Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2633: Fake love blows cold

At present, red crabs are in the breeding period, with cream and yellow, they are real crabs, unlike king crabs, their internal organs are different from normal crabs.

In history, no one has eaten the red crabs on this island. Who has better crabs to eat such 'small' crabs?

Li Yi also ate one. He had never eaten it before. He couldn't go to Christmas Island to eat red crabs. They were protected species.

Red crabs can be dried on the road, but not on the grill.

The local red crabs will dispose of the fallen leaves, and the red crabs will pick up the leaves and eat them without anyone cleaning them.

"Brother Yi, the meat of the red crab is tender, is there a large number?"

Li Longji took a bite of crab meat and found that the taste was no worse than that of hairy crabs and rice field crabs, and the key meat was more.

Li Yi took a small pair of scissors, one of the sixteen crabs, and fed it to the little guy who came to offer his 'treasure' while processing it.

"More, after we occupy this island, if we want to eat more, we have to dig a hole to store water.

The weather is hot right now, and red crabs need to run from the forest to the beach. Like the frogs we eat, they have a migration period.

The heat will kill the red crabs, artificially set up puddles, fill them with water, and even dig horizontal shallow ditches.

Red crabs pass through the water in the process of running to the beach, and they don't die on the road. Let's catch them again to keep the number undiminished. "

Li Yi once traveled here, because the phosphates were all dug up, and the local area relied on tourism to ensure income.

The red crab is a landscape. In order to show people's love for life, the traffic of cars and trains is stopped.

The army of this country who loves life goes to other countries to slaughter the same kind, but it is not at all soft-hearted.

He thinks that there is a poem that is most suitable for this group of things to be changed, and it is that one: the mean is the passport of the mean, and the noble is the epitaph of the noble.

Change it: Noble is the pass of the mean, and mean is the epitaph of the noble.

After the change, the meaning is: despicable people do despicable things recklessly under the banner of nobleness, and noble people say that they are despicable before they die.

This strong contrast is like 'the night gave me black eyes, but I use them to find light'.

"That's it." Li Longji didn't know what Li Yi was thinking, and he agreed that he would give it to him if he wanted to take it.

After catching the red crabs, what will I eat in the future? When people are on their way, they will die from the sun. They help dig shallow canals. If more people survive, they will take some more.

"They are tender because they eat leaves, like sheep eat grass, they eat meat.

The best time to eat is only at this time of the year, the breeding season. According to biology and medicine, our favorite food is their...

If we are good at assisting, it is estimated that we will eat hundreds of thousands of them every year... we will eat more and more, so we will increase the catch.

The island is so big, it is impossible for the number of red crabs to increase, otherwise they will be naturally eliminated. "

Li Yi paused for a while, and found that the egg was not right? Then we talk about the natural selection problem of the number of biological groups.

"Drinking." Li Longji held the cup and learned new knowledge, or else I will do it later...

"Go!" Li Yi raised his head and drank all the cold beer, drinking beer and eating seafood, the purine was high! Fortunately, he can handle it in time.

Treat it before you get gout, once you get it, it won't work.

After eating so much, I have to adjust it through other foods when I go back.

Every time I check my body, it depends on the condition. Anyway, he was fine before, and it was affected by genes.

He didn't know yet that his third brother, his father-in-law, was always thinking about raising the difficulty of slaughtering, or setting a standard.

In general, one must first write a fu, and those who can write a fu are guaranteed to be able to write poetry.

See Fu, okay, let's have a meal together! Barbecue is easier to chat.

When you are eating, you write a word, I will see it, the other party must be prepared, write it.

After writing it, Li Longji said that you can compose a song with your words, I will listen to it.

This can also be summed up on the road of failure of predecessors and written in advance.

Li Longji said let's play it, draw lots and see which instrument you can draw?

All right! Since he dares to come and have fun, he can blow even the leaves and leaves, and he will pass another level.

During the whole process, we talked about literature, and everyone was very happy.

Li Longji turned around and said how many dishes to cook? Look at the skill of the knife, the level of side dishes and the mastery of the heat?

I used to practice it before, but this time I finally took it out.

Eating vegetables, Li Longji: I have a stomachache recently, what's the problem?

It involves medicine, there is nothing wrong, I specially found a famous teacher to learn about acupuncture and pulse, Your Majesty, you are not sick, drink more hot water.

Li Longji is happy, yes, I really lied to you, I have brother Yi, can I still seek your doctor when I have a stomachache?

He just asked, if there are so many things in Datang this year, I will let you take care of it in the next quarter. Can you produce a plan?

The dry person nodded vigorously, thinking about it and writing it.

Li Longji: Okay, great. Finally, let's talk about the specific aspects of breeding, planting, and industrial technology? technical.

People who go to work: I don't go to work anymore, I have the ability to go out to sea, go outside to be the emperor, take my family, go to remote places, and hide from your Tang Dynasty! You are too bullying.


The yolk-like sun jumped out of the sea level, and the sky was radiant in an instant.

Sixty-four cute little penguins and twenty-eight little penguins that didn't grow their hair began to eat. A total of ninety-two were alive.

The ones that came out of the eggs looked a little was too thin and thin, and the sixty-four had gray fur and fluffy.

Princess Yongmu, Xiaolan and Qingdai were in charge of feeding, wearing cashmere sweaters and duck down coats.

In the cruise ship, a hall was specially vacated to simulate the environment, which was cold and a little damp.

Feed the small ones first, and feed the shrimp paste and fish paste made according to the nutrient content, pH, and temperature of the things spit out by the penguins.

Feed the little penguin without strenuous exercise and fright, and the little penguin will not spit it out.

After feeding twenty-eight artificially hatched little penguins, go to feed sixty-four furry ones.

These penguins are crowded together, and the cold wind is blowing, which can cost electricity, and artificial snow.

When facing the direction of the wind blowing, the little penguins will squeeze and adjust their positions, the middle is warm, go outside, and those outside come in.

"Like a bee." Princess Yongmu found common ground after feeding, and bees spend the winter like this.

The outer circle will flap its wings together with the inner circle to blow the cold air out. If the outer circle fails, change the position.

Beekeepers don't cut honey until they want to have more bees, and even feed them sugar water.

If you don't need so many spleens, just cut the honey once, mainly to exchange money, then the bees will die a lot, and they will slowly recover in the coming year.

Just like the nomads in the grasslands raise sheep, they don't kill sheep if they have enough food, and they can only kill old sheep that can't be bred.

And the little lambs need to be raised in the tent, warm each other by the way, and feed the lambs to sleep, which is equivalent to an extra warm treasure.

Li Yi used to have cats at that time. He put the cat in the bed before going to bed, and took the cat out when he was going to sleep.

Dogs can't do it. At that time, dogs were not allowed to go to the kang, or even enter the house.

Children of nomadic peoples hold lambs, cover them with sheepskin quilts, and spend cold nights.

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