Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2025: Hand selection of serial plan

Li Longji listened to the discussion and kept nodding happily.

That's right! Don't always stare at my brother-in-law and ask for money.

Sulu is in trouble! He probably didn't expect the consequences of coming to fight Datang.

He is playing with his conspiracy and arrogance, and my Datang is also a conspiracy and arrogance, so I can't let you come here in vain.

Li Longji was in a good mood. He sat down and took a swig of beer, feeling refreshed all over.

He knows the follow-up development, the captive Tuqi people surnamed Shi Huang, they are not stupid.

Just tell them more that they were sold by Sulu, and they won't be grateful to Sulu if they are exchanged.

Moreover, Sulu went to eat white clothes, allowing two slaves to exchange for a prisoner, and also allowed the slaves to exchange for other things.

People with the surname Huang want to change their own people, and those with the black surname think things are important, but they change for the captives whose surname is Huang.

Disaster for Xiao Qiang, what strategy is there to be more powerful than making the enemy's internal discord?

"It's a disaster to Xiao Qiang'er." Su Ting said what Li Longji was thinking, looking at Li Yi.

Li Yi and Su Ting looked at each other, what are they doing?

"Doctor Li, do you know where Xiao Qiang came from?" Su Ting asked.

Li Yi curled his lips: "I don't know, I won't take the imperial examination next year."

"Yes, next year's imperial examination of the Analects." Su Ting also looked for drinks.

"What Kong Zhongni said, his descendants have actually done it." Li Yi pouted his mouth again.

He knew the history. After the Kong family was separated, it was for survival and internal struggle.

It was just that Anmin was needed again later, so some excerpts of the Analects were re-entered into the textbook.

Textbooks can’t always promote ‘people don’t fear death, how can they be feared by death’ and ‘five steps of blood splattered when a man is angry,’ right?

"In this way, Su Lu's problem has been solved?" Song Jing was a little relieved considering the stability of the border.

"Proprietor, Telegram! Jia Guichang, Piranohan takes out the chili noodles..."

The little robot next to it suddenly made a sound, and it received a telegram again. Don't tell the receiver that the telegram has just written all the numbers. It has already been translated without waiting for the word to be looked up.

Li Yi glanced at Song Jing and said to Li Longji: "Brother, when we send someone to find out, we must control the smuggling channels."

"Yeah!" Li Longji said, Gao Lishi picked up the walkie-talkie and stepped back to make arrangements.

When it comes to the types and quantities of smuggled goods, chilli noodles and toilet water are no problem.

Metals, medicinal materials, and food depend on the situation.

"Xiao Yi, stop smuggling! Smuggling shows that both parties are profitable. How can Datang need a little money now?"

When Bi Gou heard about smuggling, he became annoyed. The other party got the things and was able to ease it. The profits from smuggling were dispensable for Datang.

"Intelligence!" Yao Chong said two words.

The smugglers did not go there, and Pai Xi assured that they would be found out. Datang didn't know anything about Tuqishi's situation.

When the businessmen get there, they will watch and listen during the contact, and report on local affairs.

"If you don't give them basic life stuff, they are willing to eat more and sell more chili noodles."

Zhang Jiuling came up with an idea whether to give iron or not. Can kerosene lamps and iron bicycles be used there?

If you want to drink hot water anytime in winter, a thermos is a good choice.

"I provide a few sets of equipment, and our people will bring them. You don't need to specifically inquire and record, just stroll along the way.

After I got back, I took out the memory to read, and analyzed the key images and other people's words with a computer.

In addition, we send people to look carefully at each section, and our risks are small. No one likes businessmen to ask questions that shouldn’t be asked. "

According to Li Yi's intelligence, he has a pinhole camera. The power generation is simple. It can generate electricity when he walks. It can also be recharged by shaking it before going to bed at night.

There is a market where there are people, even in concentration camps, where the currency used to be cigarettes.

There are many people in Tuqi, and there is trade between them, and they walk around in the guise of merchants and record the situation.

Or if you don't act, it is a businessman, such as those of Yu Huaide.

There was no less trade in the past, so by the way, I asked for news and bought back the Datang people who were arrested.

They can get enough opportunities for cooperation, which is exactly what they did.

Every Datang person who was arrested as a slave was a shame to the Tang court, no matter what means, he was rescued.

Then give me compensation. As for revenge, isn't it already revenge?

Nowadays, Tubo couldn't find a Tang dynasty who had been arrested. The large army had already approached the city. After that, Yu Lin flew to live in the palace of Princess Jincheng.

Under such circumstances, it would be a joke if there were still Datang slaves.

"Who to send? Yu Huaide and the others?"

Li Longji spoke, he had wanted to do something to Yu Huaide before.

Yu Huaide deceived people so much that he didn't put my brother Yi in his eyes.

As a result, before he could take a shot, Yu Huaide could hardly move in Chang'an and couldn't enter Pingkangfang.

That was then, but now, Pingkangfang? If he hides and is not found and killed by the people, he will have to starve to death.

Later, it changed, helping Yidi cheat people and smuggling outside for the country.

The other businessman Li Longji won't remember, let alone see, Yu Huaide...should be here, ask him if he wants it?

"Let him introduce someone, he now..." Li Yi didn't plan to ask those Yu Huaide to do it himself.

"It's on the third floor of Zuixianju." The little robot provided information at a critical moment.

They ran in various positions, and when others saw it, they would push a distance. Yu Huaide pushed two of them today.

"Come here, please." Li Yi knew it shouldn't be too late and quickly implemented it.

Not long after, Yu Huaide ran over in sweat.

He was originally rich, but now he exercises and looks a little thinner.

"I've seen... the county prince, you zaifu, and the inspector."

Yu Huaide greeted him, bowed again to Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan, and the two returned the courtesy.

"Sit down!" Li Longji ordered.

"Duke Xie." Yu Huaide sat next to Li Yi, half of his ass, so he could get up at any time.

"Lao Yu, there is such a thing..." Li Yi introduced the situation and finally asked, "Can someone choose?"

"Lord Li, UU Reading We and others have children in their families, although the examination of the imperial examination is allowed. Of course, some people are not interested in this, and like to do business."

When Yu Huaide mentions the people in his family, he is not at ease with others. If the introduction is wrong and delays the affairs of the Tang Dynasty, wouldn't he become a guilty person?

"Following?" Li Yi asked.

"In Chang'an." Yu Huaide replied.

"Call and order them to prepare first. I will send some things and take the train over."

Li Yi did not ask whether he was relieved or not, and Yu Huaide, who was not relieved, did not dare to introduce him.

Yu Huaide happily went to call, the family had a chance.

In the future, the business people will provide material assistance to the officials, and the officials guarantee that the business people will not be bullied under normal circumstances, unless someone does something illegal.

The next generation of people in the family, as long as they are admitted to the imperial examination, the genealogy written on them will be different from others.

When offering sacrifices to ancestors, you should be worthy of your ancestors, and you should write key points on your genealogy. After one hundred years, the stele of your ancestral tomb should be erected.

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