Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2634: Who is required by the latitude

After the team stopped at the islands and peninsulas on the eastern side of the Sunda Strait, it was only two and a half days when they arrived in Jakarta at the time of Li Yi.

If it is not for the construction of simple docks on the islands and peninsulas, it will take less than a day to reach Jakarta.

Needless to say, the peninsula is connected to the mainland. The difference between islands and reefs is that there is fresh water on the islands, but there is no fresh water on the reefs.

This is the regulation of the United Nations, but if you think about the word island carefully, you can understand whether it is traditional or simplified.

Mountains and birds are islands, reefs are stones, birds and water, and birds can drink dew and seepage for a living.

That is, the island is where people can survive under normal conditions, but not reefs.

Regardless of whether it is a peninsula or an island, a wharf must be built, which is a waste of time.

When you arrive in Jakarta, it belongs to the tropical rain forest climate. You can see the position of the equator. It's hot!

The name was given by others. The City of Victory, like Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia during Li Yi’s time, was translated as the Red Hero.

Now there are people here, few people, small tribes.

Tropical rainforest climate, and next to the sea, affected by the monsoon.

There are pythons, poisonous snakes, mosquitoes, crocodiles, poisonous lizards in the tropical rain forest...

Who normal person would want to live in such a place? Like the original Zhenzhou, that is, Sanya.

Going there in the future will be filled with mountains and places for demolition.

Northerners are bitten by mosquitoes in summer, and it will be fine for two or three days, no need to worry, and some even overnight.

When I arrived in Sanya, I was bitten by a mosquito. After three months, there was still a white spot like vitiligo.

It's so poisonous, it's simply not what people should bear.

And Jakarta is more powerful than that, most people hang up when they enter the jungle.

In the normal impression, there are mosquitoes at night, right? Jakarta is not, it still bites you during the day.

In my impression, the mosquito will run far away with a wave of your hand. Here is the moment when you wave your hand and the mosquito will fall on your hand and bite you.

Mosquitoes in the tropical rainforest will do Jeet Kune Do. If the enemy does not move, I will not move. If the enemy wants to move, I will move first.

The enemy is moving too much, and there are big fans, so let's go! For having the ambition to sacrifice...

"This is not the problem of mosquito coils. There must be a tacit cooperation between mosquito nets and screen windows. The key infectious diseases are very few local people, and there is no such antibody in the body.

You see, they use grass juice and leaf juice to smear their bodies, just to prevent mosquitoes, we have toilet water, and I will prepare it separately when I come here.

In the face of this kind of mosquito, our toilet water should be upgraded to increase the ratio of pyrethroid, which is Artemisia japonica extract. Others don't know it, so don't spread it!

At the same time, add some baking soda. If you are bitten for a short time, immediately wash it with baking soda or add something to apply it to destroy the basis for the survival of mosquito toxins. "

Li Yi is not kidding, he also introduced wind oil essence and cooling oil.

Toilet water or something is not as good as cooling oil and wind oil, and wiping wind oil is worse than spraying toilet water.

The large bottle of balsamic essence can be used for a month before going to bed at night, and the saving point of the small bottle can also last for a week.

"Xiaoyi, isn't this thing expensive? What is the profit?"

Bi Gou understood, he didn't need these things, he had little robots.

When the fleet stopped, it was by the sea, and he dared to sleep in the open air, and the little robot would cover him with a blanket to cover his navel.

Then small robots like flying insects help them down. This is Datang's national-level full-time job treatment. In other words, it is called Datang's senior officials.

"The volatility of cooling oil is lower than that of wind oil, and it is packed in tin-plated iron boxes for canning. Wind oil is highly volatile and is packed in glass bottles."

Li Yi first said about the issue of volatility, the two materials have some of the same materials, and others are different.

Bi Gou frowned: "If you don't cut the price of glass, how can the people of the Tang Dynasty afford it?"

"People in the Tang Dynasty use porcelain bottles, and glass bottles can't be reduced in price. I hope to use glass bottles to make money from outsiders." Li Yi smiled.

"The price of the porcelain bottle... eh? I understand, things are not expensive, but the packaging. Oh! Except for the technology you provided."

Bi Gou realized in an instant that he felt that the cost of anything was not high, as long as there was technology.

Soy sauce was so expensive at the beginning, but now it's rotten, and stinky tofu with fermented bean curd is three or four times more expensive than tofu.

Soap uses the saponification reaction of oil and alkali, and adds a little fragrance to become soap.

Glycerin in winter is a by-product of soap making, and after adding other things, it becomes hand cream and face cream.

A big bag of matches, all costs add up to only one dollar.

In the past, it took a long time to build a good steel knife. Now, as long as the factory is built for rail steel, the same steel knife is tens of hundreds of percent of the cost of the previous steel knife.

Southwest Man and Grassland are hard-to-find Jiemai pills. Who knew it was made from Artemisia seeds?

"Hmm!" Li Yi continued to smile, yes, you're right.

"Eighty percent tax, tax on sales price."

Bigou determined that this item was a luxury item and was subject to high taxes.

"Export tax is not calculated like this." Li Yi corrected.

"I don't care about that, I only know that you sell a hundred tins and charge you 80 tins. You can do the math yourself." Bi Gou shook his head.

"How do you levy the 100% export tax? I'll give you all the money you earn?" Li Yi despised.

"The dutiable value is equal to the transaction price divided by the bracket plus the export tax rate. After the bracket is complete, then calculate."

Bi Gou replied immediately, don't think that the old man has not learned it Then you levy 100% export tax, isn't it more than 80%? "Li Yi asked.

"What about the old man? According to the export tax, it is 62.5% of the sales tax.

Your duty-paid price is 100 taels, the transaction price is 50 taels, the household department can only charge 50 taels of tax, and the household department charges 80 taels of sales tax for 100 taels.

Your duty-paid price is 160 taels, 100 percent of the tax, to receive your 80 taels of tax.

If the dutiable value is still 100 taels, the tax is 80 taels, and the export tax rate is 400%. "

Bi Gou came when he opened his mouth. Since he learned abacus, he has learned abacus mental arithmetic by the way.

Not only did he study, but he required everyone in the Ministry of Household to study and be assessed.

Abacus mental arithmetic is a tool, not logical thinking ability. Children can learn abacus mental arithmetic first by developing logical thinking ability.

Li Yi was stunned for a moment and nodded helplessly.

"Humph! If the old man said that he would charge you 400% of the export tax, the people would not know! They would scold the old man to death.

The same is 80%, you will be charged sales tax, called 80%, and people will see that this is much less than that. "

Bi Gou began to despise Li Yi, so small, do you think this old man doesn't study?

"But my wind oil essence needs to be transported away. It's not FOB price. When I sell it at the other party's place, the same duty-paid price is 100 yuan..."

"Isn't it just to deduct the shipping and other expenses for you! Do you add insurance? If you have the ability, you can continue to say, saying that after you sell the imported food, the old man will give you a tax rebate. Do you want additional financial subsidies?"

Bi Gou's knowledge about Datang's economy and finance can now be used as an accountant.

"Lao Bi, why don't you be the savior for another year?"

Li Yi was moved. At such a young age, Bi Gou still worked hard to study for the finance of the Ministry of Household of Datang. (To be continued)

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