Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1924: Alternative Talent Crab Taste

"I didn't want to kill, I want to scare his cows. I have a loud voice and can learn the sounds of other animals. I can learn from tigers and rush over. The cows are so scared that they fall to death. They insist on pushing the cows. ?"

The prisoner defended himself with aggrieved faces.

"You learn one, everyone wait and stop what you are doing." Li Yi didn't believe it, but he had to take precautions first.

There is a family in his Zhuangzi who is very powerful. When shouting, the common people can't learn the resonance, and there are people who can see the dim light in their eyes, plus the people who can echo the location.

I have checked my body, and there is no disease factor, and I began to focus on training, including people at home, throwing knives, and spears...

"Okay, I'll learn, I'm... Ow~~~~"

The prisoner roared out, and Li Yi's ears buzzed. The sound was not only loud, but also the frequency was different from that of normal people.

Including other prisoners and nurses, they all shuddered.

"Okay, I believe it, I will reverse the case for you, and you will go home after recovering from the injury, without having to work.

Although the result of the death of the cow is the same, you have no subjective intention to kill the cow.

How can you get beaten if you have this ability? You yelled and scared them. "

Li Yi opened his mouth vigorously, twisted his neck, and finally recovered.

"They were beaten just by shouting. They yelled in the middle of the night and even the cell boss beat me. I couldn't beat them. I'm not a real tiger." The prisoner grinned.

"Hahaha~~~" Many people, including the prisoners, laughed together.

"Where is the cow money?" Li Yiren asked the key question with a smile.

"I borrowed money to compensate and took the ground. The daughter-in-law took the two children to work to pay back." The prisoner's tears came out again.

"Go to someone, help pay back the money, call the child into the school, and tell his wife that he will be able to go out soon."

Li Yi ordered Ge Yan to run out.

"Dongzhu Li!" The prisoner stopped his tears suddenly and looked at Li Yi in surprise.

"You can imitate the calls of many animals. I have a job I need to deduct from your future wages. Oh, would you like to do it?"

Li Yi introduced his work. They weren't killing people, they were frightening cows.

In the middle of the night, I learnt how to call a tiger. It’s just his emotional intelligence, saying that he deliberately killed someone else’s cow. Does anyone believe it?

"Yes, I do." The prisoner quickly stated his position.

"Okay, no hurry, there are many kinds of animal and bird calls that you need to imitate and heal your wounds first." Li Yi continued to cast a cast.

"What do you do?" The prisoner couldn't figure out the use of his ability.

"Dubbing, you will know in the future." Li Yi didn't want to say more, because the other party couldn't understand it.

He wants to make a movie, the movie and sound need to be synchronized, not digital, very old movies.

It was silent at first, mainly because the synchronization problem was difficult to solve.

Later, there were voices and occasional problems. The mouth and voice of the people on the screen couldn't match up.

He wants to make film and take pictures of the people at that time.

Taking pictures is not just for fun, memorials, etc. The photos are pasted and entered into the household registration.

Datang's household registration is written to describe the appearance of others, and the marine catching documents generally highlight key figures and facial features.

He can directly produce color photos in one step, the information is ready, follow the operation!

Good voice actors are not easy to find. It is harder than making film. One is lying in front of him and he is just a cow.

"Master Li, I want to go home and have a look, and I'll be back after a glance." The prisoner asked to see if the house was leaking.

"Bringing his family, it happened to eat crabs at noon. Don't eat the injured ones. They need medicine."

Li Yi ordered again, Huang Bo ran away.

Qingsong and Ziyu didn't move, each with a trolley case. They were getting stronger, as in all four classes.

The competition and contradiction between each other does not change with the change of the rotating people, as long as the name does not change, you have to fight.


At noon, the sixteen guards, local soldiers, and most of Yulin Feiqi ate what they bought, and some people in the palace also ate them.

Li Yi and others ate crabs, and the Yulin Feiqi who went to catch crabs were like crabs.

Habayashi Feiqi’s crabs are placed in a soup of tofu and shredded radish. The staple food is rice and whole-wheat steamed buns.

A large bowl of soup for one person is considered a stew, with less soup and more dry goods.

There are four eggs in each bowl, plus a large smoked chicken drumstick.

They exercise a lot and need nutritional support, so they cannot do without meat and eggs.

The rich and the poor, the rich and the martial arts, mean to eat, but the body can't hold it without eating.

It was not the writing of Li Yi's time, and the money for supplementary lessons was countless times more than for food.

Can you eat three catties of beef a day? Three catties of beef is the supplementary fee for one section of some make-up classes.

Li Yi’s dishes here are spicy crab, steamed, stewed pumpkin, fried, crab marrow with sauce, and stuffed with crab bean curd...

The large ones are steamed naturally and eaten with **** vinegar or sanhe oil.

"This mouth, it's completely sly! A few years ago, how can you see the many ways of eating in front of you?"

Li Dan ate a tofu stuffed and sips a sip of health wine, feeling full of emotion.

Tofu stuffed with tofu is fried first, which is similar to the previous step of homemade tofu.

The difference is that one is steamed afterwards, the other is fried, or braised with juice.

"Our life is better than the common people's life. Xiao Yi likes to eat and enjoy our blessings. This child is a good bite."

Concubine Doulu regarded Li Yi as her grandson, and other grandsons were incomparable, even if Li Yi could only be her grandson-in-law.

"Our Yuanyuan can't be done without braising Xiao Yi made three braised dishes for me. It's a lot of trouble!" Li Dan looked at his granddaughter.

Princess Yongmu eats braised crabs, braised crab meat, and braised crab balls.

The first one is directly braised in brown sauce, the second is to steam the meat that you want to be big and then add the braised sauce a few times, and the third is to make the crab meat into big **** first, and then braise it in brown sauce.

They are all braised in soy sauce, but the taste is not much different. Li Yifei wants to make different styles because the taste is different.

A group of children who are not able to eat milk like crab paste bone marrow the most. They can also eat it if their teeth are not full.

"Sister, I want to change my name." Li Fukuan, no, Li Guizang said to the little girl.

"What? Do you have any comments on the name the master gave?" The little girl stared.

"No, I don't think I can achieve it! How can I be better than Master?

I just have a good memory, I can think carefully, and sometimes dare to fight.

For example, when I was bitten by the **** on my finger, I endured the pain and pulled out, biting the **** on the neck.

The **** can't let go. If it doesn't bite me, I have to bite it to death.

The master knows too much, I can’t learn, I can’t cook. "

Li Guizang was worried, once he was proud of his talent.

I was so proud that I didn't want to find Bi Gou as a master, so I had to find a better Li Yi.

After I became Li Yi's apprentice, I realized that my pride was nothing in front of the master, and the sister crushed herself.

Each of the dealers in the Zhuangzi may not be as good as their own in terms of memory, and none of them is worse in terms of seriousness and hard work in other areas.

"Junior brother, you are still young, don't be sad because of the temporary gap, you have to continue to study, and then you will get used to it, because you will find that the gap is getting bigger and bigger."

The little girl comforted her younger brother like this.

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