Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2103: Advertising operation pasta leak

   "Xiao Yi, there are still two days to play against, are you nervous?"

   Early in the morning, Lu Huaishen came over during the meal. He only drank millet porridge today, not eating other staple foods, plus a little pickles.

   "I'm nervous, there are still spare advertising spots that have not been sold." Li Yi nodded.

   "Are you nervous about not making money?" Bi Gou who came by was surprised.

   "Well! Why don't you make the money you should make? There is another advertisement in the newspaper today, let the wealthy businessmen go there to advertise."

   Li Yi is also eating light food. Last night he ran to the laboratory to study urine.

  Why urine can block mosquito bites to a certain extent and at the same time treat mosquito venom.

   The mosquitoes after autumn went crazy in the mountains, they used the last time to **** blood.

   It is written in today's newspaper that it is best for everyone to wipe urine when they are bitten by a mosquito. The effect is most obvious.

   His research was disgusting, and he gave an unsure answer.

   The poison of mosquitoes is acidic, while urine is alkaline. Within a short period of time after the mosquitoes are bitten, the alkali in the urine can destroy the structure of the mosquito venom.

   And then wipe it again to see how the urine is.

The itch after    belongs to that the poison is not removed, and the body reacts with histamine.

  Histamine reaction toilet water is not good, alcohol is not good, windproof, windproof is medicine, it has antihistamine effect.

   There are also several Chinese medicines that are effective against histamine of different properties.

   There are medicines in the medical books, which are taken internally and externally, but most people don’t use it, and it is normal to be bitten by mosquitoes.

   He intends to make it into an ointment. The by-products of petroleum refining include paraffin wax and petroleum jelly, some low-grade processed ones, as simple lubricating oil.

   He used it in medical treatment and cosmetics, and combined with other things, it became his clam oil when he was a child.

   The cost of skin care oil used now is high, and the cost will be reduced in the future, and the people in the north will use it.

  Further north is an export, and foreign exchange earnings cannot be talked about, but the exchange vouchers accepted by ‘foreigners’ can be recovered.

   Antihistamine medicine is put together with petroleum jelly, which is convenient to carry and apply.

   After studying the urine for so long, Li Yi's condition is slightly worse, and he eats lightly, especially can not eat Songhuadan.

   The scent of pine flower eggs is similar to that of summer dry toilets. In summer dry toilets do not need to breathe from the nose, and the mouth feels like breathing.

   ‘Kacha Kacha’ Princess Yongmu ate a piece of lotus root in spite of her image: “About today’s advertising space can be sold out.”

   "Why?" Bi Gou was suddenly curious, how did he sell it? teach me.

   "Li Lang wrote in the newspaper that other materials for railway repair will be purchased from merchants who advertise."

   Princess Yongmu smiled and pointed to the stack of newspapers placed next to her, a thick book printed on one side.

   Most of them are advertisements, and Yu Huaide and other luxury merchants who came from Changan need to sell things.

   Li Yi gave them preferential prices, various group purchases, discounts, buy one get three free, monthly subscription...

  How long do they promise to return the things they sell, only replacement without repair, warranty, return shipping and so on.

   The big businessmen in Henan Province found that the sales of things had been affected too much in the past few days, so they had to advertise.

   The people have a strong desire to buy, and it is good to paste a window or a wall in a home.

   I can practice calligraphy when I turn it over, but I can’t use it to go to the toilet by rubbing it.

  "Hube selling pasta seems to be able to try?" Bi Gou asked Li Yi.

   Li Yi felt the temperature of the eight-treasure porridge, picked it up, slurped and drank, and touched his stomach: "have all the accounts been recorded?"

   "Naturally! The rent from the autumn grain is partly distributed to the officials, and the rest is given in the form of exchange vouchers.

   Some of the extra autumn grains are put in the Changping warehouse, and some are purchased by the household pasta department at the purchase price of bulk commodities.

   A little lower than the market price, less than half of the price, separate operations, clear accounts. "

   Bi Gou raised his chin slightly, the old man understood that it was impossible to make direct internal turnover.

   "A price difference of nearly 5%? Then just sell it directly, and take the market price as a benchmark and reduce it by 5%?"

   Li Yi is not fooled, what does it mean to be less than half?

   Grain itself is a large-scale transaction, with a 5% cost difference. Can others not sell it at retail? Impact the market.

   "It is not for selling grain, but it is made into finished products and sold." Bi Gou assured.

   "Should it be transferred to the warehouse after it was bought? Or put it in the warehouse where the court had rented it?

   Even buying in bulk, and then settled in installments, playing with the empty glove White Wolf?

  Use the manpower of other departments of the court to save transportation manpower for your own department? "

   Li Yi has a problem, just separate the accounts? Going to the grave and burning newspapers, fooling ghosts?

  Bi Gou: "……"

   "When the old man asks, my goodness!" Bi Gou reacted.

   To put it simply, I buy 10,000 stone rice, the quantity is large, and you will give me a preferential price for the bulk transaction.

   put the rice in your warehouse, I will ship a little bit, and I will take away a batch of money for you.

   I bought new rice. I sold five thousand shi rice this year. The rice you give me next year should still be the new rice that year.

   Bi Gou was sweating, so he stopped eating and asked someone to ask.

   "Li Lang, it doesn't seem to work?" Princess Yongmu tilted her head to look at Li Yi.

   "It is clearly holding the new rice of socialism." Li Yi nodded, and then changed his words instantly: "It's to lie to the Tang court for food and grass."

   "How did you cheat?" Princess Yongmu didn't figure it out for a while.

   "Miss, there are costs, labor costs and wastage for storing grain in warehouses," Xiaolan reminded.

   "Yes!" Princess Yongmu suddenly.

   When she finished eating, Bi Gou came back calmly, too calm.

   Li Yi sighed: "How to deal with it?"

   "What sick hands do you need to practice? The old man helps you 33 people." Bi Gou said.

   "The wealth is moving! The system must be perfect."

   Li Yi understands, thirty-three people are damned.

   One part came to Luoyang, and another part was still in Chang'an. They called and arrested people and ransacked their homes Bi Goh took a deep breath: "Xiao Yi, why are you not early..."

   "What are you doing? There are no loopholes in the taxation system I gave you. I mentioned that selling noodles. Did you ask me to manage other operations?"

   "The old man is saying why didn't you impart such important knowledge to the old man earlier? The old man neglected his duty! Faceless facing..."

   "Old Bi, you want to join the group?"

   "No, the old man can hold on for another two years, and can hold on. Xiaoyi, are you full? I'll make tea for you."

   Bi Gou suddenly woke up, shook his head again and again, saying that he was going to find tea.

   "Don't, I dare not let you make tea for me." Li Yi hurriedly stopped.

   "The people from Chang'an will be sent here soon, and you will practice to the death." Bi Gou gritted his teeth.

   "You have to live, and then go to the dumb cannon. I don't want to let the ‘volunteers’ die on the operating table."

   Li Yi also shook his head and refused.

   There are so many ways to kill, kill on the operating table intentionally? I can't, I can't bear it mentally. Never did it, never thought about it, really.

   "Volunteers use the three characters well!" Bi Gou gave a thumbs up.

   "Yes!" Li Yi grinned.



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