Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1907: The palace does not stay far away

Li Longji's guard of honor was put out, and the team went to the Ziwei City in Luoyang with great strength.

History was changed by Li Yi, and Li Longji only came to Luoyang this year.

The name was still proposed by Li Yi before. There is no Lizheng Xiu Academy at the moment, and Li Yi is ready to take the time to get it out.

He was also preparing to print out the four books compiled by others. It was too hard to copy and there were too many words.

He brought a set of copper movable type that Princess Golden Fairy had exchanged back, and continued to distribute newspapers in Luoyang.

The important content of the newspaper is the same as that of the Chang'an newspaper, telling some things about His Majesty in Luoyang, call it and show it to the people of Jingzhao Mansion.

Print out the book, typesetting and printing, keep a few more sets, no, hundreds of sets, to avoid losing them.

The people of Luoyang were happy like the New Year, and the emperor came to lively.

Dongzhu Li came to be rich, who didn't know that the people in the place where he was had extra income!

On the nearby mountain, a lot of people are hired every day to buy and sell things. Some days ago, they were doing construction work and expanding the courtyard.

The road from the mountain to Xiaoluonan Village is wide and flat, and the income of the people who work on the road has increased a lot.

Li Longji and others looked for their own palace, but Li Yi didn't look for it.

His place is next to Li Longji's bedroom. He has also worried about this. After getting married, does he live with the old man?

"Li Lang, our hall is clean and tidy. I just took Xiaolan to see it."

Li Yi controlled the drone to fly in the sky. When watching the overall layout of Luoyang, Princess Yongmu happily ran over.

"Stay for a few days. After the great dynasty meeting in Qianyuan Hall on September 15th, let's go to live on the mountain. Now the repairs are almost done, and the place has expanded again."

Li Yi doesn't want to live in Ziwei City. The place is small and the hospital is not easy to settle.

The mountains to the east are good, and all mountains belong to him, no matter whether it is barren mountains or silkworm breeders, they will be neatly cleaned up.

The big mulberry trees were cut down and the roots were planed out. The newly planted mulberry trees can already raise silkworms.

There are also terraces, grape trusses, greenhouse areas, and breeding areas, replicating Lijiazhuangzi next to Bashui.

"Oh!" Princess Yongmu replied and looked up: "The telephone line has been pulled over? Is there a place on the mountain for a great meeting?"

She understood that everyone went to live on the mountain together, including Zaifu and his family, as usual.

The palace is no better than Lijiazhuang, Lijiazhuang is comfortable and idyllic.

The court lady **** didn't throw it into the well in Lijiazhuangzi, and there were no people who accidentally stumbled and drowned in the pond.

"Two lines, don't go to the same place, to avoid being destroyed. Luoyang is indeed inferior to Chang'an, and the workshops are too chaotic."

Li Yi said that he controlled the drone to fly back, replaced it with a new battery and let it go again.

"Chang'an is under your management, and the city plan is upgraded and improved on the basis of the existing structure."

Princess Yongmu is full of pride when she talks about Chang'an.

After Luoyang waits for a while, it will become like Chang'an, and all the mess will disappear.

The underground dark forces must be honest. Are you dark? Darker than my Li Lang? No, my Li Lang is kind.

"Luoyang is similar to Chang'an, with a lot of temples and temples.

Shall we break the four olds? Forget it, the books and other things handed down from the previous dynasty are still precious.

Many county records are kept. This is a heritage of civilization and cannot be destroyed in my hands. I have to protect it.

Yes, the county government in various places copied a copy and sent it to Luoyang, and I asked someone to sort it out and print it.

Put it in libraries everywhere, and whoever wants to write a literary work in the future is easy to find. "

Li Yi mumbled as he watched. He has been collecting famous calligraphy, paintings and books from the past.

Take a picture, save it on the computer, several extra hard drives.

If there is any accidental defect, find a professional person to repair it. Whoever wants to see it can watch it on the light curtain or through the glass to see the calligraphy and painting.

The drone flew buzzing, and someone looked up and saw it, pointing.

"Work, don't look at the excitement, oops! Courage! You dare to steal things in my presence.

What about you, wearing a straw hat and grey wooden shoes on your feet.

Don't run, I tell you, you go to the yamen, I count you surrendered, if you run away, I will send Yulin Feiqi to catch you.

Yes, stand, everyone help catch him, I took it, and he stole someone's exchange voucher.

Don't fight, don't fight, what should I do if I die? Stealing is not a capital crime. "

Li Yi controlled the drone to watch, and found that someone reached out while others were looking up at the sky, grabbed a few exchange coupons and ran.

"Look, things like this are unlikely to happen in Chang'an. There is work to be done to rectify certain industries."

Li Yi saw that the man was beaten and walked to the Yamen by himself, relieved.

He doesn't care about the individual stealing money, he has to catch the person behind it.

Thieves are organized and few go alone.

Including the beggars, the gang of beggars, they are not called by this name now.

Those bosses can be sentenced to death if they catch a question, just to practice their hands and work.

Who do you know behind? Whoever catches you, catch the other party together.

He continued to collect data and produced a complete picture on the software to see how it changed.

The people began to say that Li Dongzhu flew in the sky with treasures like a god, and was so high that he could actually see the actions of the people below.

Li Longji tidied up and had a meeting. Zhang said that he brought people of Grade 3 and above to participate. UU Reading

"How is Feishan County now?" Li Longji asked Zhang, Xiaoluonan Village was washed away, and other places in Feishan County were unlucky.

"Li Jiazhuang has packaged the hot springs, and the money is paid by them. Every family builds a new house and builds a two-story building, which is better than before."

Zhang said first to mention Lijia Zhuangzi. Zhuangzi’s people were responsible for the post-disaster reconstruction work, and Henan Province sent someone to take notes.

"How is the law and order of Henan Mansion?" Li Longji nodded, changing to another question.

"Back to your Majesty, public security can be described as not closing the house at night, not picking up the road, wherever..."

"Report! Your Majesty, just now Li Disposal used a drone to find a thief, and the people were talking about it." Gao Lishi entered the door.

Zhang said: "..."

"Zhang Qing continued." Li Longji looked at Zhang and said with a smile in his eyes.

"The minister is guilty, and I don't want to have a fish slipping through the net." Zhang said that he pleaded guilty first, and he wanted to kill the man.

Li Yi put the drone to see things, you dare to do it, your majesty is here, can't you stop for a while?

"The crime of deceiving the emperor." Yao Chong messed up, what a fish that slipped through the net, you are lying to your majesty.

Zhang said that he ignored Yao Chong and continued: "The people have a good life, and there are few criminals. Anyone who wants to work has a work to do."

"What's the plan for winter?" Li Longji asked again, and he also refused to answer Yao Chong's words.

Some situations will change later, and no underground forces can be disobedient.

"If it freezes in Luoshui, take ice to store it, transport goods at the railway station, concentrate coal mining, make coal billets in the open space outside the city, increase funding for Beitianfang, and ask Li Yi what extra work he has."

Zhang said that he answered from the aspects of trading, heating, and subsidies, and finally passed the question to Li Yi.

He didn't want to find work for the people, knowing he couldn't compare to Li Yi.

Li Yi's drone is flying, not for fun.

Where is Li Yi, what do you worry about? The best way is to cooperate.

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