Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2523: Airship 1 out of the world

The nineteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, the tenth day of the tenth month of the solar calendar, in the afternoon.

Yesterday's first snow in Luoyang didn't "stand up", couldn't build a snowman, it completely melted.

Fortunately, the road is well repaired, not muddy, and all roads in Zhuangzi are cement.

The kids who are about to make a big snowman are lost, why can't it be colder?

If it's cold, even if it doesn't snow, Zhuangzi can make snow artificially.

Li Yi, Li Longji and others ignored Xue, and they came to the square, all the ministers were there, waiting for the largest airship of the Tang Dynasty to take off.

Have tried airships a few times before in the open, in different sizes.

Today, this one is going to sail, and it will not stop in the sky and move slightly like a hot air balloon.

To go to Guangzhou and bring bananas back for everyone to eat, Li Yi has to earn back the research and development expenses.

"How much can you sell ten tons of bananas for in winter?"

Li Yi calculated the price of bananas. According to the load, he could bring back 20,000 catties of bananas, 640 grams per catty.

He had to consider his spending power. He could buy large Chilean cherries for a few hundred yuan a pound.

The purchasing power of money is different. Bananas are sold to Datang people for fifty cents a pound. Can you buy a lot?

Selling for 200 yuan a pound will shrink the consumption circle.

In fact, people in Henan Prefecture have never eaten bananas at all. It is 1,400 kilometers away from Guangzhou. How many days in advance can they be picked?

"Xiaoyi, shipping bananas back from Guangzhou is a luxury, right?"

Bi Gou watched the airship take off, thinking that next year he was going to step down from the second line, and he planned to work harder.

"Ten coins per catty, that's it, what did you just say, Lao Bi?"

Li Yi determined that the price of bananas was so cheap that the common people could afford them. .

The research and development cost of Zhuangzili is 200,000 tine, which does not mean that the manufacturing cost is 200,000 tine.

If this one is easy to use, we will build twenty of them and run over there every day to transport bananas.

Going once and coming back, one and a half days is enough. One airship transports bananas for 200 tins, 20 ships for 4000 tins, and 400,000 tins in 150 days.

That is to say, in less than half a year, the research and development costs and manufacturing costs have all returned. This input-output ratio and capital return period are scary.

"How can it be so low?" Bi Gou was dumbfounded, your oil is not money?

"Returning to the society, in fact, the airship should not be transported back. The first time we eat, let the airship fly directly to Guangzhou, and it will not be in the future."

Li Yi wanted the people to taste fresh bananas, including those from Jingzhaofu.

Green bananas can be kept for a long time without trying to ripen.

Ripening has the technology of ripening, which is simple and easy.

He remembered one thing, the railway of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has been completed, and he is waiting for the acceptance to open to traffic.

The straight-line distance from Guangzhou to Luoyang is 1,400 kilometers, and from there to Hangzhou, the straight-line distance is 1,000 kilometers.

One hundred kilometers per hour, one go and one return, save eight hours.

The train runs again, the time becomes longer, but the cost is low, the number of trains is large, and the loading capacity is high.

How many tons are in a car? The airship can replenish fuel in Hangzhou, and the carrying capacity is larger.

To build twenty airships from Guangzhou to Hangzhou, will it take half a year to return to the original cost?

In this way, the people of Henan Prefecture and Jingzhao Prefecture can afford to eat, and then transport some other fruits and goods, and earn all the cost back in three months.

Li Yi is not pursuing profit, he wants to provide cheap commodities to the people, otherwise what is he doing?

After returning to the original, bananas can be five yuan per catty, and if people make thirty yuan a day, they can eat it every few days.

"As long as there is a telegraph, the local people are bitten by a poisonous snake. Tell me what kind of poisonous snake it is, and I will use the airship to deliver anti-venom."

Li Yi also thought of the use of an airship, to send anti-venom and rabies vaccine, this village can make it by himself.

The original mountain people in Guangzhou were bitten by a poisonous snake and knew what kind of snake it was.

The bitten person should be dealt with on the premise and carried over.

When we got to the place, the airship also arrived, no more than twenty hours.

This is the correct way to open an airship, and in war it is another.

"Li Lang, it's okay during natural disasters!" Princess Yongmu thought of natural disasters.

In the event of a major flood or drought, the people have just been hit, but they can hold on for a while, and then the court's rescue is delayed, and they start to run away.

At a critical moment, the airship flew over and told the people not to be afraid, and the people would not flee from the famine and escape.

An airship transports more than 20 tons of cargo at a time. There are enough airships to eat and drink.

All the ethnic minorities in the surrounding area are all good at singing and dancing inside the Tang Dynasty, and they are good at fighting outside the Tang Dynasty.

Everyone knows that the Tang Dynasty has explosive packs, and whoever is not convinced, the airship flew over his head, and he figured it out all at once.

The biggest difference between humans and animals should be their perception, such as the post-Turkic one who stayed in the small sea, there are many people.

They always thought of bearing the burden of humiliation and waiting for one day to revive the Turks.

When it got cold, the airship flew over to a group and sent charcoal and coal for heating.

When something is thrown from the sky, people are guaranteed to understand what to do, an epiphany!

"Send troops directly to beat Silla! And Balhae."

When the airship accelerated and disappeared in the sky, Song Jing, who had previously opposed the war with the generals, was moved.

He was frightened, the airship is so fast? Hot air balloons should be eliminated.

"When you come back, make two more trips. UU read to see if there are any shortcomings. If there is no problem, make twenty..."

"Two hundred, to build two hundred ships, the court can pay."

Li Dan stretched out two fingers, he wanted to live unrestrained and unrestrained again.

Li Yi looked at Li Dan's posture and words, and thought of a game, Street Fighter, arcade.

That's how the red man in it made a gesture, I miss it very much! At that time, he operated with one hand with his left hand, not with his right hand.

At that time, I was young and ignorant. Later, I played with both hands, because after winning the opponent with one hand, it is likely to be beaten. In a coin-toss battle, you can still win with one hand.

If the opponent can't beat you in games, it doesn't mean that they can't beat you in reality.

Those who know fate do not stand under the rock wall, and they will provoke knowing the consequences unless they have enough confidence.

Li Yi never did anything about knowing that he might be beaten, but still looking for something to see if the other party dared to beat him or not.

What if the other party wanted to kill someone? It doesn't matter if the other party loses money or not, even if the other party loses his life, he will not be able to come back to life.

He shook his head and returned to reality: "Don't worry, I don't need any money from the imperial court. It will be early if you can build Li Family Zhuangzi. There is no plan to build an airplane in a short time, and there is a lack of an airport."

Li Yi plans to vigorously develop the airship industry in the future.

Airships do not need airports, and their safety is also good. There are a lot of them, and it is guaranteed that some of them will have problems.

People still fall somersaults while walking, hope the airship will always be fine, dream!

If something goes wrong, it will fly.

The development and progress of society is like this. Wherever there is a problem, find the reason for improvement.

It is not suitable to fly out of the plane at the moment, many airports are needed for transit, the combat radius is small, and the key is not used.

In the era of the Tang Dynasty, hot air balloons were already against the sky, airships should not exist, and planes should be obtained?

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