Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1910: Money is a matter of leisure fishing

"Xiao Yi, what kind of dish is this?" Bi Gou looked for the dinner plate and pulled a chair cheeky and sat down.

"Chicken slices with scallion oil! Haven't eaten them in Zhuangzi?"

Li Yi adjusted his position. He was sitting between Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan just now, and now he is pasting Bigou.

"Different? See there is a difference." Bi Gou looked carefully and gave an assessment.

"Yes, money is different. The annual fiscal revenue of Jingzhao Mansion is higher than that of Henan Mansion.

The 50 million yuan I said before has almost reached it. I will add 1 million yuan to make more money.

This year, the Ministry of Households went out to rent out, guaranteeing 51 million yuan. "

Li Yi promised that you leave as soon as possible and don't delay our meal.

"The old man is short of money? Ten thousand hundred yuan? Ha ha! Xiao Yi, you see that this chicken slice looks regular, not like a five catty chicken with an extra two corners, it is like a six catty chicken."

Bi Gou stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a piece of chicken, held it in front of his eyes and said while watching.

"Bi Zaifu, where can I get an extra 10 million yuan in fiscal revenue, unless my family Li Lang prints it out for you."

Princess Yongmu is upset, you are too greedy!

I always ask for money from my Li Lang, you are my Li Lang printing money? No, you printed it casually as money?

"Wen Tian is not anxious, five catties of chicken, one or two more, asymmetrical, one or two more, the chicken wings are balanced, one or two more on one side."

Bi Gou immediately reduced the price, not ten million, one million, and then another one million.

After speaking, he muttered in a very aggrieved manner, "I didn't get a cent of the money. The old man begs for food all day long."

"Old Bi, you can pull it down! Whoever begs for a million yuan, Datang will be begging everywhere in the future." Li Yi was amused.

He laughed a few times, "Old Bi, do you know how the money comes from now? Many of them belong to luxury goods, and they brought out the money that some people had saved before."

"Is there a total amount?" Bi Gou said he understood, it is impossible to throw money out of his savings all the time.

"Well! Money is the medium for the growth of social wealth. The issuance of non-credit currency does not lie in the production in the fields." Li Yi said again.

"It lies in the collateral, including the appreciation and depreciation of the collateral, which is directly proportional." Bi Gou took the words, he had learned.

"If it's super hair, I have a way to fill in the principal quickly and grab it again in advance. Ten million yuan is okay, trust me."

Li Yi handed over the information, now you need 10 million more fiscal revenue, I will give it.

"Then you can't spend it, don't you?" Bi Gou is like squirrel, just thinking about reserves.

"You can spend as much money as you want. You ask for it later, and again after the Chinese New Year. If you can take out 10 million yuan, it will naturally increase to 15 million yuan.

It is better to raise fish than to fish in Huze. How can killing chickens to get eggs better than laying eggs? I will give you whichever you want. "

Li Yi put the matter open and said, choose whatever you want.

"The old man actually does anything. I just want to hear you talk about how easy it is to make money. The old man is happy."

Bi Gou threw the chicken slices into his mouth, chewing and carrying the plate to another place.

"I think he just used an excuse to steal a piece of our chicken to eat." Li Yi analyzed.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan nodded, yes, that's right.

"Li Lang, there are too many bean sprouts." After a piece of chicken was stolen, Princess Yongmu dropped her chopsticks and found a pile of bean sprouts.

"It's cold in Chang'an, warm in Luoyang, and the fire is big. Eat bean sprouts to help fight fire.

I just came here today. Let’s eat chicken meat first, and duck meat at night.

However, duck meat is cold, which just surpasses the change of latitude. Chicken is gentle, but lamb is not suitable. "

Li Yi stated his purpose of providing the recipe. Today’s lunch dishes included peppers.

Just like basking in the sun, when you suddenly go out in the house, it is hot outside. The first reaction of many people is to shiver and have a cold lower abdomen.

Luoyang is hot at noon, hot outside but cold inside, eat chicken top-->>

go out.

Eat duck meat at night to help with conditioning.

Otherwise, there are many pigs in Henan Province, why not eat them?

Nowadays, pigs have a lot of fat, so lean meat and fat meat must be counted separately. There is too much oil and water.

"Will you be uncomfortable?" Xiao Lan picked up bean sprouts with chopsticks.

"No, let's drink boiled water. In the afternoon, we will go fishing and take samples to see if the flora is different. The impact will not be big."

Li Yi is a doctor, he needs to arrange things first.

Otherwise, whoever is ill will still find him for treatment, and he will not be able to avoid it.

In the afternoon, others went to rest, and Li Yi, who hadn't eaten much, went fishing in Luoshui.

Guo Ziyi led the team to be responsible for the protection, and the cost of such fishing was too high.

Li Yi rowed a boat with two people into the middle of the river to take water samples, and his heads appeared around him from time to time. Yu Lin Fei rode around.

The flow of Luoshui is slower than that of the Yellow River, and it is relatively less turbid.

After taking the water sample, Li Yi rowed the boat back to the shore.

"It looks okay, put it aside, and go back for testing." Li Yi took out the fishing rod.

Very simple fishing rod, silk-cotton blended line, bamboo pole, just on the shore, no throwing rod, no nesting.

He hangs earthworms on the bait, dug beside it, and collects materials on the spot.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan are ready to dip the net and eat popcorn by the way, real corn popcorn.

It's not fried in a wok, that kind of corn is not available now.

Take the pressure cooker to explode normally, and then put it in the roller to grind down the outer skin and irregularities.

The brown sugar put when it burst has a caramel smell.

Li Yi lifted the pole again and again to put it a little bit upstream and then lifted it up after drifting down.

He does not float, and the water flow is slower than the Yellow River, which does not mean it is not in a hurry.

He tied a small stone at random without adding a plumb.

Then he got on the fish. There were so many fish in the river. Sometimes he could anchor the fish with a single hook, instead of falling, but hanging on the fish.

"This is for the little brother, please keep the pole steady!" Someone next to him was also fishing, and later.

Li Yi chose a good position and always fished. His ability to fish with single hook without drifting proved his previous skills.

It depends on the weather, what bait you want to catch, the area where the current is slow...

He used to be wild fishing, not pond fishing. It was not that he looked down on pond fishing, but his clients liked wild fishing.

Pond fishing is better to buy fish, what you want to eat and buy.

Fishing for others is fun. Fishing belongs to survival. Accompanying customers well is the key to their identity and location.

"Meng, all fishing depends on Meng, and I get one piece of it."

Li Yi didn't have time to talk to the other party about his skills. His rods and everything are very simple, the key is for him to fish.

"What are you pretending to be a fish?" The other party thinks that it is true, Meng!

Turning around, I found that I hadn't seen the fish-carrying equipment. Everyone used wooden barrels or nets floating in the river.

This is like cloth. What kind of pole is used to support it.

"The tarpaulin, iron poles, are generally used by the military, which is convenient for taking water at any time. The tarpaulin is made of multi-layer splicing, which is strong and durable."

Li Yi introduced military products. This thing is folded, there are two kinds of round and square.

The round bearing surface is balanced and used as a normal bucket.

The square is easy to transport, the structure can be used as a simple module, and the round is not easy to stack.

What Li Yi brought was square, folded in various ways, and finally turned into a stick-shaped body, like a rolling pin.

Special for Habayashi Feiqi, high cost.

"Where did you buy it? Looks very practical, isn't it expensive?" The other party has eyesight.


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