Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2364: no summer snow

The latest website: "Telegram." The robot in the hall said: "Tunyugu of the post-Turkic government is in charge of the medicines for typhoid fever and skin care creams that the Tang Dynasty wants to use. It's over."

"A person with a surname of Tie Le Jiu will send it once, and a person from Bashui Zhuangzi will be sent to Tongzhou."

Li Yi didn't ask anyone else, he made his own decision.

The Later Turks need things, and they are expected to persevere, targeting the tribes further north, and by the way, see if potatoes are good.

Henan Road began to plough in spring, and Xiaohai was still covered in snow.

It will take another month for the lake to melt. It is the previous period, which is equivalent to spring, when it is most likely to get sick and blow your face.

Xiaohai's winter is linked with spring, and most tourists don't like to go there in May.

"They are cold, and our soldiers are just as cold." Li Longji thought of his own soldiers after seeing the Turks for help.

"Bring more people and things over there. It's hard to do in the desert, so people with the surname of Tie Lejiu can adapt. Fortunately, they have collected a lot of camels."

Li Yi immediately increased the amount of items to be transported to make Yulin Fei ride more comfortable.

On weekdays, every half month, there will be a team going there, one-third of the things they bring are left, and two-thirds are consumed on the way back and forth.

There is a section of the road that belongs to the desert with snow. The desert is uncomfortable and it snows.

There is no shelter around, the wind blows, the sand rises, and the snow also flutters.

The long-term low temperature makes people want to die.

If you send Southwest Man, it is estimated that half of the staff will be reduced after returning.

Li Yi felt that in the past, he would exchange a lot of things on the way to help him resist.

Otherwise, just don't go.

"Those two shops and things are worth 100,000 yuan, and the main things are valuable."

Bi Gou mentioned one thing, Fanyang Lu and Xingyang Zheng, who scolded Li Yi that day, spent a few days in prison by the way.

The shops are worth about 10,000 yuan, a row of shops, and other things are paintings of a famous artist, copybooks, good inkstones, and uncarved jade.

Li Yi didn't ask any questions at all, leave everything to others, just bring it to me anyway.

He turned his head and spent the money on the people in the area around the two families, building roads and so on.

Therefore, these 100,000 tins can be sold for 150,000 tins normally, and the other 50,000 tins are discounts.

Li Yi took things, but paid in cash.

Go to the pawnshop and die, can you get 150,000 tins of things for 150,000 tins?

In this way, it was Lu Ruoxu, who belonged to Fan Yang's Lu family's northern ancestor's house, who wrote to Lu Huaishen to beg for mercy.

The letter has arrived, and the special express delivery of the post station is quite far away. It is on Hebei Road, next to the capital of Li Yi’s time, and here is Luoyang, Henan.

Even if Lu Huaishen said no, Li Longji would give him a face.

Li Longji is very happy to let you from the Zheng family of Xingyang and the family of Fan Yang Lu get together.

Now that Fanyang Lu's troubles, you Xingyang Zheng will be cleaned up with you.

"Yes, after some propaganda in the newspaper, I took out the money and waited for the spring ploughing to finish. Fan Yang is here, and it is cold now, so I will be near Xingyang first.

Tell other big families, hurry up, take out the money, take so many benefits, don't donate any money. "

Li Yi shamelessly mentioned the benefits he gave to other big households, telling others how to develop, investing in the Yellow River, investing in Haizhou and so on.

He has already exchanged benefits, and he still cares about other people's money.

This time he was finally able to leave, and the five million yuan had to be clearly identified, who should give it to who, and Lan Bao had a share.


Snowflakes fluttered, the north wind blew, and the world was vast.

In the house where Yulin Feiqi stayed, Xiao Jiu was still feeding the horses. The pregnant mare gave birth to a foal half a month ago.

The foal drinks milk very often throughout the day.

Xiaojiu provides a large amount of concentrate to the mare, and the other horses are isolated, so don't grab it.

"It's snowing again, I... don't say anything wrong, eat!"

Xiao Jiu wanted to look forward to one sentence, such as another month, but he held back in time.

He fed the mares sugar, fructose, not afraid of melting.

After the horse is in a good mood, it is more willing to take care of the ponies. The milk production is large, and the extra horse milk becomes a supplement for Yulin Feiqi.

Both sides have no opinion on the exchange of grain for milk.

"The telegram has been sent, and in time will bring you something better.

Your daughter can have gifts too, like a saddle, which she can use when she gets older.

Are you happy? Give you candy, don't lick it, it's actually better to have a daughter than a son.

The pressure of competition is low, and with the current technology, if the son does not grow well, he will not be able to become a stallion.

Daughter can get seeds with other stallions, this is called selection, and I will give you another piece. "

Xiaojiu is bored, chatting with the horse, the horse just eats, and doesn't understand what he says. If he understands, he will probably kick him to death and ask you to send the saddle!

"Xiao Jiu, here, reply over there, the team sent this time is large and will send more things."

Another Fei Yulin rode downstairs and handed Xiao Jiu a can of Hericium erinaceus, sealed with bamboo refueling paper.

The can is so full that you can't see the soup at all, except for the Hericium erinaceus in good quality.

It belongs to the quality of military industry. Li Yi is the same as back then, and the canned food of the army is good.

This can is steamed, just right to eat.

They saved a lot of canned food and dared not eat it, for fear of encountering special circumstances after eating.

Vegetables and mushrooms are the most canned foods, and there are also many dried vegetables in supplements.

There is less canned meat and less jerky.

They are Yulin Feiqi, go out hunting by themselves! Meat still used? There are fish in the small sea area. There are fishing lines and needles behind the tactical saber, and you can hook yourself to catch them.

The location of the ice hole is good, the fish will show its head and open its mouth, reach out and grab the fish's mouth and lift it up.

There are seals, sharks, salmon...

Lynx, roe deer, deer...

If you want meat, you can go on ice or on land.

"Send some cans to their babies and pregnant women!"

Xiaojiu took the canned Hericium erinaceus and thought of the people from the post-Turkic era.

Later, the Turks always gave them meat. When they had too much canned food, they would give it to each other's children and pregnant women.

In fact, they sent it first. Some children came to play, and when they saw them eating, they stood there watching, and did not ask for it.

Body language tells others that I want to eat just like you.

A child said that her mother was about to give birth to a younger brother, and Yulin Feiqi gave extra canned to bring back.

The other party took their can and brought it to them when they hunted or fished.

"You go and deliver, I'll feed the horses." The comrade-in-arms took over the job.

"I won't send it now. It's snowing. I'm too timid to take the risk."

Xiao Jiu shook his head, even if he had the strength to send it, he still refused.

"Wait until the snow has stopped, let's eat it! I'll give you fried beans at noon, and give you more milk."

This Feather Lin Feiqi expects the mare to produce more milk before they can drink it.

In a large house in the Later Turks, Mojilian, Que Teqin, and Tun Yugu sat around the brazier.

There was a pot on the brazier, and the fish was stewed in the pot, and a few pieces of boiled dried vegetables were tumbling along with the water.

"Ah~!" Tun Yugu let out a sigh.

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