Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1950: The road to build a city is far away

Li Longji slid his fingers on the screen: "The river is narrow here and there are too many mountains on both sides. From this, there are dozens of miles of open space north of Luoyang Palace, suitable for building warehouses."

He determined the location, a group of hills north of Luoyang, with many gullies.

Some people opened terraces on it, and Li Yi took pictures taken by drones, and even took pictures of the curious expressions on the people's faces when they heard the movement and looked up.

"The third brother turned back, there are plans, and dozens of roads of different sizes need to be repaired.

In winter, depending on the situation, if the weather is not too cold, all the roads should be repaired together.

At present, it is not convenient to build new cities and move capital elsewhere, and the political and economic functions of Luoyang and Chang'an have been strengthened. "

Li Yi made the drawings, and three sets of spare drawings.

Considering the difficulty of construction and topography when drawing the map, from the north of Luoyang to the Yellow River, there is a ditch on the left and a ditch on the right.

Repair the road in the ditch, after the rain...

Where there are ravines, there are ridges. If the roads are built on the ridges, the up and down slopes are too big, and it will be exhausted to drive.

Built on the mountainside, a bunch of alternate routes, taking into account the soil composition of the mountain.

People from the Luoyang Ministry of Industry have to inspect the site to see if it works, and allow them to temporarily change the route by themselves.

"Moving the capital?" Li Longji was dumbfounded, as if considering feasibility.

"Third brother, don't move." Li Yi hurriedly persuaded, without that money, even if he has money, where to move?

Did you move to Youzhou, Beijing? What to do there?

The Khitan, Xi people, and Bohai in the northeast are not under absolute pressure.

"Brother doesn't want to move the capital. In the future, when you go to various places in Datang, you should always have a place to live. If you build an imperial city on every road, is it convenient?"

Li Longji expressed his thoughts. He wanted to walk around, not to go to a palace, but to an imperial city.

"Third brother, I think it will work." Li Yi shook his head slightly, and finally said words of support.

"No." Several ministers said at the same time.

After they said ‘no’, they looked at each other, no one said anything, and waited for others to speak.

Li Longji was also watching and said, can't drop it?

"You have to ask what rigid and soft are doing!" Zhang Jiuling didn't know how he was in the forefront, so he couldn't take two steps back.

Others nodded, yes, what Xiaoyi said and done would naturally not hurt the people and money. He paid more attention to people's livelihood than others.

"For example, in three years, your Majesty is fortunate to Yangzhou and wants to build a city in Jiangyang, Yangzhou.

The newspapers advertised how prosperous the local area would be. The railway was built along the canal, and the wealthy people around were naturally concerned.

The local land is forbidden to buy or sell. Whoever wants to sell it will be collected by the government.

However, if someone is willing to participate in the construction, it can be used as a rental fee to choose a good location.

Given the drawings and specifications, they built it by themselves, and rented it to them after it was built. The money for building the house was part of the rent. "

Li Yi gave a solution. Instead of selling off-plan properties, he asked others to invest money in labor. After the house was built, it did not belong to the other party.

"Others will agree?" The ruler asked Zhudan with a skeptical look in his eyes.

"Large merchants in Chang'an, ask if they agree or not!" Li Yi mentioned Yu Huaide and others.

"They agreed, just why Jiangyang was chosen. Wouldn't Jiangning be higher and Yi Shou Nan Gong."

Yao Chong knew that the big businessmen in Chang'an were rich and were training their children to take the imperial examination, allowing them to take the examination.

He believes that Jiangning has good terrain, many mountains and high terrain, and it is stuck in the Yangtze River.

The place is short, the enemy can dig rivers and attack.

"If you don't fight there, it will cost a lot of money to repair it. Jiangyang has a lot of water networks and is not far from Jiangning. You can slowly repair Jiangning with it."

Li Yi didn't want to repair the big city in Nanjing first, and worked hard.

Unless the rivers and mountains to the north of the Yangtze River are lost, the capital will be established in Nanjing.

The ruler belt Zhudan understood, but watched eagerly, it seemed that Tubo couldn't use the same method.

"Set it down?" Bi envisioned that the user department would not pay for it, and his heart moved.

In the imperial city, your majesty should pay for it. Your majesty has a lot of money. Other places spend money and then collect taxes.

However, if it is placed three years later, I estimate that I will be in the group.

"Third brother, shouldn't we deal with it after it stabilizes this year?

There are coal and iron ore in the local area. Burning bricks and cement for repairs can be done in the future.

Just to give the local people who lost their land an opportunity to make more money, the navy can pass, and Suzhou is not far from the sea.

It can be built before next fall, go as you want, and work the same everywhere. "

Li Yi thought of Ma'anshan in the upper reaches, and Yangzhou after Nanjing.

To the south of Suzhou is connected by a canal to Taihu Lake.

Suzhou was different from his time. A large area was in the sea, which happened to be convenient for the navy.

After the city is repaired with cement and bricks, I will clean up the Shili Qinhuai in Nanjing in the past.

There is still a Confucian Temple there.

As for one less scenic spot? There can be other places of interest.

"The telephone line has to be pulled over." Song Jing did not stop it. His Majesty's visit to Yangzhou can drive local economic development, which is beneficial to the country and the people.

Chang'an has developed steadily, and the presence or absence of His Majesty has little influence.

Li Longji smiled and was able to travel again. The key is not to delay the court affairs.

He thought of the people who were rushing to Luoyang: "The people who gather, the journey is difficult, the boat and the car are picked up, and the cold weather is delaying the job search."

Gao Lishi looked for the phone that pulled the line and started making arrangements.

In the inn where the woman took her four daughters to rest, the patron kindly helped to boil the bath water.

Your Majesty’s soldiers came here to prove that they valued it. As a postman, it’s okay to pretend to be.

There are idle rooms in the inn for couples.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and took out the linen clothes in the post storeroom.

He told everyone to wash the clothes after the shower, change this, and wash the clothes tomorrow before they dry out.

The people are happy, work is not too tired, just wash clothes for one night.

Just let it go in the water. How dirty can I put on clothes after a shower?

The bath water is dirty, and the clothes cannot be washed after washing it again. The color of the water...

Wash it again and finally the water can no longer be used as ink.

When washing the hair, a lot of lice and gnats fell off, and the scalp was scraped with the grates, and the soapy water that came off was all large bubbles.

Everyone knows that it is very tiring to go on the road, clean up, lying on the Chase shop, looking at the bean-like kerosene lamp on the beam of the room, but can't sleep.

The woman's two twin little daughters were asleep, and UU was too full to eat.

The people from Youjinwuwei went to hunt five rabbits in the woods on the side of the roadside station, grilled rabbit pieces of meat, and the two little guys ate a whole rabbit leg.

Children who are not sensible, eat as they are, and love to eat meat.

The big girl and the second girl were modest, and stopped eating after a few bites.

"Mother, can you walk to Luoyang in one month? I heard people say that there are still eight or nine hundred miles away."

The big girl stared at the light of the kerosene lamp and looked at the dim light, she asked in a whisper.

"Yes, surely, there is your majesty's soldier protection on the road, don't worry."

The woman said that she turned her head and found that all four daughters were asleep. She looked up at the lamp and felt sleepy.

She yawned and pressed down on a cloth bag she was carrying with her.

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