Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1908: Responding to no intention to fight

Zhang said that he didn't care about the details from the big point of view.

The new magistrate of Feishan County, Xiao Wei, Zhengmajin of Xiaoluonan Village, and Li Guiheng, the person in charge of Lijiazhuangzi, were sent to the temple.

When Xiao Wei and Ma Jin were walking, their legs were trembling and afraid. Your Majesty wanted to ask about things.

Li Guiheng's expression was calm. He wanted to finish quickly and go to the proprietor. He knew all the people in the temple.

He dared to threaten Zhang, how could he be afraid.

Your Majesty, when he was in Zhuangzi, he wanted to see him every day.

He bowed first and said: "Good Majesty."

The other two people followed, sweating constantly.

Li Longji didn't feel that the county magistrate and the village were timid. He spoke to Li Guiheng first in a gentle voice: "Guiheng is in charge of this place, but it's hard work!"

"Your Majesty, we studied in Zhuangzi. We were a little flustered when we first arrived, and then quickly adjusted our mentality.

The main reason is to think about the people's livelihood, and try to provide more jobs when improving Zhuangzi's hilltop.

Part of the materials were specially prepared to deal with emergencies.

In exchange, more profits are given to the people, and profits are lowered. But trading rules should not be easily abolished, so that the people will know fairness. "

Li Guiheng responded fluently, he had already thought of what to say before he came.

He is not nervous, even if he says something wrong, he will not lose his head and go back to life.

Li Longji liked this atmosphere and smiled: "Will Xiao Luonan Village be affected in winter?"

"Your Majesty can rest assured that there is nothing wrong with the loss of some houses, livestock, and poultry.

They built a new house for them, in the name of investment by Henan Province, but actually exchanged the right to operate the hot springs.

Zuixianju branch opened in the local area. Nowadays, the roads are normal and there is no shortage of customers.

The people in Luoyang Palace like to go there, and the villagers spare time to help. With the instruction of your majesty, they are hardworking, kind and simple. "

Li Guiheng didn't talk about winter, but after answering, it showed that there was no problem in winter, and Zuixianju branch opened.

When the two asked questions, Xiao Wei and Ma Jin eased their nervousness.

They found that his Majesty was very good at talking, just like chatting at home.

"Where is the county?" Li Longji's eyes shifted to look at Xiao Wei.

"It's all well in the county." Xiao Wei was sweating again. He had also typed in the draft when he came, but he couldn't remember it anymore.

"How many houses are destroyed? How much is the loss of livestock? Has the road been destroyed? How many households in the county? How many people? Give me some data."

Li Longji reminded, let's talk, don't be afraid.

"Ah? Count? I, the minister, the minister is looking for the master book, the horse master book knows."

Xiao Wei stared. After he took office, he saw the people busy building houses, and he arranged for someone to check the warehouse.

If there was a problem in the previous term, check the warehouse and check the accounts, hand it over to the military, and convict others.

He doesn't need to worry about other things, Lijiazhuangzi takes over, now asks for data, finds the master book, and the master book manages the data.

"Yeah!" Li Longji was disappointed, this county magistrate, let's transition.

The only reassuring thing is that he is more obedient, listening to the words of Lijiazhuang's Zhuanghu, who is a good official if he doesn't command blindly.

"Does Ji have data?" Li Longji wanted to know the situation.

Zhang said that he was staring at Xiao Wei. You are only thinking about clarifying the account, so as to avoid accidents when you pick up the wrong account yourself?

"Chen..." Zhang said it was difficult to speak.

"Your Majesty, the data is always changing. Zhang Fuyin has discussed with me to provide data every three days, especially for large livestock."

Li Guiheng took the conversation. He and Zhang said that they had a good chat, so let's make a relief.

"Today happens to be the third day. Feishan County has five villages under its jurisdiction. Xiaoluonan Village is the largest. There are 165 households in Xiaoluonan Village, with a population of 811.

The other four villages have 436 households with a population of 3,650. In recent days, the new population has been 30 and the dead population has been six.

The mountain torrent destroyed 300 houses, but all houses were rebuilt.

Every farmer has 1.2 heads of cattle, 0.116 horses, 0.55 mules, and 0.45 donkeys.

The pig family has an average of 1.5, and there are only 200 sheep.

All the roads that were washed out were repaired, and at the same time, the total number of normal roads was more than 270 miles.

Poultry farming, due to the short incubation period, has a record of selling and eating at home. According to data model analysis, the total number of poultry in stock is between 37,000 and 39,000. "

Li Guiheng wow wow wow, like a few treasures, he usually tells the data, the poultry he did not go to ask from house to house, but there are data models that can be used, and there are errors.

After he finished speaking, the hall was silent, and everyone looked at him, including Xiao Wei.

Xiao Wei looked at Li Guiheng's eyes as if he had seen a ghost, how did you know that?

Li Longji raised his hands and slapped his hands all at once.

The officials suddenly applauded, and there was a wave of applause.

Zhang said that he nodded vigorously while applauding, wishing to go over and kiss Li Guiheng vigorously, you are my brother.

After more than twenty seconds, the applause stopped, and Li Longji sighed: "Oh! It's a pity that you are the owner of Lijiazhuangzi, otherwise you will be the county magistrate."

"Your Majesty Xie appreciates it, but in my heart, the banker is better than the county magistrate, and I am willing to be the banker."

Li Guiheng looks down on the position of the county magistrate. How much does the county magistrate's salary have? I have nowhere to make money.

In a non-shan county, it is useful for the county magistrate to control the people's speech, or is it powerful in the name of Zhuangzi?

The county magistrate can see Fu Yin casually? No problem by myself.

Is the magistrate nervous when he meets your majesty? I have eaten with His Majesty in the cafeteria.

Can the magistrate’s little doll meet the queen? The little baby of my own family, the Queen, had embraced and kissed him.

This time when the proprietor comes, your majesty will go to live in Lijiazhuang on the mountain.

"That's true. UU reading www.uukā" Li Longji reacted and admitted that Lijiazhuang Zhuanghu had a higher status than the county magistrate.

If the county magistrate is capable of doing things, the banker can do everything, and the county magistrate may not be able to do things that the banker will do.

"Go back and remember to sort out the data." Li Longji didn't want to clean up the people on the first day, and gave Xiao Wei a chance.

"Your Majesty Xie." Xiao Wei's voice trembled.

He looked at Li Guiheng's eyes with a little horror. You, a banker, have nothing to remember about these things?

Seeing you several times, you are so busy and have free time to remember how many things the people have?

Bi Gou guessed Xiao Wei's mind and asked, "Which data does Guiheng memorize?"

"Back to Bi Zaifu and asked, how can I arrange post-disaster reconstruction if I don't know the data?

I don’t know about other counties, but I only know a rough idea, such as the number of households and population, and the data is updated every half a month.

Feishan County is a disaster-affected area, Lijiazhuangzi intervened and must be done properly.

The dealers who came with me are all contributing, not my own work.

I want to come to Xiao Mingfu to take up a new post, but the teamwork is still adapting, and it will be perfected soon. "

Li Guiheng didn't forget to pull Xiaowei when he let the gong, don't be taken down, this person is very good, he can do whatever he asks him to do.

After speaking, he turned his head and looked at Zhang and said. Zhang said nodded slightly and blinked his eyes to show that he would not clean up Xiao Wei and give you face.

"Rest." Li Longji got the answer he wanted to know and told the three people that he could leave.

Outside, Xiao Wei gave a deep salute to Li Guiheng: "Thank you Guiheng for your help."

"Brother Xiao is polite. How can your Majesty come here for the first time? The person who steals will be dealt with lightly." Li Guiheng returned the courtesy.

Xiao Wei finds a place to rest to see if there are other things, if not, he has to go back to the county.

Ma Jin also wants to leave and was held by Li Guiheng: "Ma Cunzheng, I will take you to see the proprietor and see if the proprietor has any good ways to make more money for the villagers."


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