people to grow, but for what to grow.

  People who live on the mountainside lack of water, watch people who have a lot of water below the mountain grow corn, and follow the school. There is no water and all droughts die, so they can only grow sorghum.

  One more crop, one more choice, and use the land as much as possible.

  It depends on the manpower, the labor is insufficient, and it is necessary to grow crops that are easy to manage.

  There are many cattle and sheep in the local area, and they can grow sorghum and corn, and naturally grow corn.

  Li Yi eats two bites of dishes: "In addition, peanuts are economic crops. They can be squeezed out of oil and eaten as vegetables and snacks.

  Our squeezing technology is too low-end, the peanut meal after squeezing the oil can still be eaten by people, and it is a good concentrate for livestock.

  Sunflowers will be harvested in a few days. They are the same as peanuts. They are economic crops and can squeeze oil and serve as snacks.

  Place sunflowers in front of the houses and behind the houses that are not blocked from the sun, and they will have snacks when they are harvested. "

  "Write it down, Xiaoyi, write it, we look at the text better."

   Listening to Bi Gou, he found that these crops were planted together, and there were too many doorways. It is estimated that he would not be able to finish talking at night.

  After a meal, all participants are satisfied, and they can always find their favorite dishes.

  It means that some people don’t like to eat the fixed staple pumpkin potato pie, some want noodles, and some have the same idea as Princess Yongmu, and eat rice.

  I saw the dishes even more and felt that the over-watered sorghum rice should be more suitable for me.

  After eating, Li Yi ate a little too much, strolled around to digest, and took Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan to the sunflower plantation.

  No one stipulates that sunflowers must mature on the same day. Now some heads have been bent down.

   "The more fruitful you are, the more humble you are. Look, the fuller head is the lowest when the fruit is ripe." Li Yi borrowed things to live in.

  "Why does a dandelion fly openly when it is mature?" Xiaolan added another word beside so everyone started digging before it matured. When it was mature, it was necessary to plan its roots. It was too open. "Li Yi looked at Xiaolan.

   "Li Lang, you are right, I like sunflowers, mainly because it turns with the sun and has a goal, just like I turn with you."

   Xiaolan echoes with the fastest speed, otherwise it will be scraped out, which is scary.

  Princess Yongmu smiled, pointed to one and said, "Can you eat it?"

   "Yes, cut it off, cut two." Li Yi pulled the stalk.

  Princess Yongmu drew out the small sword used for decoration on Li Yi's waist, and cut it on the back of her head, and the sunflower fell off.

  The sword used for decoration does not mean that it is not sharp. This sword was just given to Li Yi today, and the officials knew the meaning. Holding the sword can kill people directly.

  They don’t think it is necessary. Does Li Yi’s murder have a sword and what effect does it have?

  The two sunflower disks were cut off, and Li Yi took the sword and continued to cut.

  Cut into pieces, pick them up one by one in one hand and rub each other, the sunflower seeds on the top will keep falling.

  (End of this chapter)

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