Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1917: The method of making money can't sleep at night

"Official land is not to be sold lightly. There is an account. When I came to Luoyang, it was rented land on the mountain next to it."

Li Yi talked about once, he came up to bribe first.

"Then..." Li Longji remembered the matter.

He is so entangled. Could it be that you started with the Henan government officials looking for opportunities to start?

“I’ll give it extra money. I rent a lot and it’s cheap. I return it to the people. My goal is to deploy quickly.

They are people who do things. After they get the money, they are indeed very cooperative and good officials.

Lao Bi knew that he went to me specifically, and I promised to implant his teeth. "

Li Yi picked himself out. Mine is more illegal, and I am flexible.

"So, shouldn't it be caught?" Li Longji doesn't care about the result. You are bribery in the process, and now others follow the prescription to catch the medicine, whether it is judged or not?

"Their rented land is not accounted for at all. I go through official channels. I am giving benefits. They have the account, the money remains the same, and the leased area increases."

Li Yi put forward the key point, how much money to rent out, if you do not go to the government, it is illegal.

Li Longji pondered: "Dao Ji..."

"Lao Zhang doesn't know, he can't personally see which piece of land belongs to the yamen and which piece belongs to him.

What's more, those who use the land do not cut piles, dig ponds, destroy mulberry, or grow grain.

The ground is relatively intact, so I have only dug a few small holes for fertilization. "

Knowing the situation, Li Yi smiled and said, haven't you seen it? It is not destroyed when it is used on the ground.

Li Longji was lost and rented the land...

"What are they used for?" he asked.

"We have the same place in Zhuangzi, on the mountain. Third brother, you also praised the good chicken and the smell of wood frog." Li Yi pointed to the northwest.

"They used it to raise pigs, chickens, and frogs?"

Suddenly, Li Longji didn't touch anything else, he just needed a place.

"They don't know how to raise frogs. After I came here, everyone raised pigs and poultry, and the artificial incubation speed was fast.

There must be a place to raise everything. The newspaper says that hundreds of chickens cannot be kept in cages. It is easy to get sick and die.

The local family rented the land in this way, and the pig manure was concentrated and then fattened.

Chicken manure enters the forest, and the forest will be fattened by the next rain, so you can help the forest. "

Li Yi told the actual situation, otherwise how would he tell the other party to surrender.

Hand over the greedy money, extra fines, and those who save a lot of money by renting land and bribes double the money.

"Hey!" Li Longji sighed, and took a drink: "I'm full of my own pockets."

"Well! If I were them, I would be able to make more money on my own, and the court would have income, but I wouldn't break the law or even get a commendation. They did it wrong."

Li Yi looked sorry for others, and he didn't want to pursue the matter hard.

Why did people take the initiative to plead guilty? The other party clearly knew that the crime was not serious.

Anyone who commits theft can surrender, and then surrender the proceeds.

"Li Yi, what do you do?" Princess Yuzhen was silent just now, asking anxiously.

"I wrote a letter that the official land is not a land for hiring silkworms. I can use it for other purposes. I am ignorant and dare not go. The people go well,"

According to Li Yi's letter, there are new ways to use land. I am afraid that the people will not dare.

When the time comes, you don’t have to raise things yourself, who won’t? Others are responsible, and sell the money to oneself after raising them, without giving out their own feed.

Yamen only accepts a small amount of money, which is an additional economic growth point and benefits the people.

Look, I made more money, the people didn't suffer a loss, and the fiscal revenue was also available, so let me be promoted.

Princess Yuzhen was stunned to hear that, can she make money so magnificently and righteously?

Write it down, help Ron ask, write to him later, how can I learn such a thing by reading a book?

Princess Jinxian's eyes rolled: "If you make money by yourself, how do other officials respond?"

"You can't eat alone, you must bring Henan Mansion Yin Zhang said.

Look at how many official land there is, and issue an order that the officials in Henan Province must choose a land and pay for it themselves.

According to their official positions and grades, they assume different areas and are responsible for finding common people to promote it.

I am a small official and I am responsible for one thousand acres. Zhang said that the official is a big one, at least 10,000 acres.

He is an example, leading the officials in the mansion, devoted himself to the welfare of the people, and died. "

Li Yi shook his head and waved his hands again. The benefits should not be taken by himself, otherwise it is guaranteed that something will happen.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." Princess Yuzhen agreed and wrote down.

Li Longji: "..."

He suddenly stretched out his hand and rubbed it on Li Yi's head. It was a long time since he rubbed it.

Li Yi didn't respond, and picked up a snail to eat.

The people eating at other tables nearby stopped at this moment to look at Li Yi.

They heard from the beginning to the end. When Li Yi said that Old Bi, Bi Gou recalled it.

Zhang said that he was grateful, but he didn't watch. Li Yi helped him speak. Now, how does he relate to himself about using his identity to make money?

"How to deal with this matter?" Li Longji turned back to reality after learning.

"State-owned and national law, I am dismissing officials, and I don't care." Li Yi picked himself out again.

"Xiao Yi, you are Datang Disposal Officer." Song Jing reminded, do you want to run at the critical moment?

"No, resign." Li Yi spread his hands together.

"When did you leave?" Su Ting asked suspiciously.

"Just resigned." Li Yi answered naturally.

"Di Yi is right. UU reading" Li Longji helps, ask Yi Di for everything?

Everyone turned their heads and drank boring wine, the day was over.

I kept it from us when I shot the shot, and we are responsible for the finishing work?

"I wonder what's going on outside?" Li Longji looked at the night sky.

Tonight’s Luoyang Palace is difficult to sleep. The night life stops. Everyone stays up and listens behind the door and next to the window.

The light outside the window would make people feel a little relieved. The army of Luoyang Palace was arranged to be next to the sixteenth guards, each with one.

Appears to value them, and prevents them from gathering mutiny.

If they didn't understand the situation, they were easily slaughtered by the generals who were coaxed and instigated by the general.

Mutiny is a major event, maybe heavy machine guns will appear.

The local soldiers were scattered, and anyone who wanted to make trouble could not assemble them at all.

The sergeants helped carry the lamps. They were willing to watch the kerosene lamps. There were too few in Luoyang.

This kind of kerosene lamp can adjust the size of the flame through the length of the wick, but it cannot pump gas.

It can be used for hot air balloons and blowtorches can be pressurized.

"The kerosene lamp is filled with oil once, how long does it burn?" a soldier in Luoyang asked the sixteenth guard who had communicated with the child's parents before.

"With a flame as big as now, there will be plenty of room for oil at dawn.

The pupils used to study are small, starting at dark, and will not light up in the middle of the night, tell them to sleep.

Since the kerosene lamp in Chang'an City was not carried, it ignited in a big circle all night. "

The people of the sixteenth guards are also idle when they are idle, let's chat, otherwise they are sleepy.

"Will you burn a lot of money in one night?" The local soldiers felt it wasted.

"The people of Chang'an sleep well, get a good night's sleep, don't get sick, work to make money and buy things, and pay enough taxes to pay for lamp oil."

The Sixteen Guards explained from another angle that when the people saw the dim light outside the window, not only would they not fall asleep, but they would sleep more securely.

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