Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2365: Learn first and leave the way

The latest website: "Children in the religious clan should learn more about the Tang language and speak the Tang language well."

After sighing, Tun Yugu looked sad.

"We can keep going north, and there's always a way out."

Mo Ji was not reconciled, he knew what his father-in-law meant, but he couldn't, so he merged into the Tang Dynasty.

At that time, he will be old and will no longer be able to command his own people.

The great tribe just disappeared? No, there is a chance, go north, wait for the summer to go north.

"Learn first, don't wait until you need it." Tun Yugu said after thinking for a while.

"It's impossible to fight Datang. They promised to give the potatoes. Did we get the seeds?"

Que Teqin analyzed the situation and knew that his tribe was unable to fight against the Tang Dynasty.

When he was still using a bow, Fei Lin was riding with a musket.

Datang seems to have something new every few months.

It can also send a large amount of materials to Xiaohai from thousands of miles away. Weapons and logistics are incomparable, morale... In the face of the Tang Dynasty, does the clan still have morale?

The clansmen waited to harvest something, and then exchanged it with Datang. The children always said that the canned food of Datang was delicious and sweet.

"Come, send people to the north to investigate the situation, and if you can fight, fight to the north and stay away from the Tang Dynasty."

Tun Yugu picked up the chopsticks and sandwiched the fish, put the fish in an enamel jar, scooped two spoons of soup, grabbed a flour-baked cake sent by Datang, and ate it.

The iron pots, spoons, enamel jars, cakes, and seasonings used for eating were all exchanged from Datang.

If you want to drink tea after eating, whether it is black tea or green tea, it is also from the Tang Dynasty.

The snow dwindled before noon, and Xiaojiu brought four horses, 200 canned mushrooms and 50 shrimp oil dishes to the post-Turkic place.

There was a circle of wooden fences around the Later Turks. There were no defensive measures. In order to prevent the horses and sheep from running away, the fences died outside and could not survive.

When Xiaojiu arrived at the place, he dismounted and moved the fence away, greeted the horse to enter, and pushed the fence again.

Re-boot, there is still a long way to live to pick up.

A few minutes later, someone saw him and greeted him loudly: "Nine brothers are here."

"Come on, send canned food and pickles." Xiao Jiu responded.

"Do you have enough to eat?" the other party shouted again.

"Enough, send a telegram back, and the proprietor will send a team to deliver things. The typhoid medicine and antifreeze you want are about to start spring. The wind is strong and you will easily get sick."

"That's great. When I left in a while, I came to my house to get meat, and caught another fat seal. Yes, it's called a seal."

"I don't need it today. After I go back, I will organize people to go to the lake to catch them myself."

After Xiaojiu finished speaking, he continued to urge the horse to move forward, and people greeted him from time to time along the way.

He came to the school, and the later Turks also had a school to learn from the Tang Dynasty.

It teaches Tang dialect and Tang characters, and Tun Yugu plans for the future.

If you really can't stand it, let's go to Datang!

Maybe one day in the future, his clansmen will be able to reorganize and break away from the Tang Dynasty.

He didn't know that in history, before the fall of the Tang Dynasty, all the grievances were settled.

However, some aristocratic families still exist, such as the Fan Yang Lu family, who continued to be prime ministers in the Northern Song Dynasty.

The Confucius Mansion is still the Confucius Mansion.

When Xiaojiu went to the school, the voice of the Three Character Classic came out: At the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently good...

He dismounted, and someone had already come over: "Nine brothers, you are reluctant to eat it yourself, give it to us, it would be great if we were all from the Tang Dynasty."

"Aren't you afraid of being beheaded when you say this?"

"Chop, if you want to take it, let's go to Xiaohai and use the method provided by Datang, and hope that Datang will exchange things. I just want to live a good life."

"Move down. In a few days, more things will be delivered. In June, we will change. The new arrivals will tell them what to do."

"Take Hegina with you when you go?"

"That's right! She agreed at the beginning that if I rescue her brother, she will be my daughter-in-law, and I will use the medicine given by the owner on her brother."

"What if she regrets it?"

"Go back and regret it! I can find her when I go back. She is always beaten and scolded at home. Follow me, at least I won't beat her.

Fei Lin Feiqi doesn't beat his daughter-in-law. If he has the ability, he will kill the enemy. If his daughter-in-law is not beaten, what we learn is the method of killing.

I beat my daughter-in-law and accidentally killed her, but what should I do? "

"Just put it on the ground, go, Hegina is waiting for you!"

"Okay! I put it on the ground and left." Xiao Jiu happily continued forward with a few horses.

He fell in love with his daughter, Hegina's younger brother was ill, and the family was anxious.

He used to give Hegina's younger brother candy, and Hegina's younger brother told him when he had a fever.

Hegina came over in person and talked to him, as long as she saved her younger brother and married him herself.

Hegina is beautiful, a lot of people pursue.

He also took a fancy to it, so he took the special medicine that Li Yi gave them, antibiotics!

He broke off half a tablet and fed it to Hegina's younger brother. After three hours, the child's body temperature was close to normal. After another three hours, he fed another half tablet. The next morning, the fever was gone.

After raising it for a few days, after taking the second tablet, I recovered completely.

Since then, he has always come here, delivering things, and taking things away.

It's okay, take Hegina with you when you go back, if Hegina doesn't want to, forget it, don't look for short-term views.

When he got to the place, without waiting outside the yard to shout, a voice came out from a corner: "Little Jiu is here? Hegina is coming out soon."

"No hurry, it's snowing, is it difficult to breathe?"

Xiao Jiu said to a woman under forty, Hegina's mother.

"It's alright, there is seal meat today, you must stay for dinner."

The enthusiasm of being a mother-in-law does not dislike the 'poor' son-in-law at all.

I have learned before that when I asked my son-in-law, the son-in-law said that he had no money, so the money was given to the family, only a few bucks a month, and the extra money was also given to the family.

He also has two younger brothers, one is nine years old and the other is two years younger than him, called Xiao Shi, who works with him in the Yulin Flying Horse.

My mother-in-law felt that there were many brothers, they were lively, they could help each other, and it didn't matter whether they had money or not.

We can't say that because people have many brothers and give money to the family, they think it is difficult for a daughter to marry in the past.

"Is it ready? I'm not ready to cook."

Xiao Jiu, a poor soldier, has to work hard, we can cook.

As soon as the door over there opened, a plainly dressed but beautiful woman stood there: "Brother Jiu, come It's good!" Xiao Jiu opened the small fence of the yard and led the horse in.

Horses are familiar with the procedures, go to the stables by themselves, know where they are, just like their own home.

Xiao Jiu went in with a bottle of wine, two cans and a can of shrimp oil side dishes.

"Is it cold?" Hegina stood there and blinked with big eyes.

"It's okay, it's a lie to say that it's not cold, what dishes have you not cooked? I'll come."

Xiao Jiu took off his coat, put his things on the ground, and went to the kitchen.

"Xiao Jiu is here?" The old man also greeted.

"Bring something for the children, a lot of supplies were sent, and the telegram came back, and the Li family Zhuangzi came out."

Xiaojiu responded, went into the kitchen to see, and didn't cook a single dish, just so, she had it all.

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