Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2522: The first snow falls and then hangs

"Brother Yi, just arrange the trivial matters individually." Li Longji held the wine cup, he thought it was a simple matter.

He likes to hear popular science, but he doesn't want to raise this matter to a certain height.

When he was looking for Yidi alone, Yidi's science was interesting and did not have a political appearance.

He knew why some ponds were mowed so much reeds, and why there were fewer fish beneath the surface, and why more withered lotus flowers in ponds were taken away by boats.

The problem of air, people need to breathe, so do fish.

"What the third brother said is very true." Li Yi agreed.


The snowflakes fell, and the water transport of the Yellow River was less durable than that of the Yangtze River, and gradually stopped.

However, it did not affect Haizhou, where there are railways, to continue to transport materials to the mainland. The Datang Navy, which went out, returned one after another for unloading and rest.

A large amount of spices and gold were transported to Lijiazhuangzi, and the purity of the gold was not enough, so it had to be smelted and purified.

The barbarian merchants brought gold and silver here, not for direct trade, but to melt first, calculate the weight after melting, and pay a sum of money by the way.

"Brother Yi, how are these things arranged?"

Li Long base station was in the snow outside. God didn't give you any preparations this year. The snow fell directly, and it hasn't stopped yet. .

The navy came back with a lot of valuables, mainly spices, and to a lesser extent gold.

Every time a boat is loaded with these things, it returns with precious wood and grain.

The first time he set off in the form of the entire Datang Navy, the things he got back were worth more than 100 million yuan.

This 100,000,000 yuan includes the discount of some items after the sales price becomes lower due to the increase in quantity. If there is no discount, more than 100,000,000 yuan.

Pepper grains, more than 50 tons per ship, were calculated by grams in previous years.

Right now, people want to buy it, saying that there is not much money for one or two, and the family's income can bear it.

"Printing Tang banknotes, Lijiazhuangzi's exchange coupons will stop printing and issuing, and they will be slowly recovered through market transactions."

Li Yi was in a good mood and finally returned the right to issue the currency to the official, but he still controlled it.

The collateral of the official printed banknotes should be kept in the Zhuangzi to prevent others from stealing it.

The Zhuangzi versions of each medium denomination of the Tang Dynasty banknotes have been made, and 20 million banknotes of different denominations have been printed, but they have not been issued.

Datang's laws have been revised long ago, requiring that Datang refuse to accept the legal tender of Datang during the process of not allowing any buying and selling.

The issuance of currency is easy, and the salaries for officials are directly turned into new Tang paper money.

Yimeng, Gongmeng, and Shangmeng exchanged Lijiazhuangzi's exchange coupons for the same amount of Tang paper money.

The imperial court and Li Chengqi exchanged the exchange coupons, and took the exchange coupons to Lijiazhuangzi to exchange for collateral.

Li Jiazhuangzi changed the name of a warehouse where the collateral was placed and became the court.

The exchange coupons given by the imperial court to Lijiazhuangzi were destroyed to complete the exchange.

Then there are the banknotes given by the court to the court of Lijiazhuangzi. Lijiazhuangzi gave the same amount of low-voltage items to the court. When Lijiazhuangzi bought things, he used the money of the court.

Like a railway repairer, the same is true for paying wages.

Lijiazhuangzi's exchange coupons gradually withdraw from the stage, and finally only the paper money of the imperial court circulates.

However, it cannot be exchanged now, and only the imperial court can issue currency to the officials, the army to pay 'salaries' and to buy things from the common people.

The reason is that the exchange coupons of Lijiazhuangzi are still very new, and the printing cost has not been recovered, and the paper money of the imperial court also has printing costs.

Direct and fast exchange will eliminate a printing cost.

There are obviously not enough exchange certificates in circulation in Datang as a whole, and it is hard to recycle. A large number of Datang banknotes need to be printed, and as much collateral as there is printed.

"Brother Yi." Li Chengqi held a string of candied haws in his hand: "The value of the thing used as collateral has depreciated, is it the devaluation of the currency?"

"Of course! Therefore, the collateral must be rare. After the gold appreciates, the exchange certificate appreciates, and other items depreciate accordingly."

Li Yi nodded, looking at the candied haws on his brother's hand, he always felt that it was too early to eat, the first snow.

"With the increase in the amount of foreign gold and silver, won't our collateral depreciate?" Li Chengqi considered this question.

"After there is too much, the value of foreign currency depreciates. We buy it with exchange coupons and Tang Dynasty banknotes. The original value of gold is more than half a dozen.

Who dares to use physical gold and silver to enter the Datang market in large quantities to depreciate and promote the devaluation of Datang's currency, we will print paper money without collateral to buy, and if you buy it, it is the collateral.

Then there is tax in this process, and this tax is our extra profit.

Even if they repurchase a lot of collateral with paper money, we will still not be run down. "

Li Yi is not worried about this kind of thing at all. Who dares to play finance with him now? He bullied each other to death.

Li Chengqi suddenly said: "Is the tax for this? Gold and silver trading, 30% tax, right?"

"It is 80% to make handicrafts. Lao Bi has the most say. He always thinks about the new technology products in my village."

Li Yi smiled. Next year, Bi Gou will start to hand over power and join the group for the elderly.

It is not allowed to become an official, once the official is finished, not all retired people can change their mentality well.

Let him relax a bit and participate in the development of Datang again, so he can live Li Longji came to Li Chengqi, grabbed his brother's hand, and ate a hawthorn, frowning sorely. Head: "It's like yesterday!"

His eyes are red, and he feels that these years have passed quickly, and Datang has developed rapidly.

The children have added some more, and the scars on the eldest son's face have completely disappeared, and he is studying hard.

After giving birth to two children, the queen is getting younger and younger, growing upside down? Ready to have another child, preferably still a daughter.

"Song De, is there something?" Li Yi found that Song De was standing a few dozen steps away when he followed his feelings.

"After hundreds of experiments, the largest airship has been made, hydrogen."

Song De came over at this time and bowed first.

"Don't be frowning, it's just spending money. A lot of scientific research is delayed because of lack of money. What is the most important thing Li family Zhuangzi lacks?"

Li Yi knew how Song De's expression came about. Airships cost money, and they kept making experiments, large and small, and threw more than 200,000 yuan into them.

It is mainly used to study how after an airbag is ignited and exploded by a diesel engine, other airbags will not explode.

If this problem is not considered, the research and development cost is very low, and Li Yi directly provides some technologies.

"It's money. Let's build a large airship that is 100 meters long and has a front diameter of 20 meters. Theoretically, it has a dead weight of 25 tons and a load of 17 tons. It has dual diesel engines and sails at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour."

Song De was happy and reported the situation of the airship that was about to be launched. It was normal for the proprietor to be strong, and the key craftsmen were also strong.

"Okay! When is the trial flight?" Li Yi knew why the diameter of the front end was small. For the sake of speed, the more round it was, the slower it flew, and the air had resistance.

He originally thought about a speed of tens of kilometers, but it turned out to be more than 100 kilometers.

Loaded with people and diesel, I want to be able to transport twelve or three tons of goods at one time to Zhenzhou, Sanya.

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