Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2096: Railroad paved and stable transportation

   "Don't work in the last two days, soak in the warm soup of Zui Xianju and ask someone to press it.

   I will prepare the medicine for you, take it for frying, I will write it down, you will show it to them, and they know how to deal with it.

   There must be a shelf for the back of the stone. Can't do it by yourself? I found someone to send a letter to Zhuangzi, and told him to send it there. "

   After the imperial physician’s pulse, he looked at the person’s back, asked a few questions, and gave the doctor’s order.

   "Huh? Don't work? No way, no way." The person with back pain shook his head repeatedly.

   "Go and get Zhuangzi's nurse." The imperial doctor ordered, and his apprentice jumped out.

   Not long after, Li Yi got the news here.

   "With few tools, some people work hard, and the body can't bear it."

   Li Yi knows the reason after listening, and the livestock is responsible for carrying things.

   Then someone was in a hurry, and he did it by himself.

   If you have a normal back, there is a wooden frame, which is placed on the shoulders, and there are belts on the chest and waist.

  The stone on the back does not reach the back, and the wooden shelf blocks it.

   The strap can make people use their strength, which is a uniform force.

   can carry seventy catties of stones with a sack, and it can be doubled with a rack without injury.

  Like weightlifters, they all have girdles, let them take the girdle down, see if they can lift it up?

   "Proprietor, arrange for them to go to the hot spring?"

   Song De listened to the side and asked aloud.

   He said ‘they’, one person has more people so tired.

   "Go! Pay as you go, don't leave the root cause." Li Yi agreed.

   "The handsome proprietor, Xunxin asked for a call."

   A little robot came out from a dozen meters away, and the voice was so cute.

   "Come on! Next time add an adjective of'junxiu'."

   Li Yi smiled, and the little robot knew how to tell the truth and had a vision.

   "Okay! Connect." The little robot responded.

  "The proprietor, a group of people came from Xiangzhou, a total of 21,110.

   are all people without household registration. How to get settled if you want to be born in Luoyang? "

  Xunxin’s voice came out, and someone arrived again, from Xiangzhou.

   "Meng Haoran's hometown, Han Xiangke, how come there are so many people without household registration?

   Set up, live outside Zhuangzi, check the body, and get some conditioning.

   After that, I worked with people from the southwest. The boats in the southwest were slow and hadn't arrived yet. "

   Li Yi was a little surprised by the people who came, thinking that they were in contact with each other and came together.

  Xunxin expresses understanding and arrangement.

   Li Yi stood up, walked around, and saw people: "Lao Yao, go and check, what's wrong with Xiangyang? Is there a large number of people who have lost their household registration in the past two or three years."

   Yao Chong began to arrange manpower there, and Yao Chong came by himself.

   "Xiao Yi, I want to come and people will arrive one after another, are you full of things you have done?"

   "No! There are not enough people. I want to build a railway from here to Xiaoluonan Village and connect it to the track from Luoyang to Liyuan."

   Li Yi takes a knife and cuts the grapefruit peel, prepares it to dry in the shade, and mixes it with other medicinal materials.

   There are many grapefruits in the season, and each shop has specially placed baskets for collecting grapefruit peels. Even if the shape is not very good, it can still be used as medicine.

   Yao Chong narrowed his eyes: "The road for dozens of miles is already flat. It costs money to build the railway. It's just for someone in Zuixianju to play?"

   "Couldn't the tertiary industry develop? My Zuixianju pays so much tax every year."

   Li Yi took another whole grapefruit, ready to peel off the skin and give it to others. He only needs the skin.

   "Tourists go, the road conditions are good, the rails are important, the rails of twenty-five miles...Oh!"

   Yao Chong stomped his foot, turned to leave, angry, but couldn't help it.

   "It's thirty-five miles, there are many local mines, extending in."

   Li Yi didn't want to make Yao Chongqi sick, and he had to treat him if he fell ill.

   "Which kind of mine? Don't talk about coal mines anymore. You have allocated too many coal mines in Henan Province to be worthless."

   Yao Chong turned around, picked up a large piece of grapefruit and pushed it in front of Li Yi.

   Li Yi began to peel the grapefruit for Yao Chong. The thin skin on the outside had to be peeled off, and only the flesh on the inside was eaten, not bitter.

   "Speaking of starting from the construction of the match factory, why should I build a match factory in Luoyang and not elsewhere?"

   "Why?" Yao Chong asked in cooperation.

   "There is a phosphate mine in Geinfeishan County. There is a river called Yishui in the local area.

   is transported by water, due to the season and climate, the water rises and the water is low, and it cannot be transported stably.

   There is also bauxite. We smelted bauxite in the refractory furnace just now.

   I can extract aluminum from it again, but it is not available at the moment and the industrial foundation is weak.

   Railways were built in the past to facilitate transportation. How can there be dirt roads for transporting ore comparable to railways? "

   Li Yi finally made it clear that he was not idle and had to build a railway for Zuixianju and the Wentianlanxiang Pavilion there.

   Phosphate ore, bauxite, iron ore is not used, too little, and the quality is not good. Coal mines are inferior to other places.

   Yao Chong happily picked up the pulp: "You know that Xiaoyi, you won't do things like that which would hurt the people and money."

   "Not necessarily, one day I will be happy, it may not be necessary for me to build a house for Wen Tian for my family."

   Li Yicai does not bear the name of a gentleman, others will take advantage of it and deceive him.

   "It's too big, but Acheng hasn't succeeded. It's a sign of the country's subjugation, don't."

   Princess Yongmu was listening, shaking her head in joy.

   A Fang Palace is not a good thing, there is still it, called A Cheng.

   Xiaolan echoed: "There are materials and manpower used to repair the road. Although the palace is big, how can the road be long? The house is luxurious, how can the people be willing?"

   "Sister Xiaolan said so well! Drink tea!"

   The little robot pushed a tank cart with a water inlet underneath, and tea cups were placed on the cart.

   "Our cute little robot is here, kiss me."

   Xiaolan rubbed her face against the round head of the little robot without a neck.

   "Blush!" the little robot responded.

   Yao Chong looked at enviously and wanted to have one. He reached out and picked up a tea cup, took the tea, and frowned, "What tea?"

   "High broken, UU reading is on the fifth grade." The little robot gave the answer.

   "Oh! The worst piece of tea, no one from Yipin?" Yao Chong knew.

   "The worst is from the 5th rank, from the first rank is too expensive, this is for the people to drink, do a lot."

   The little robot corrected it, there was a lot of difference between being at the fifth rank and lowering the fifth rank.

   Yao Chong took another sip, okay, can drink: "Provide tea for the people?"

   "The new people who come to Luoyang, are not satisfied with the water and soil, drink tea to adjust, and the flora in their bodies should be smooth."

   Li Yi said, the people from other places have been "getting fired" here, so they can't prescribe other medicines and drink tea.

   Especially people who eat meat, can’t eat meat where they used to be. Suddenly there is meat to eat, and the gastrointestinal tract is not used.

   Yao Chong suddenly drank another sip and found that the tea was sweet and sweet: "Isn't the tea from the fifth grade higher broken and less costly?"

   "Exit! Send it to Guangzhou Ships Division to sell to barbarians!"

   The little robot gave an indisputable reason, the last son of the highest grade tea was exchanged with barbarians as good things.

   When sailing on the sea, everyone is uncomfortable. Drinking tea can indeed prevent and treat some diseases.



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