Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2026: Not to deceive

In the middle of the night, the stars in the sky of Luoyang were particularly bright, and many people added an extra piece of clothing and went out to eat snacks.

The people who set up the stall are always smiling, no one collects protection fees, only management fees.

When Li Longji did not arrive in Luoyang, the merchants in Luoyang had to pay additional protection fees in addition to tax and management fees.

In the last two days, as long as the weather is good at night, the people who set up the stalls and those who open the shop will get a 10% discount for the customers.

The 10% discount is not given at the end of the meal and at the checkout. It is instead of adding vegetables. One-tenth of the amount of vegetables is added according to the amount of food eaten.

The protection fee they paid is taken back, and the person who collects the protection fee has an account.

After taking the protection fee, they will lend, or buy land and seek tenants to rent.

The tenants who rent the land to the tenants do not overcharge, for fear that no one will rent it.

They belong to the underworld while doing business in the white way.

They were arrested and ransacked their homes directly. They followed the gangsters. Some of them were sentenced to punishment, and some of them had just entered the industry, and they were sent home with two whips.

The protection fee collected was returned to the person who paid it without interest. Even so, everyone is happy.

Lost and regained, a large sum of money, more than the tax refund.

When they were happy, they decided to celebrate the New Year this year, and they would get a 10% discount until the first lunar month.

Of course, during the New Year, the price should be increased or the price should be increased. Compared with last year, another 10% discount will be given.

Newcomers from other places can enjoy a 15% discount with a certificate of their new hometown.

They don't have much money. They just came, and the discount behavior is considered to be a **** of customers.

Once a newcomer has eaten well, after getting used to it, he is likely to become a repeat customer in the future. It is difficult for a daughter to buy repeat customers!

Children run around, not afraid of being abducted. People who can abduct them are now abducted.

The thief can't be seen, too, and there is a word from the yamen, whoever dares to find something for himself, he will let someone else.

I just cleaned up a group of officials and didn't manage it well. Are you dissatisfied with your Majesty? provocative?

Therefore, for a time, the people in the whole Henan Province were happy, and they stopped robbing the temple.

People who believe in Buddhism and believers are waiting. They don't add money to temples and temples. It's not that they don't believe in Buddhism. They belong to monks and Taoists who don't believe in it.


The city where Pirnuhan was, everyone was eating, and the snow suddenly grew thicker.

The bonfire party ended temporarily for some reason, everyone checked the situation, and snow removal operations were carried out on various streets.

Transport the snow to the southeast outside the city. In winter, there are many westerly and northwest winds. The snow piles in the northwest, and will move to the root of the wall when blown by the wind.

There is a city, do not expect to use snowdrifts to block the wind.

The prisoners who were not injured, or who were slightly injured and did not delay work, were placed in the most tired position.

Others push the snow together, they are responsible for loading the car, the horse-drawn low sledge, and sending it to the outside of the city and then overturning and unloading the snow from the side.

Zhang Xiaosong’s people helped. They pushed until dawn when the snow fell, and they took turns to wait until the snow was thicker.

Yu Lin Feiqi does not move, they are only responsible for reporting, unless there are special circumstances.

There were a hundred and twenty of them. Twenty were originally in this city, and one hundred followed Zhang Xiaosong's team.

"Drink tea, green tea!" Piranohan boiled water on the stove in the room, so that the pottery teapot and cup, and the tea leaves were put in the teapot.

"Thank you!" Jia Guichang thanked him, his children were enthusiastic.

Pirnuhan poured a cup by himself and looked at the tea: "Everyone has said that we have a city, and we have to maintain it."

"Yes!" Jia Guichang agreed.

"This city is our home. The streets must be clean, the feces of horses and sheep must be cleaned up in time, and peeing must be washed with water.

In fact, we know that houses and horses, cattle and sheep pens will not collapse under heavy snow, and it will save effort to clean after the snow stops.

But we are afraid that the snow on the road will be hard to remove and the home will look unclean.

We will not betray the Tang, only the Tang court and the proprietor’s brother will build the city for us.

They said that you have good weapons, and once we become enemies, you will immediately take action to clean up the leader.

Let me tell you, we don't have a leader who is unfavorable to Datang, only people who are unfavorable to Datang, and then no matter who he is, we clean up ourselves. "

Pirunukan speaks like an adult like Jia Guichang, and there is no leader who is unfavorable to Datang. If the leader wants to do anything bad, clean it up and replace it with a leader.

"Is your leader angry?" Jia Guitang was taken aback and asked.

"This is what the chief patriarch said, and the patriarch is the chief.

The patriarch is wise, saying that as long as we are devoted to Tang, we will get many times more benefits than if we betray Tang, and we will not destroy the clan.

The patriarch warned us that rebelling against the Tang will inevitably destroy the clan. "

Pirnuhan turned the cup in both hands, a little hot.

"If it's too far, we might not go, and the boss will take the shot himself."

Jia Guitang saw it, he was deliberately found, and the patriarch was loyal through the child's words and arranged it.

It was not before. It was the child's own behavior. When the snow was heavy, Pirnuhan was called away for a while, and when he came back, he led himself into the house.

Jia Guitang didn't see through it, he believed that the patriarch could guess and he would judge the situation.

"Brother proprietor will really fly far to kill?"

Pirnuhan asked, this was what he wanted to know.

"Yes, there will be a chance in the future to take you to see the proprietor, who is gentle with his own people.

Before the end of this year, a large number of soldiers and things can arrive, and you can live with peace of mind.

And you, because you can talk to the proprietor, and you need to improve your status in the clan, you can't bully people with this. "

Jia Guitang first confessed, the telegram said, and at the same time, he was afraid that the child would be too bloated.

"I can't, because I don't usually bully people as the patriarch and grandson." Pirnuhan promised.

Jia Guichang: "..."

He lowered his head to drink tea, didn't want to talk anymore, depressed!

"I have brothers, but I was trained as a future patriarch. I want to learn from my proprietor brother."

Pirunohan was not humble anymore and told him that my identity was different from the other brothers.

Even so I have to study hard.

"I think it's OK!" Jia Guichang admitted that this kid is indeed smart and can endure hardship at the same time.

The tribes here are not what you say you can be the head of the clan. If you don't convince the crowd, they are likely to be killed.

The child is so old and already knows how to improve himself, is there anyone in the world who is more knowledgeable than Dongzhu Li?

Once you learn from Li Dong, what you get is not only knowledge, but also identity.

The people working outside, including the patriarch, did not know the conversation between the big and the small in the room.

The patriarch only arranged what he asked his grandson to say, but his grandson knew how to find a backer by himself.

At that time, even if other people are strong in some aspects, would he dare to kill Pirnuhan and become the patriarch himself? Does Li Yi agree?

Li Yi cultivated children with purpose, and the tribal children were trained well, which was conducive to the unity of the people of the Tang Dynasty.

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