Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2095: Drugs and poisons are expected to be heard

   Betel nut has been found in Datang. It has been a good thing for many years, and ordinary people can't eat it.

   "Betel nuts must be planted in large quantities, but they should not be chewed by the common people, which can cause great damage to the oral cavity. In addition, the pumpkins we brought back have their seeds combined with betel nuts to kill insects."

   Li Yi thought about it and said, he has tasted betel nuts, and he knows what the taste is.

   is not to say that eating betel nut will inevitably lead to oral cancer, and ulcers are also uncomfortable.

   The key is similar to smoking, addicted, can quit, not difficult, depending on whether you want to quit.

   At that time, he sold betel nuts everywhere, with the most in Hainan.

   There are many people riding electric motorcycles and fuel motorcycles in Hainan, and each of them can be better.

   The lower part of the tree on the roadside and around the roots are generally reddish brown.

   People who go there for the first time will wonder, is it blood?

   Later, I saw someone vomiting there, bit by bite, chewing betel nut juice like blood, only to understand.

   Now, just like he doesn't want to let the people of Datang smoke, don't eat betel nut if it is not a cure.

   Datang can be controlled by law. Unlike the leaves of the Carter tree in Yemen, this addiction is similar to poppy and coca.

  Poppy extracts heroin, coca extracts cocaine.

  Special varieties of marijuana, plus Carter leaves, such several drugs, tobacco is actually considered irritating.

   "Send it to them?" Princess Yongmu knows that there are medicines for killing insects, and now the pharmacy always keeps them for people to use.

   "How do they treat the people to a doctor?"

   Li Yi recalled that he had never discussed medicine and practice with monks and Taoists.

   "Some give incense ash, and some pilgrims get sick, so they gather and boil medicine by themselves.

   Literati went in to boarding, and they showed it when they were sick, and most literati would leave poems.

   and other literati became officials, or their influence became greater, they would take care of the temple. "

   Princess Yongmu put her chin on her hands and spoke, and she was not afraid to bit her tongue.

   Li Yi fed the peeled grapefruit meat to two people: "Don't rest your chin to eat, I don't have the ability to cure my tongue in one day."

   "Oh!" Princess Yongmu let go, she was afraid of pain.

   Li Yi licked his fingers, bitterly, he frowned: "In the future, the pear garden belongs to the tourist area. In case any tourist gets sick, he can be treated in time."

   "Huh?" Princess Yongmu blinked her eyes, did it have anything to do with the monk and Taoist priest eating her stomach?

   Xiaolan quickly swallowed the grapefruit: "Li Jiazhuang used to open a drugstore, and there happened to be an imperial doctor who would sell the medicine to others."

   "Hmm! Xiaolan is so smart." Princess Yongmu understood.

   "I'm just following Xiao Niang, I dare to say it." Xiao Lan clicked her mouth.

   "What does it have to do with me, in others...oh!" Princess Yongmu realized this time by herself.

   is too smart, if you overwhelm the lord’s limelight, you will be cleaned up.

   Li Yi fed two people a bite of grapefruit: "Now arrange for someone to bring medicinal materials."

   He asked Song De, and Song De arranged the following stewards.

   Lijiazhuang has no shortage of medicinal materials. I build my own medicinal material base. The old medicinal materials have not grown well, and the ones that are born in one or two years can be harvested.

   There are also ginkgo leaves, loquat leaves, orange peels, etc. that can be harvested every year, and there are more of them and they can’t be used up.

  Medicine shops all over the place will give Lijiazhuangzi some medicine for tuition if they have medicine.

   The book is sent to the drugstore after printing, no money, no cost.

  The drugstore must give some poor people free medical treatment, and cheap medicine, such as hawthorn water, mugwort, cypress branches, and bamboo leaves, are given to the poor.

   The people in the Jingzhao Mansion need more expensive medicine for their illnesses. They will go to the south of Chang'an to get the medicine and spread the prescription to manage the medicine in Lijiazhuangzi’s medicine shop.

   You can't get the medicine without a stamped prescription unless you fall in front of the Lijiazhuang medicine shop in the past.

   Li Longji gave half of the medicinal materials tributed from all over the Tang Dynasty to Lijiazhuangzi.

   His family lives in Zhuangzi, and half of the medicinal materials are left in the palace for the rest of the people.

   The remaining people who can’t come are still sent to Lijiazhuangzi, especially those who need surgery.

  At this moment, the medicinal materials are being shipped out by train, and take the railway train.

   Liu You begged to take a big enamel jar, make tea, and stroll over.

   "Xiao Yi, there is something I don't know when to say it?" He asked Li Yi.

   Li Yi slowly shook his head: "Improper!"

   Liu Youqiu: "..."

   "Hahahaha~~" Bi Gou laughed beside him.

   "Xiao Yi, with all due respect." Liu You asked for another method.

   Without waiting for Li Yi to say ‘No Forgiveness’, he rushed to say: "What kind of fund do you have..."

   "Datang Qingdai Medical Fund." Li Yi nodded.

   "Yes! With a lot of drugs, what should the doctors do?" Liu You asked.

   "Bi Zaifu!" Li Yi looked at Bi Gou who had just finished laughing.

   "Huh huh!" Bi Gou coughed: "The price is cheap, the people's diseases can be treated, and there are many people who must seek medical treatment. The people live long, and the doctors are rich in virtue and wealth."

   He replied, there are more medicinal materials, and there are actually more people who are sick, but now many people look down on the disease and there are few doctors.

   Xiao Yi mentioned earlier that it is impossible to have too much medicine, and people who practice medicine cannot eat.

   It turns out that only ten out of a thousand people can afford to get sick. One person earns ten dollars, but one hundred dollars.

   There are many medicines, many medical books, improved medical skills, and low prices of medicines. Three hundred people out of a thousand people can get sick, and one person can earn three hundred dollars for one person.

   "Teached!" Liu You asked to understand: "The medicine is good and bad, and the medical score is good. Those who are rich choose the good and discard the bad."

   The people he said include himself. He has to spend more money to find a better doctor to prescribe more expensive medicine, although he does not spend money on seeing a doctor now.


   Before noon, the pharmacy is open and the imperial doctor sits in town.

   The sick monks and Taoist priests were told that there might be worms in their stomachs, and they had to pay for medicine.

   They know what medicine to use, including how to suppress diarrhea.

   The people working here saw a new drug store, and came in curiously to inquire about the situation.

   "My back hurts, how much is it for a visit?"

   The person who had asked his son to take his daughters to the Martyrs Cemetery before bend over and ask. There is a little green mark on his left forehead, which looks like he was bombed.

   The imperial physician glanced at him: "Two hundred am the imperial physician of the Imperial Medical Office."

   "I see, thank you!" The person turned around, his waist bent even more.

  "Working for Lijiazhuangzi?" The imperial doctor asked again while observing the person's walking posture.

   "Yes!" The person turned and nodded.

   "Money, Li's Zhuangzi gave it, come, get a wrist."

   The imperial physician narrowed his eyes and put the pulse pillow in place.

   "Lee Dongzhu give money? I...I don't watch." The man hesitated, and then left.

   "I have already given it, the medical book he gave us, we use the doctor to pay back."

   The imperial physician continued to stare at the other person's physical appearance, including the rise and fall of his chest while speaking.

   "Ah! Li Dongzhu gave you a medical book, where did he get it?"

   This person moved forward, ready to sit down, and didn't spend his own money or Li Dongzhu's money. Okay, let you have a look.

   "You stupid, Li Dongzhu is a genius doctor, my daughter can't be with your son, she will become stupid."

   The girl with a girl stretched out his hand while cursing, and his finger was as if the head was broken.

   Looking at the green mark on the head of the man with the son, the case seems to be solved.



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