Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1852: One after another

  Chapter 1834 One after another harvest of strong men (second more)

  The new sunflower seeds are damp, so Li Yi chooses the big one and knocks it out. Look at the benevolence. He is quite satisfied.

   "Eat first if you can. Dry the other items in the sun. After they are dry, use a dustpan or blow in a windmill."

  Li Yi eats a few, too much effort, the sunflower seeds do not dry, they are too soft.

  It's best to pick nails, but he didn't keep them.

  Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan clutched, their hands and the corners of their mouths were fluffy.

  After taking a handful, Princess Yongmu looked at the way Xiaolan’s mouth looked, and stopped eating: "Li Lang, how can I not have this fluff?"

  "Boil, add seasonings and cook, like spiced beans, and then dry.

   Stir fry directly. After frying, there are still black things on the top. In fact, there are also boiled, but relatively little. "

  Li Yi has nothing to do with sunflower seeds, unless he doesn’t knock, he uses equipment to thresh the seeds, which is clean.

  It’s just that the seeds don’t knock, what kind of seeds do you eat? The fun lies in clicking, including watermelon seeds and pumpkin seeds.

  "Let’s grow pumpkins. The seeds are also very delicious. They can be used as medicine and mainly for food."

  Li Yi thought of pumpkin seeds, and found another snack.


In the   Political Affairs Hall, Yao Chong and others are also there. They have no major cases to deal with recently, so they are a little leisurely.

  They are drinking tea, knocking melon seeds, watermelon seeds.

  Now the watermelon is cultivated towards two polarizations, and the seeds with large seeds and many seeds are planted separately, and then the one with many seeds and large seeds is selected.

  The other branch is small seeds, small seeds, sweet melons, and big melons.

  There are also various hybrids, see if you can grow magical things.

  Sinong Temple has been in charge of such things, and it started many years ago.

  Now that there is a lot of money, they want to graft and hybridize everything they catch, if they find a good thing, it will benefit the country and the people.

  If you say it, the results will be recorded as them, who cares and who operates it, put it in a book, and print a lot, so that people in the future will know.

  "Salt-frosted potatoes are better for drinking, while vinegared potatoes are slightly harder and have a bad taste." Su Ting commented on the dishes.

  "The vinegar is delicious, crunchy, and the juicy one is too soft, suitable for people with bad teeth." Bi Gou objected.

   "If you want me to say, mashed potatoes is the best, especially when you have rice with water, put chopped green onion and egg sauce, which is more fragrant than salted beans." Liu Chong had his own thoughts.

  Everyone, you talked about how to prepare the dishes, the main purpose is to ease the mood after the shock today.

  The species brought back from overseas are harvested, and the yield per mu is higher than the other.

  I used to compare potatoes with rice and wheat, but later realized that potatoes should be compared with vegetables.

   "The five thousand elite cavalry of the post-Turkic army provides us with the opportunity to plant on the grassland next year, and the people there will no longer have to worry about not having enough food."

  After feeling relaxed, Song Jing said that the business was going to be promoted by Li Yi, and the entire Datang was profitable. Li Yi's contribution was overwhelming, and it didn't matter.

   "Xiao Yi said that he would sell it to the barbarians first to defraud some of the money." Bi Gou mentioned what he had said to Li Yi the other day.

  "Sell to barbarians, what do the people of Datang plant?" Yao Chong looked unhappy.

  "Sell a little, such as how much a seed costs, and the precious seeds are counted according to the number of seeds.

  Selling out barbarians, the people of Datang said that they didn’t expect to use seeds to make people’s money.

  The products of the people are high, and the people who do not farm in Datang will have cheap food to eat. "

  Bi Gou explained, sell a little, and use it to grow. Go back and grow your own slowly. The more you grow, the more you grow.

  Su Ting took a sip of tea and put down the cup: “Li Yi will continue to plant this year. How many seeds can he produce next year? I can’t promote it if I want to.”

  "You can plant seeds on the grassland, but you can’t find a large area of ​​idle land elsewhere.

  The grassland should be plowed and dried in advance, waiting to be planted and then planted, too late.

  To drive the post-Turkic far away this winter, the other tribes returned to the Tang Dynasty, just in time for them to plow. "

  Zhang Jiuling plans to start spring in the coming year. He will cultivate the land first and see how the land is going in summer before the grass grows.

  Everyone agrees on this point. There is too much land in the grassland, and the grass can grow up to one person, indicating that the land is fertile.

  At other times, no one was plowing the grassland. They were afraid of fighting, and there was too much shortage of manpower to plant the land. They were all preparing for battle.

  "The land in Hebei Province is also good. Without the worries of the Xi and the Khitan, a lot of wheat should be planted.

  Some people in other places have few fields, allowing them to move, and renting them livestock, farm tools, and seeds.

  Slowly pay back after the harvest, so as to exempt them from renting.

  They planted it and sold it for money, and the tax could not be collected a few years ago. "

  Bi Gou has become more generous, and he does not stare at the little money in the field. Anyway, after planting and breeding, he wants to sell, and the whole Datang will benefit.

  The purpose of repairing the Yellow River Bridge is to facilitate transportation, to transport grain from Hebei Province across the bridge and to take the railway.

  There are many steam engines and ships, and transportation is fast and cost-saving in summer.

  Before that, the ship still has to be the main transportation force.

  As everyone said, they found an inexplicable sense of relaxation, the tea was sweet in the mouth, and there was a little salty taste, yes, it was definitely not eaten with five-spice melon seeds.


  As new species continue to be harvested, the rumbling train once again arrives at Chang’an Station.

  The difference from the previous few days is that it is not goods, but people.

  The navy was sent to Chang'an while standing in the carriage of the train. There were no passenger carriages and they were being built.

  They can sit in the carriage, and they can’t see the outside when they sit down, and of course, they can’t see when they are standing.

  So they put wooden stools inside, saying that they were sitting on the stool when they were tired, but in fact they stepped on the stool and looked out.

  Datang's train carriage is not as high as Li Yi's time. The navy's stools are not high, and their hands are holding the edge of the carriage.

  They are not afraid of slight shaking. Can shaking be worse than on a boat?

  At night, you can't see anything, the surrounding area is pitch black, and you can't see street lights or other people's lights.

  The sky is bright, there are people, there are fields and mountains.

  The people walking on the road also looked at the heads exposed above the train car curiously, very strange.

  When passing by Lantian County, the navy who came for the first time knew how poor his hometown was.

  Building a new house in my hometown is still a big difference in Lantian County.

  When they arrived in Chang'an, the prosperity of Chang'an made them feel like they had come to a dream.

  Li Longji and a group of people are waiting on the platform, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com ate breakfast on the platform and was drinking tea and knocking sunflower seeds.

  In the sound of a click, someone would not pinch and knock, and simply throw the sunflower seeds into their mouths, adjust the position of the tongue, bite with their big teeth, and then spit out the skin.

  The boiled sunflower seeds are then dried in a converter, put the aniseed and salt, the whole way to eat in the mouth, the more you eat, the more salty you eat.

   "Puff! Puff! Xiaoyi, put less salt next time you make it."

  Bi Gou is a person who can't knock, he spit out the skin into a small basket made of bamboo.

  "Next time, dry stir-fry, put a little salt, large grains of salt. Old Bi, you have to learn to pinch the knock with your hands, rest assured, your teeth are back-set, and I will replace it if you knock out the gap."

  Li Yi did not knock the seeds, fearing that his mouth would become dry, so he drank too much water.

  He didn't dislike the heat, so he roasted sweet potatoes and ate them with Princess Yongmu, Xiaolan, Shidai Zhudan, and Princess Jincheng.

    There are only two chapters today. After the vaccine is given, the farmer should take a good rest, and more tomorrow. By the way, the typos of the past two days have been corrected. Thank you brothers and sisters for subscribing, monthly tickets, rewards, recommendations, and collections! The farmer bowed!



  (End of this chapter)

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