Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2102: Abandon the pen to ask the officer's heroic sentiment

   The little girl comes up close and looks at the child's condition first. If the physique is too weak, you can't pee, it will hurt the hip joint.

   "I didn't urinate, I was all wrapped up, crying! Only by rubbing hard, I didn't dare to scratch it." The father of the child was about to cry.

   "Okay, it's fine if you don't have urine. I'll massage you to pick up the urine."

   The little girl nodded and ordered the younger brother.

   Li Guizang took a tea bowl from the side, dumped it, and put it in front of the little doll's little JJ.

   The little girl looked for acupuncture points and pressed them. With one press, the little doll stopped crying, opened her eyes and opened her mouth slightly.

   "Shhh~~hh~~~" Li Guizang said in cooperation.

   Then... Wow~~

   "Wipe him on his body, dipping it with your hand, are you afraid that your hand may touch the urine?"

   The little girl stared and became angry.

   "I'm afraid that my hands are dirty." Li Guizang's face was aggrieved.

   "Next." Li Yi threw a bottle of alcohol he was holding.

   "Thank you, Master!" Li Guizang took the hand, disinfected it, and wiped it on the child with his urine.

   The bag on the child's body is a large flat bump, and some bumps have bumps on it. I don't know where he attracts mosquitoes.

   Within two minutes, the child was wiped out of urine.

   The little girl stopped massaging, and the child stopped crying.

   After another two minutes, the big bag on the doll disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   "Forget it, write it back in the newspaper."

   Li Yi regretted, neglected, and forgot such a good way.

   "Is it a boy peeing?" Zhang Huang looked at the tea bowl with a look of expectation on his face.

   "Are you stinging too? Boys and boys are the same, your own is fine. You..."

   Li Yi suddenly, oh, do you have a mosquito bag on your body?

   "Take a break, borrow your baby boy to pee."

   Zhang Huang began to roll up his trouser legs and sleeves.

   Isn’t it cold now! If it's hot, he won't wear pants underneath, just cover it with a robe.

   Li Guizang took the tea bowl and dipped it with his hands on the obvious big bag on Zhang Huang's body.

   "I'll do it myself,"

   Zhang Huang was flustered. He thought that his status did not match the child who was urinating in front of him.

   "It doesn't have to be this way. My master is a genius doctor. As a disciple, I only have patients and nothing else."

   Li Guizang continued to help wipe the urine, his expression calm.

what is this? He did all the dirtier tasks.

   During his participation in the operation, there was no clean and dirty mind, only the patient's condition.

   "The old man really can't teach." Bi Gou looked at it and sighed.

   He knew that Li Guizang was too lively and agile. He had suffered too much from snacks, and he didn't trust anyone.

   The key is that he is still smart. If he fails to teach well, it is possible to kill the teacher.

   is too wild to be tamed.

   And Xiao Yi didn't see how to tame it, just normal contact, the child actually changed.

   This kind of normal contact is learned, the more normal, the more abnormal.

   "It doesn't itch, it really works! Will you take the imperial examination next year?"

   Zhang Huang doesn't dislike boy pee, boy pee can drink, let alone wipe it.

   When he was a child, he often peeed on his hands. He didn't wash, and he grabbed things and ate normally.

   "I'm having fun with the test, and I will accompany Guan Song with my elder sister."

   Li Guizang wiped Zhang Huang once, then turned his head to pick up the doll's urine, and wiped the doll again.

   In just such a short time, all the lumps on the baby's body disappeared.

   The little baby was sleepy and yawning as if he had taken antihistamines. He opened his eyes hard and then closed, lying in his mother's arms and fell asleep.

   The woman doesn’t care about this weight, she has a baby carrier on her body, and there is a word on the carrier: Wen Tianlan Xiangge

   This is the most expensive and cheapest brand item that ordinary people can own. No money.

   Wen Tianlan Xiangge's things except for this free one, are expensive.

   The man squatted and picked up his daughter: "Your brother is fine, stop crying!"

   "Yeah! I know. I just need to pee!" The girl was happy, and the younger brother was not uncomfortable.

  Princess Yongmu came over and took a small basket decorated with silk. It can hold about two catties of normal things, not the kind of cotton.

There are more than ten kinds of dried fruits in   , and she handed it to the girl: "My sister gave you something to eat."

   "Thank you sister, I don't..."

   "Take it, thank you princess." The man held his daughter in one hand and the small basket in the other.

   You can't ask for other people's things casually. Princess Yongmu's is no problem.

   After waiting to make money, he placed the longevity tablets of your majesty and Li Dongzhu, put on incense, and lighted mosquito coils in summer, and took a few dozen breaths to his house.

   Burning mosquito coils like this can calm the nerves, and the child's soul is not afraid of being hooked away. Everyone says that, but it works.

   "Thank you for the beautiful princess sister." The girl was sensible, and quickly followed her father's words.

   "I'll give you another grapefruit to eat." Li Yi said, he likes people who tell the truth.

   Like a small robot, he likes it. Now he is called a handsome proprietor. Honesty is a good quality, right?

  Unlike the officials or group managers at that time, the first thing to do is to quibble when something goes wrong, pushing his own responsibility away.

   is the failure of education, because some teachers are very hypocritical and very cheap.

   Although he has many friends and netizens who are teachers, they are all pretty good.

   The key point is that some officials still graduated from the ‘like’ and ‘being’ school. This is quite ironic!

   I'm not hypocritical, I can't tell the truth! Give it to grapefruit.

   So the girl took a big grapefruit and refused to let her father take it. It was too heavy. The girl also knew how to be filial. She held the grapefruit and was taken away by her father.

   "Slowly and slowly, there is a trolley pulled, put it on, and pull it away."

  Xunxin dragged a small car over, don’t hold it, a child adds a big grapefruit of more than six kilograms, which is too heavy.

   As for the little doll, you must hold it, and finally fall asleep, wake up with a bump and cry.

   The family left, Zhang Huang watched and threw the pen away: "If I don't write anymore, I'll just do things like I did with other people, okay?"

   "Okay! Go to Feishan County and become the county prime minister, there is a county prime minister there, and you become the second county prime minister. Later, there is rapid development, and one county prime minister and master book are not enough."

   Li Yi agreed that if the other party can throw the pen, it means that the other party knows what is right.

   Throw away the pen of seeking and what is left is the heart of the people.

   Zhang Huang was taken aback, looking at Li Longji.

   "Good!" Li Longji was peeling sunflower seeds, just pick it up with his nails.

   "Dao Ji Xingwen, you will not be Henan Yin after the Chinese New Year."

   Su Ting talked to Zhang, he said that he had a good relationship with Zhang, and Zhang said that he recommended him.

   "Thanks..." Zhang Huang is embarrassed, who do I thank?

   "No thanks, what I said, there will be a lot of money in the future, you forgot your original intention, I will help you remember with your life."

   Li Yi said, I let you go, you don’t need to thank others.

NS! You must understand that the officer I arranged will be responsible to the end.

   If you have a problem, I take responsibility. I need to spend a lot of money to compensate the people and make Laobi happy.

   At that moment, when I clean you up, don't hold back.

   "Dr. Li... Li Dongzhu... I..."

   "It doesn't matter what the title is, you have the ability to lead the local people to increase their income tenfold, and I will answer if you call me."

   Li Yi waved his hand, it’s useless at the top, you are an official, I will increase my life.



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