Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1925: Where did I meet a cow in 4 years

"Catch a grasshopper, change a grasshopper, catch a grasshopper and get an egg..."

The drizzle was sparsely falling, and a woman with a tired face but joy in her eyes led the two children across the bridge on Luoshui River.

She is holding a big new umbrella, covering her eight-year-old son, and the ten-year-old eldest son is holding the umbrella by himself.

The youngest son held a bunch of grasshoppers on the grass and sang nursery rhymes in his mouth.

The eldest son recites the content of the Analects, ‘a gentleman is not a week, but a villain is not a week. ’

The woman heard the nursery rhyme sung by her youngest son, as if she recalled: "Four years ago, he came to solve the locust plague in Shandong, but now it is hard to find locusts. Today he comes back to relieve my husband’s jail."

‘Puff! ’A fish jumped out of the water and plunged into the water.

"Mother! Will my brother and I go to the school next year?" The eldest child who recanted the Analects turned to the side, turned his head and raised his face and asked his mother.

Without waiting for the woman to answer, Huang Bo, who followed, said first: "Yes, I said hello to the school, and removed the two doctrines. You go back, and no one dares to talk about you again."

"Thank you, Dongzhu Li." The woman hurriedly thanked her.

His husband went in, and the child was attacked by other children in the school. The teaching parable should have been disciplined, but they acquiesced.

Even if the father of the child pushes someone else’s cow down the hillside to death, the compensation will be paid and the sentence will be sentenced.

This is not a crime of implicated, how can the actual implicated?

So the two doctrines were cleaned up, and the other students who said bad things about the two children were hand-held and forced to drop out of school if they were not convinced.

"My husband is okay?" The woman thought of the child's suffering in the school, and wondered whether the man had suffered.

"I will be able to go home in a few days. Today the proprietor is looking for you to eat crabs together." Ge Yan did not answer directly.

In the middle of the night, I was beaten as a tiger, my fingers were broken, and there were stitched wounds on my body. Why?

When a family of four met, the two children yelled Dad, tears streaming out.

The woman saw her man's body wrapped in gauze in more than ten places. She sat there and laughed silly, her tears turned around and forced back.

"A lot of people hit you?" The woman knew the cast, and the medical book specifically stated that the doctor in Luoyang would put the cast on the fractured person.

"They talk at night, and I can't tell. When I think about it, I won't let them sleep, so I shouted and frightened them. Hey!"

The man is not afraid now, who dares to hit himself again? I will work for Li Dongzhu in the future.

"Father, did you cry like a big worm again?" The child wiped his tears, seeing that his father's state seemed to be okay, he felt relieved.

"You will practice in the future. You two will practice with me. Li Dong mainly uses this skill. Eat crabs, eat crabs quickly."

The man feels good when he sees his daughter-in-law and child, even if the pain is numb at the moment.

The pain of the wound is not as painful as the stitches, and the stitches will swell, and the dressing will be changed afterwards.

Keep your broken finger, it won't get better for a while.

Fortunately, the weather is cold, so I don't suffer so much.

"Hanzi, don't you want to eat?" The man and his wife looked around, found the basin, and took the child to wash their hands.

"Don't let it be eaten, if I eat crabs, it can cause trouble.

In the future, you will do light work at home, rent out the land, and rent less.

Dongzhu Li started to pay me 20 dollars a month, asking me to practice animal voice more now. "

Hanzi himself is called Zhang Han, as his name is.

I don’t feel so much pain when I have money!

"What are you doing for twenty?" Zhang Han's wife couldn't figure it out, because her family had little money, otherwise how could she bother others borrowing cattle.

"I don't know, Li Dong is the main one." Zhang Han shook his head.

Then he suddenly remembered something: "Dongzhu Li wants a cow. He said that he lost the cow. He paid us back. The cow is his. He asked where the dead cow was?"

"The cow was taken away by the Yamen, how can we give it to us. What should we do if our family can't get the cow to Dongzhu Li?" The woman began to worry.

"It's okay, my proprietor personally takes care of the people in the yamen, and my proprietor is able to persuade people with morals, and speaks well."

Cork knows that someone is going to be unlucky. The dead cattle can be sold for meat and cowhide.

Of course, if the yamen take it away, he will be divided. As for Zhang Han, what can he do?

Try to change to grow security? If you dare to do that, there are students who help the people in lawsuits.

"Brother Yang worked hard for the people, hard work, sit down, we haven't seen each other for some time, and you brothers."

Li Yi met his deceased at this time, the master book Yang Li he met when he first came to Luoyang and the people Yang Li led at that time.

Now Yang Li has become a county prime minister, and his salary has improved.

"Doctor Li is for the country and the people." Yang Li sat half-ass nervously, when Li Yi was a fourth-rank official.

So far it is not a matter of several products, Li Yi speaks in the middle of the court the most useful.

The people of Shannan Dongdao all accepted Li Yi's kindness, and the locust plague turned into a bumper harvest.

Until now, it is not easy to find a grasshopper. The children caught a hundred grasshoppers and could exchange for a dollar.

It is a pity to feed the grasshoppers to the chickens and ducks.

"Eat crabs, there will be more crabs in the future, and bring them home to the brothers when the time comes."

Li Yi is almost eating, and finally he accompanies him. If he doesn't eat, how will others eat?

Because of the difference in status, everyone tried to let go, and began to eat crabs, while sipping the wine. UU reading was afraid of getting drunk.

After one person eats about three crabs, Li Yi asked, "If a cow is dead, who will be in charge of this matter?"

"Cow? Doctor Li wants to eat cow?" Yang Li reacted quickly.

"No, I'm looking for someone new and said that I pushed someone else's cow to the hillside and fell to death. I borrowed money to compensate. I will help him pay back the money. The cow should belong to me."

Li Yi slowly said it. Look at Yang Li. If Yang Li took it, just look at the previous face and give a side warning. It is not allowed to cheat the people.

"Zhang Han?" Yang Li said his name directly.

"Do you know Brother Yang?" Li Yi nodded slightly.

"The cow... everyone is divided, the county lieutenant is in charge, he took the big head, and the rest of the soup made by everyone, can't be written by himself."

Yang Li's expression changed, his voice lowered, and he first confessed to his brothers.

"Loss the cow, one hundred and one cows, the one who eats it takes the money to buy it, my brothers, forget it. You have one cow, and you receive a hundred."

Li Yi did not say that forcing the other party to give a dead cow and strip off the official position, the other party is indeed familiar with the local situation.

Just in need of an amnesty, I used this as an excuse to punish them lightly, eating one dead head and returning a hundred head back.

"Doctor Li, do you want a dead cow or a live cow?" asked a servant who followed.

"Naturally, it is a live cow. How can there be a hundred dead cows? The cows live well and die because of a word of mine?" Li Yi said with a smile.

He wanted those people to lose a lot of money at once, or else the crime of theft would be regarded as the official organized stealing of people’s cattle.

After discussing theft and then discussing malfeasance and other crimes, the crime can be serious.

"Thank you Dr. Li, Dr. Li, we won't dare anymore in the future."

The other servant was scared and rejoiced. Thanks to the meeting, he didn't offend Li Yi.

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