Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2677: Voluntary buying and selling barrage

After the meal, the people from Yuexi Zhao began to line up for the little robot to take pictures.

Li Yi directly exchanged things, and he thought it was a waste of time to go back and get things.

The lifespan consumed by taking a photo and printing a photo of a person is far less than the lifespan that this person gets when he becomes a Tang Dynasty person.

Slaves don't need to take pictures and talk about it later.

Pick a strong person to take pictures first, and after taking pictures, follow their king to watch Yulin Feiqi help kill wild animals.

Many beasts were driven to a mountain, and there were people waiting below with weapons, and one came down to kill one.

Fei Lin Feiqi scattered, some people were holding grenade launchers and mortars, while others were all automatic rifles.

There are now many wild animals in the area, including tigers, wolves, jackals, lynxes, wild boars…

Bo Chong knew that Datang had an automatic rifle through his subordinates, but he had never seen the power.

Force determines status. He wants to see if it can be cracked. He believes that all weapons have weaknesses.

The most capable group of tribesmen finished taking pictures and came to watch.

From time to time the beast dashed down, and the men below responded with bows and spears, and swirling and throwing ropes around stones.

Yulin Feiqi is ready to take over at any time.

Li Yi shouted: "All units are ready, pull out the skirmish line, the enemy's fire on the high ground in front is fierce, pay attention to cover, Xu Jin barrage, countdown, ten, nine...two, one, charge!"

"Come on~~" 'Da da, da da...' A group of Yulin flying cavalry rushed up to meet the beast, shooting while running.

'Tom tom tom tom...' Forty 60mm mortars opened fire.

A mountain of fire and smoke…

'Boom bang bang bang bang...' The grenade was fired.

The mortars that had just been fired were carried forward, and another forty mortars had been set up in front of them.

At first, I couldn't see anything, but after two rounds, the charge speed and the range of the shelling formed a match, and Yulin Feiqi stepped on the explosion point and ran.

Every step forward, the front ground release is guaranteed to be the gap after the shrapnel falls after the shell is blasted.

The artillery fire pushed forward, and people chased and opened fire. This was called Xu Jin's barrage.

It can knock down mines, wire blocking nets, and ambush trenches on the charge road, blocking the enemy's vision.

"More manpower and artillery are needed. There are many tribes here, so what about Liu Zhao."

Li Yi was satisfied, he didn't feel bad about the cannonballs, and just used them to train Yulin flying cavalry.

The No. 60 mortars are now hitting positions of more than 200 meters, and they can hit farther, and they can extend the artillery fire support at any time.

I practiced this to deal with some of the Tang army's troubles, and suddenly rebelled, and Yulin flew over.

At this moment, people in all parts of the Tang Dynasty can't use it, and the water is enough.

The beast was stunned by the bombing, and so were Wang Bochong and the tribal warriors.

Datang is fighting like this now? No armor, no leather, no bows, arrows, large blades, etc.

"Li... Doctor Li, this, what's this... what is it called?"

As the king of a large tribe, Bo Chong stammered.

"Cannon, mortar and grenade, in fact, there are other guns with a longer range, too heavy.

An airship can only carry two, and it has to add artillery shells, which are weak points and difficult to transport. It can only be transported 200 miles in half an hour.

But the cannon shot far away, and it blew up four or five miles away. It was fun. "

Li Yi seems to have accidentally leaked a secret, a weakness.

Bo Chong: "…"

"Doctor Li, I think it's enough. You see, it's like the more we analyze the edict, oh! The people of the Yuezhou state are armed with bows and arrows. If your majesty says to hit someone, we will cooperate with you."

Bo Chong stated, I am from Datang, we are all, don't hit us like this.

"That won't work, I'll leave someone to manage the slaves, and an airship will come over to send us a single-shot rifle, and the selected person will practice."

Li Yishun talked about the arrangement of manpower and the acquisition of armed forces locally.

"Doctor Li, some tribes are disobedient, and the others, after teaching them, will they rebel?"

Bo Chong doesn't believe it at all, can you give us good weapons? I have good weapons and I will never give them, I will destroy you long ago.

Li Yi smiled and shook his head: "Old Bo, you think too much, what is this? Xu Jin is just a barrage, and I also have weapons and tactics for the coordination of step-tank and air-ground integration.

Did you see the helicopter I came over from? Attach a special weapon to it, and I will attack it within thirty or fifty miles. "

Li Yi continued to leak secrets. He was simple and trusted others, and he probably didn't consider the situation where the other party found out how to deal with it.

Bo Chong doesn't want to talk anymore, you know to scare me, if I knew what I am now, I promised not to cooperate with Tubo to fight Datang.

"Old Bo, how many people are willing to sell slaves? It must be voluntary." Li Yi mentioned the slave thing again.

"All willing, crying and shouting that I don't want slaves anymore."

When Po Chong said these words, he was about to cry.

You are too bullying. As soon as the ground blows up a hole, the beast is blown up, and I want to make a tiger skin as a cushion.

"It turns out that everyone is so enthusiastic, good! Go back and do them a favor."

Li Yi patted the other party's shoulder, yes, old Bo, I won't bully you in vain, no, I will let you contribute, I'll look at the one who has an affair with your wife in the future, and I'll help you clean up.

Before it happens, solve it, your daughter-in-law... Is there something wrong with you? I give you medicine.

"It turned out to be the way to deal with an army with water lances and automatic rifles."

Li Longji saw the scene of slaughtering wild animals through the drone flying up from the helicopter, understand!

Wouldn't it be better to hit other people directly without using Yulin Feiqi to play Xu Jin's barrage?

Specialized in dealing with long-range firearms, the defense line is fixed, and the offensive line is not fixed.

In the barrage, the attacker fired at the blocker's fire point according to memory, and some of the defender moved casually, and some lost the fire point.

In the face of the barrage, I lost the advantage of vision, and I couldn't see people from a high place.

The other ministers watching together have the same mind as Li Longji, and tactics are used to create opponents.

They don't know that talented soldiers can shoot firepower without looking, just close their eyes. UU Reading

And the other party also has the same weapon, you hit the barrage, I will plough the ground, your cannonball will extend after the landing point in front, and my cannonball will hit the landing point before you, let you charge!

Archers all know how to block the fire behind the enemy's contact line, and forget to use the gun?

"Money, really is a good thing." Bi Gou said very inappropriately.

Looking at the fun, in the rumbling sound, the money is gone.

After the end of the clearing and suppression on the screen, he roughly calculated that seven thousand rice cakes were gone, seven million dollars, two million buckets of grain, and more than 20 million catties of indica rice, millet, and sorghum.

In just a short while, how many fat pigs can you raise? Peace, everyone, stop fighting.

"Whoever dares to use money to hoard food, I will clean up who."

Li Longji doesn't care, he can't use grain to calculate everything. The sapphire he sells is thousands of sapphire, but it looks beautiful and roasted with fire.


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