Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1918: Yuesheng Wulu does not infringe

The man who talked to Sixteen Guards before, he sat by the window and listened, his wife was with him.

The child is sleepy and goes to bed after dinner.

The couple wanted to know more about the situation. They moved a bench, sat facing the window, and watched the light outside.

The man's hand is on the woman's shoulder, and the woman's hand is around the man's waist.

After a while, the man put his arms around the woman's waist, and the woman tilted her head against the man's body.

They listened, and they started to doze off.

Obviously it was a nervous event of arresting people and closing the streets, and the couple felt happiness and tranquility from it.

Not only them, but many people feel this way in their furniture, because there are sixteen guards waiting to guard it.

The army that you can rest assured stands guard outside your home, what else can you worry about?

"You put such a big bag next to it, what's in it? Can you ask?" The local soldier was curious about other people's military backpacks.

"Compressed biscuits, water bottle, alcohol cotton ball, ignition tool, sterile bandage, tactical saber, golden sore medicine, military coat, rope, sewage filter cloth, rock candy, soap, special medicine and other things."

The sixteen guards said it without concealing it.

"Why do you bring this thing?" The local soldier couldn't figure it out, what did you bring for a long journey?

"Always be prepared, in case of a sudden disaster, we will set off immediately.

Or other problems need rescue, we don't need to look for equipment anymore.

Initially, Habayashi Feiqi was like this, and then we qualified and joined in.

Li Dongzhu said that this is a twelve-hour all-weather army, and equipment is our life. We can fight at any time and win the battle. "

The sixteen guards are standing tall, we are different from you.

Our rival is Yulin Feiqi, and we are not afraid to fight with Yulin Feiqi with the same equipment, because we are crowded.

There are only 30,000 Yulin Feiqi, and we are more than 200,000. Everyone is training hard. No matter how bad we are, how many of us can't beat one?

The local soldier couldn't hear the voice of the sixteen guards, he was very longing for Dabao and wanted to have one.

"Can I buy things for money? I raise chickens at home, marinate salted eggs and turn them into eggs, and sell them to make some money." He wants to buy them.

"I guess your Majesty and Dongzhu Li are in Luoyang this year. Brothers can post them before the New Year.

After a while, we will take turns wearing military coats to sleep while the other is watching the night, changing every hour.

The night in Luoyang is much warmer than Chang'an. It's great to have you. "

The sixteen guards smiled, one more person, and he had time to rest instead of staying up all night.

"Do you look at the door?" The local soldier looked at the door behind him.

The couple who were about to fall asleep inside instantly became awake. They watched the door together. The door... is plugged in. Should it be opened?

"What do you want? Sleep outside. After that, you will receive new training and find a place to sleep at any time." The sixteenth guard said with a smile.

"I used to stay where I went." The local soldier looked at the stars in the sky, feeling the coldness, and said the way he should take.

"You said it used to be, not now. The strongest soldier does nothing against the people; the strongest soldier stands in front of the people in danger."

"It's cold at night."

"There is an army coat."

"You will get sick."

"There is medicine."

"Hungry to eat compressed biscuits?"

"If you don't eat, the more hungry you are, the more energetic you are."

As the two spoke, the man in the room left the stool and went to the door to remove the latch. The door creaked and opened a gap.

He came back and took his wife to sleep, telling people outside that he could come in at any time.

Yu Lin Fei rode to catch people, and by the way, he took some people's family members on the way, out of Luoyang Palace, to the mountain.


The cries of chickens sounded one after another, and people who opened restaurants and small restaurants habitually woke up.

People who need to get up early to work, get dressed, wash their faces casually, and go out without brushing their teeth.

The sky turned blue with a hint of pink.

Before the sun jumped out of the horizon, the sky to the west was bright.

Just as Li Yishi’s soldiers often do in disaster relief, many soldiers lie outside to sleep, not under the eaves, and are vulnerable to wind.

One person sleeps, and one person puts the kerosene lamp on the ground and goes around in circles.

Turn around and turn to someone else's place, talk a few words, and then turn back.

The requirements are not strict, otherwise communication is not allowed, in case the enemy sneaks in by the enemy when you can't hear anything else.

"Go cook quickly, leave the door and not come in. It was not when I was a child, the place had to be given to the soldiers, but also to cook for the soldiers."

The man in the couple opened the door to take a look, and distressedly greeted his wife to cook.

He couldn't figure it out, why can't the soldiers enter the house?

He didn't know that this operation was for fear of losing things in the people's homes, and some people had women in their homes.

Soldiers went in, and couldn't explain any problems. Reputation was more important than life.

Otherwise, how can anyone prove their innocence by death after being wronged? But the death of ‘him’, others don’t care.

The sun jumped out, and the morning glow was so beautiful.

Teams of people drove the car to various workshops and began to greet: "It’s time to eat, it’s time to eat!"

"His father, my meal is not ready yet." Hearing the movement, the man's wife ran to the door and took a look.

"Who cooks early in the morning?" The man was surprised.

The people of the Sixteenth Guards put out the light: "You can save it for Li Dongzhu is here, how can you eat less? The strongest part of the Bashui regiment is logistics."

"Bashui Zhuangzi?" the man asked.

"Leguan, Zhuangzi is at home, and the legion is going out.

No matter when and wherever the Bashui Corps is, there will be no logistical problems.

For dinner, your family will eat with us. Thank you for cooking for us. Are the two children awake? "

The sixteen guards heard what the man said before, and he couldn't stop him.

Now keep those rice, just rice, dry porridge, and pickles.

Able to eat three meals a day, get up to eat this in the morning, is a happy life.

The thick porridge will not be mixed and will not go bad in the evening.

It's really impossible to put it until noon, then heat it to turn into dry rice, then use cold water, make rice with water, and eat it at night, and it won't go bad.

The two children got up very reluctantly and brushed their teeth with a pig-hair toothbrush. They could both put the shrimp cages to make money, and naturally they had washing tools.

"Uncle, I still dreamed of you in my dream at night, and you are all right." The child said to the person in the sixteenth guard.

"Nothing, it should be." The sixteen guards responded with a smile.

"You killed children to eat meat, and ate more than a dozen children. When you came to me, you said you were full and you let me go. You are so good!" The child continued.

Sixteen Guardians: "..."

He regrets that he shouldn't give sweets yesterday. This is to give honey to the child's heart!

"Uncle, I'm kidding! I woke up in the morning, and I listened to the troubles. When I was confused, I saw you running away, saying don't disturb the child to sleep.

It's written in the newspaper, and the sound heard at this time will enter the dream and slowly wake up. "

The child smiled again when he saw each other.

"Drink saliva first, and eat after a while." The person from Sixteen Guards nodded the child's forehead with his finger.


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