Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1951: Aspirations will rise

Including all the belongings of her and her daughters, and many exchange vouchers.

I bought it for my husband’s land and house and sold it to my husband’s family.

How can those lands and houses only be worth the money?

When the husband is ill, other people help to worry about taking medicine, so there is a lot of money for the medicine.

In the end, the illness was not cured, but he owed a lot of foreign debts.

Looking at the appearance of the in-laws and other people in their family, I wish I could die with my daughter. Is that still a family?

Fortunately, his Majesty Luoyang allowed others to go there, so he sold the house and land to the worried parents-in-law and took his daughter away.

Thinking back, the money for medicine is not that much at all.

If you give birth to a boy, maybe it will be different, right?

Thinking about it, the woman fell asleep, with wet tears on the corners of her eyes.

At dawn, it was a charming morning glow. Someone woke up first and greeted others to get up.

Change back to your own clothes, and float the linen provided by the station on the rope outside to dry.

The inn prepared broth, pickles, and slices of black bread on the side, and you can eat whatever you want.

The pavilion mumbled, ‘I’m going to spend money again, provide me with a hat,’ and cut extra slices of boiled meat for the child.

The meat is wolf meat, and four wolf skins are soaked in water in a large wooden bucket.

They came over last night, four of them, and the lights hanging from the station shone through, and the eyes of the four pairs were so obvious.

The right Jinwuwei who was watching the night saw him and called to wake up the brothers, and everyone set up their guns.

At the distance of fifty or sixty steps, three were beaten upright.

The other one was running, hesitating to run, turning back from time to time, as if to remember who fired the gun.

The range of the musket bullet is not only fifty or sixty steps, but the one that ran slowly got one round.

When the sky was dark, the people of Jin Wuwei went over and found two wolves who ran out for several miles along the blood stains, and the other two were very close to the place where they were beaten.

The pavilion chief and the postman helped to clean up together, first cut off a few large pieces of meat and chopped up the soup.

The station will keep three of them, and give them wolf skins. You Jinwuwei don't want them, and ask them to exchange them for money.

The other two are given to the next station, and five Youjinwuwei are responsible for the two stations.

Zhaoxia is so beautiful, the pavilion chief doesn't know when it will rain, and the things in the warehouse are taken out.

The people who were eating listened without saying a word, saying that they didn't need a hat and a quilt.

It doesn't matter what the patron says, it depends on how much he does.

On the table in front of the three students, a whole wolf retreated and gave them special treatment.

The three looked at each other and stretched out their hands to tear the flesh.

Most of the meat was torn off, loaded on a plate, and distributed among the elderly and women in the crowd.

"Three, what is this?" The patron asked when he saw it.

One of the students replied: "I am waiting to go to Luoyang to take the imperial examination in the spring of next year. The imperial examination is for the country to select talents, the pillars, and shield people from the wind and rain. If there is no pillar, why bother to go to Luoyang?"

"Good! Good ambition! Yuan Mou wishes three high schools." Ting Chang clasped his fists.

Some of the people couldn't understand, but they could understand. They looked at the three students again, and they were pleasing to the eye.

After eating, everyone put on their robes and hats and hurried again.

Accompanied by five Youjinwuwei people, they waited to be sent to the next inn, dropped two wolves, and they came back again.

The horses are not riding, they are used to carry things, and the two little twins are put in the basket, and they both show their heads and look out.

The three students were reciting the Analects, the newspaper said that next year's imperial examination and Moyi will come from the Analects.

Send sub-questions, tell you that you only take the Analects, and you can still answer wrongly, so you should find another way out.

In addition, test the contents of ten medical books, simply differentiate and prescribe symptoms, and tell the common pulse conditions.

Mathematics is a little harder, so you have to do more questions. Some question-type problem-solving methods and ideas are also available in newspapers.

It’s not suitable to walk and memorize other things, and the Analects is convenient.

The two girls led by the woman took the initiative to lean against the student and listened to the student's back. They whispered and listened carefully when they met someone who hadn't learned.

After the big girl broke off the idea of ​​selling herself, she began to think about making money through scholarships from the school.

The three students taught each other back to the school, and when they heard the two girls were back there, they taught the children.

Teach the child sentence by sentence, tell the child which word it is and what it means.

The other children in the team can't come, maybe they won't be able to save face, or they may not have reached the desperate situation that the little girl is facing.

The people on the other roads saw the people of Sixteen Guards one after another, but Yu Lin Feiqi did not go and guarded Luoyang Palace.

In fact, there is nothing to guard. The person who should be arrested has already been arrested. Others want to instigate people in a certain place to cause trouble in Henan Province. It is purely a dream.

People are living well, toss with you? Run out to grab? The chicks at home are about to hatch, and there is no time to take care of you.

If you really want to rebel, it's no longer a question of a brood, but the life and death of a family.

One after another, there were still people from Chang'an rushing to Luoyang.

Yu Huaide and the others arrived by train with boxes of exchange vouchers, leaving rest assured staff to take care of the business of Jingzhao Mansion.

Mining industry, pig breeding industry, shop management.

They and Li Yi applied for the purchase of a telegraph transmission line and telegraphed at critical moments. The matter was serious, and they could even apply for a telephone line.

For example, in a county to the north of Jingzhao Mansion, dozens of households raising pigs suddenly became ill. It is no longer the pig league’s own problem. Li Yi promised to take action.

When time flickered to the day of the Great Dynasty Meeting, Li Yi didn't go. He was tired first and wasted time on the road.

He has dealt with a lot of things recently, including match factories, bridge repairs, road repairs, other intensive handicrafts, decentralized handicrafts, and land planning outside the city...

He needs guidelines for a lot of things, which belong to Henan Province.

The Turks in the north, other tribes who came over, the adjustment of steam engine design, and winter breeding of crops are a bunch of things.

Dachao will be boring. Does he need to show his face at Dachao to let others know him?

All the students who have arrived in Luoyang received ‘invitation letters’ one after another. After the meeting, they can participate in a student banquet. com eat crabs.

The Great Dynasty will be particularly troublesome. Fortunately, your Majesty will rebuild the Tianshu, and the ceremony is grand.

Li Longji and the ministers, who should have been excited and excited, seemed to be consuming time, going through one process after another.

It turned out that Luoyang officials had no happy thoughts. They arrested and cleaned up people. They were fined after being interrogated.

Other officials make mistakes, why don't you write to Henan Fu Yin? Henan Mansion Yin You are in charge of Henan Mansion in this way?

So Zhang said he was fined for half a year of salary. Who can smile if he has less money?

After a long period of time, the dynasty meeting finally ended. His Majesty gave a banquet, and the officials dragged their tired bodies to eat.

Li Longji turned to another place and had dinner with the students.

The students are smiling brightly, and the price of crabs has become more expensive in recent days.

The crabs brought back by the cruiser were invisible to ordinary people.

The people went to catch crabs and sold them to restaurants and restaurants.

The restaurants and restaurants dare not bring back fake cruisers, only local crabs.

The price has more than tripled compared to previous years, and it is said that it will continue to rise.

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