Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1911: The water quality is clear from the sale of small money

Li Yi looked at this person: "It's not practical to buy it. It's easy to be broken when it is folded and unfolded many times. It is necessary to improve the level of craftsmanship."

"I just look at it. I have a little money in a certain family. If the price is right, I can buy it for a while and then change it into a new barrel. What's the harm?"

The other party showed that I have money and I don't care.

"Yi Yu." Li Yi directly offered a high price, telling the other side to quit.

"Buy five...?" This person didn't know what to call a folding bucket, and finished speaking, he took out the exchange voucher.

"Five five for this man." Li Yi is not afraid that others will have a lot of money. A thousand dollars to buy a folding bucket is a ruin!

However, it is not expensive, and the barrel is wronged. The thread on the pole cannot be made by ordinary people, and the blending technology can not be achieved by ordinary people.

A few minutes later, someone sent five folding buckets.

The other party opened the test one by one, and then filled the water without leaking, and they all passed the test. I picked it up and walked straight away, not knowing where I was going.

After fishing for a while, Li Yi felt that it was almost the same, enough for more than a dozen people, ready to go back.

A group of people ran over here, shouting as they ran.

"Bucket sellers, I want five."

"Are there any bigger ones? I'll buy them."

"Ten, let someone get it."

Li Yi stopped, and asked Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan: "I asked for a low price just now?"

"Luoyang has no less wealthy people than Chang'an." Xiaolan said with emotion.

"Li Lang, you didn't talk about the warranty replacement, they can still be sold if they are worn out." Princess Yong Mu thought of the key thing.

"Sure enough, there is a lot of money to play fishing. I went back to design a set of fishing tools. I matched the bait and advertised it. There is hope for Lao Bi's two million yuan."

Li Yi calculated how much he would earn two million dollars from the sale. He deducted the cost, and the profits could be given to Lao Bi, making him happy.

Folding buckets are hard to count on. A set of fishing tackle, a set of fifty yuan, is it expensive?

He can't sell the material for the nest, it belongs to the grain.

Other small nest materials, medicine materials, etc., which are used in small amounts, can be sold, but the price is still expensive.

Add formula bait suitable for one or several kinds of fish, and one rod can be thrown in for one day of fishing.

It's absolutely impossible to expect fishing to get rid of the fish in Datang Luoshui now.

Throw the bait in and feed the fish. The rich go fishing every day, and eat the fish they catch every day.

"Why don't I open hundreds of ponds? Set up prizes, sell tickets, and fish are marked." Li Yi thought of the method of fishing pond gambling.

The time to make money will be decided, and everyone will come together.

A person collects ten dollars, and according to different rankings, the bonuses or real objects are different.

He gave the operation to the real object, and the kerosene lamp could not be sold, and the price could not be reduced. It was calculated according to the selling price.

Others gambling on fishing, buying bait and rods from him, buying tickets, and even if almost half of the total income is given to kerosene lamp prizes, he earns almost 99.9%.

The reason why there is no need to add a nine is because fish has to be considered as capital and there is investment in fish farming.

Therefore, the marked fish should be hungry as much as possible. They will bite the hook quickly and end the round, otherwise others will catch all the other fish.

"What mark?" Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan asked in unison.

"Looking back, selling barrels." Li Yi got up.

The surrounding Yulin Feiqi was ready at any time, and the group of people ran and slowed down.

One person carefully looked at Yulin Feiqi, then looked at Li Yi, and asked speculatively: "Proprietor Li?"

"How do you know?" Li Yi didn't hide it, he wondered, in order to prevent being onlookers, Yu Lin Feiqi did not wear standard clothes.

"I just saw them swimming in the water. There are scars in the exposed places. Who can afford to raise them? Who dares to raise them? You are too much.

Your Majesty is here, the guards you follow are naturally powerful, and you are selling new and strange things, and the beautiful women around you are different from the ordinary. "

This person said his own observation and analysis, Yu Lin Feiqi's eyes were oppressive, when he regarded others as possible ‘terrorists’.

"Can you still buy it?" Li Yi worried about the issue of buying and selling.

"Buy, the folding bucket that Dongzhu Li personally bought, one by one, is cheap."

"How many barrels did Li Dong earn from selling a barrel?"

"Take it out and tell others that you have a face and beauty."

"I buy one hundred."

"I bought a thousand. I don't have enough money. I owe it. I will find someone to go home and get it."

Everyone clamored to buy more, Li Dongzhu is here, and the beauties next to them are guaranteed to be Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan.

How much does Wentian Lanxiangge sell something? This folding bucket is only one by one.

"Why do you buy that many? Resale? No. One person can buy up to five things for Yulin Feiqi." Li Yi refused.

He doesn't have more inventory balance. What if he doesn't use things when he suddenly encounters a situation?

Forty-four people bought the bucket with satisfaction and left. They promised Li Yi that they would not sell it, and they would leave a confession.

Some people murmured to go home and put the baby in this bucket to soak in water so that he wouldn't get sick.

"Sure enough, the asking price is low, alas!" Li Yi suddenly felt empathy for Bi Gou's experience, money!

Princess Yongmu covered their mouths and laughed, and Li Yi had never reported his identity before.

"Go away, go back to see the water quality and the condition of the fish."

Li Yi put away his fishing rod, and others are responsible for helping him bring the fish back.

Others are making a whole duck feast. He checks the water quality and fish. He knows if the heavy metals exceed the standard. All cement plants and steel plants require high standards and are not allowed to directly discharge waste water into the river.

The people depend on the river for their lives, and they get sick from eating, which affects Li Yi's lifespan.

Others' fate and conscience say they are worthless, what about your own?

Bi Gou found Princess Yongmu: "Princess, Xiao Yi sells a folding bucket?"

"Bi Zaifu is indeed well-informed. He didn't sell much. Forty-four people, five per person, only two hundred and twenty."

Princess Yongmu looked at Bi Gou in surprise, don't you even let this little money go?

"Xiaoyi doesn't sell more, it's not without demand. Luoyang buys it, is there nowhere else?"

Bi Gou settled an account and sold one million buckets, and one million would come out.

"When Li Lang is free, take a look." Princess Yongmu is not good at directly attacking Bi Gou, and she is afraid that her family will suffer.

"It has to be so." Bi Gou couldn't call out Li Yi at work unless there was a major incident.

When dinner opened, Li Yi wandered out, changed into a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck.

For the whole duck feast, a lot of ducks are released. Fortunately, they are not fed with hormones and antibiotics. They are not fast-growing ducks, and no one is willing to feed ducks.

Everyone still eats in a self-help manner. Li Yi came to Li Longji's table, and he didn't want to be caught by Bi Gou again.

Behind Taohong and others carts, there are braised fish, steamed fish, boiled fish, fried fish steaks...

He took the time to bring Tao Hong and the others to make a whole fish banquet.

"Look at the situation, water and fish are good?" Li Longji saw that something could be prepared and delivered, and he obviously passed the test.

"The big tank in the people's home is supposed to be used, and the sewage is not discharged directly into the river."

Li Yi passed the water quality test to understand the situation, and the sewage he mentioned was manure.

The people in the various squares of Luoyang Palace buried large tanks and kept them as fertilizer. It is estimated that the other places are also cesspit reserves.

The operation process is the same as that of Chang'an, and the river water is clean.


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