Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2431: Delicious and delicious, it is hard to rain

"Look, this is it." A group of people saw a jar under the light, and the winter melon that couldn't be taken out.

Seeing that the other party was not making up his words, Song Jing nodded: "Chop the melon in the jar."

The man shook his head: "To finish taking it out, take it out, Xiaoman from Niupo Village, which is far from here, promised to marry me."

"You planted it?" Song Jing was embarrassed now.

He used to think that the other party was joking and joking regardless of the occasion, but now it involves the happy life of others, trouble!

He hesitated: "I feel that she doesn't want to really marry you, the twisted melon is not sweet!"

"Xiaoman is willing to be nice to me, but her mother doesn't agree. Her mother wants to marry her to a rich man in the county. She just asked the question. Whoever answers the question will marry."

The man shook his head and sighed heavily.

"Don't she know that she has asked a question that is impossible to answer?" Song Jing was troubled.

"She told me secretly that when the pumpkins finished growing, go to Li Dongzhu. She said that Li Dongzhu must know." The young man looked at Li Yi.

Everyone suddenly understood why he was so courageous, and he fought for happiness.

"I don't believe in Li Yi..." Song Jing swears.

"Easy." Before he could finish speaking, Li Yi nodded.

"Easy?" Six or seven people next to him looked at Li Yi at the same time.

"I will send someone to match you, as long as your little man is willing, her family will dare to reject me?" Li Yi gave the answer.

'whispering sound! ' The people around me despised him.

"It's as useful as you find someone else." Li Yi looked at everyone.

Everyone turned their heads and ignored you, thinking you had a good idea.

Li Yi looked at the jar: "I'll give you a hundred catties of salt."

"I want Xiaoman, not salt." The young man said in frustration.

"Soak it in saturated salt water, soak it once, change the water once, soak the winter melon, and then you can take it out of the jar.

The other kind is not very easy to control. When you bake it with a jar on fire, the winter melon will be dehydrated and become smaller.

Try it yourself and use whichever you are proficient with.

In fact, when the watermelon is stored, control the concentration of salt water and soak it, it will prolong the storage period, and the winter melon does not need to be so troublesome. "

Li Yi is not joking, his future daughter-in-law trusts him so much, he must give a solution.

The former is used to dehydrate the wax gourd due to the osmotic pressure difference, and the latter is directly heated and dehydrated, both of which are easy to use.

"Thank you Li Dongzhu. I'll find someone to borrow a jar. I'll put a few unripe winter melons about the same size and make them look like they can't come out."

The young man came to the spirit, bent his legs, stood up straight again, and bowed to Li Yi.

"Xiaoyi, can I still eat the winter melon after soaking in salt water?" Bi Gou suddenly asked.

"Eat?" The young man was surprised, I was for eating? How many winter melons am I missing?

"You can eat it, cut it, wash it with water, rub it, and then make it into soup, or mix it with pickles. You don't have to wait for the winter melon to grow, soak it to see if it's dehydrated, and it will become smaller after dehydration."

Li Yi answered the questions he finished, and told the young man not to give up.

"Li family Zhuangzi left two people and two Yulin Feiqi in the village to wait for you to try, and directly propose marriage after the test."

Li Longji is going to send him a ride, and the young people are in love with each other. When they get married and live a good life, they will be counted as my virtue.

"Can't think of it? I have Dongzhu Li who gave advice. Dongzhu Li is the one who gave advice to His Majesty. No, I am not comparing myself to His Majesty, I mean..."

The young man muttered and ran to find salt and made salted melons.

"He's right, a bull's knife is used to kill a chicken."

After watching the excitement, Li Dan affirmed.

The person who decides the national policy usually answers this kind of question for you. The price of marrying your daughter-in-law is really high.

The team stayed in the evening, and went back to another place in the morning. Come out to relax and have a wedding feast.

When the sun rises, everyone eats a hodgepodge of stews and other just mixed together, called zheluo.

Li Longji has never eaten it. He has eaten the stew made by Li Yi, but it is not leftovers.

He served a serving of this dish, the dishes on the table he sat on yesterday, but not the dishes on other tables.

"Brother Yi, it tastes good." Li Longji agreed after tasting it.

"It's not that all the dishes are poured together, but also the same, depending on the style of the dishes, the living standards of the two villages have improved."

Li Yi is in charge of Zheluo, he can actually make new dishes by himself, he just wants everyone to feel it, and he can't eat anything wrong.

Yesterday he saw it on the table, pork belly with plums, six balls, boiled whole chicken, braised fish, big bones, stewed goose in iron pot, stuffed eggs, prawns in brine, and eight meat dishes.

Other vegetarian dishes include fried toon sprouts with eggs, fried garlic sprouts with meat and so on.

Eight meat and eight vegetables plus a soup, even if you are married, you can't make it without money.

Look at the tables, chairs, bowls, plates, plates, chopsticks, all with the word hi.

After asking, I found out that each of the two villages has done a lot of things, specially used to do red affairs for someone, the second set for white affairs, the third set for longevity, and the fourth set for children's full moon and birthday.

In this way, you don't have to worry about borrowing things from other people, which means that the village has a better life.

And these dishes are taught over and over again in the newspapers. There are chefs in the common people who learn, and others who do errands, can bring people over to help and get money.

The villagers do not give money, but give some leftover vegetables. The chef in charge of cooking today does not need to buy vegetables. UU Kanshu prepared the leftover vegetables and drove them out to sell lunch boxes.

The village's own stove for cooking cannot be sold, so I have to go to Luoyang, and it's almost noon when I get there.

"It still feels comfortable in winter, it's too hot to breathe."

Liu Youqiu wiped his sweat and gasped.

Li Yi took a look, didn't care, he couldn't die, that's why he stayed in the house for a long time.

In winter, he remembered Liu Youqiu saying that it was comfortable in summer, but it was freezing in winter.

However, the temperature is indeed high, and there is a heat wave on the road in the early morning, and it may not be so hot by noon.

We mainly look at vegetable fields, and there will be no shortage of water where rice can be grown.

In the bean fields, people carry water for watering, and they also use bamboo tubes to connect water to drip irrigation.

The pressure well has a special person responsible for the pressure, and it is rotated.

"The adult laborers of this family should build the railway outside, and only an old man and an old lady will take care of the vegetable fields and help."

Li Yi stood by a vegetable field and watched. There were many people working in a large area, and several acres of land belonged to the old couple.

They don't need to press the water, with the help of neighbors, they pick half a bucket of water into it at a time, and use a ladle to scoop a vegetable plant to water.

Yulin Feiqi rushed over, not only helping the family, but also pressing and carrying water.

As soon as the people looked at them, they smiled and thanked them, and stepped aside, so as not to cause confusion.

Li Yi looked up at the sky: "Is this cloud enough? I want to try it."

"Brother Yi, what are you trying?" Li Chengqi followed and counted the clouds, one big and one big.

"Artificial rainfall, to knock down the rain from the sky, requires drones to go up and sound, and I feel that the current cloud is not enough."

Li Yi said and shook his head, the clouds are small, what is the way to play?

It is even worse to use a ground burner to send it up, the terrain is not suitable.

There is no aircraft that can carry out artificial rainfall. We will see it later. It is mainly a test.

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