Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2678: High-tech's most worrying philosophy seal

The "battle" was over, Yulin Feiqi withdrew, and they enjoyed themselves.

The people from the Yuexi Zhao tribe rushed to clean up and see what else could be used.

"Pick up the shrapnel and bullets, good metal, and then smelt it to make living items."

Li Yi didn't want to waste time collecting things. He wanted the bullet casings. The copper bullet casings could be processed when he went back.

Warheads and shell fragments with less copper content can be used locally.

He was in Kinmen at that time, and there were no long-range weapons on the mainland. There were always planes on the other side for reconnaissance and bombing.

So I had no choice but to bombard Kinmen, and be good.

The key opponent also hit Xiamen, the navy and air force were involved, and the North American country supported Kinmen.

After the fight, the rogue in North America couldn't afford it anymore, and the amount of things he sent was reduced, and it was difficult for you to get through.

Especially on the mainland, singles and doubles do not play. On May 1st, there will be rumblings and rumblings. On May 2nd, it is guaranteed that no cannons will be fired, and the people on the island will come out to collect things.

Afterwards, the explosion stopped, propaganda bombs were used, and the people on the island set fire and wiped their butts.

A large number of cannonballs flew over. Kinmen was originally poor, and the people collected the shrapnel from the cannonballs to make kitchen knives.

The steel of the shells is of good quality, and the Kinmen kitchen knife is very famous!

Later, the kitchen knife seller went to the other side to buy a house, open a shop, and go to the hospital to see a doctor.

If you don’t naturalize first, including children, there are many visa-free countries in the passport of Daozi, and then something goes wrong.

For example, earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, wars, typhoons, and riots will be handled by the mainland.

Everyone has discovered that the passport on this island is easy to get out, and the mainland can help when it is in danger, so let's go first, it's good.

What? independent? Independence is not enough, if we are independent, we will return to the mainland.

My family's properties are all on the mainland, and my home on Kinmen Island, food and drink are also shipped from the mainland.

The garrison on the island has no fighting spirit at all. They hang around all day, and they are too close. Once the war starts, the rockets will be blasted away. They can't hide in the underground fortifications all day and not come out, right? The phone also needs to be online.

The tomatoes I bought from the other side of the house last time were sweet, what variety are they from?

Now the people who analyze the edict have the feeling of the people of Kinmen back then. This small piece of shrapnel, if you find another one, can be used as a bone razor.

There is a cave, a cave, and there are a lot of beasts killed by the shock, big white tigers, make a fortune!

"Old Guo, do you regret not participating?" Li Yi asked Guo Ziyi, who was always beside him.

"Sorry? When I go back, you can get me a large-scale live-fire exercise of 20,000 Feather Forest Flying Cavalry, 100,000 Sixteen Guards, and 20,000 recruits.

I'm doing the design, you're in charge of all the logistics, and I'm going to practice for a month.

Your southwestern barbarians are also added to me, as well as the nine surnames Tiele, the Henan government army, under your control.

I'm going to carry out a multi-party intertwined war exercise, borrow me a little robot.

The telecommunication system is required during the exercise. You can get me a special frequency band so that it will not be affected by external influences.

At the same time, you have to record the exercise process so that I can review it. Others don't matter. "

Guo Ziyi couldn't look down on the small scene at hand. After he arrived, he had inspiration and wanted to design an exercise in which more than 20,000 to 300,000 people were divided into multiple forces to fight.

Multiple forces mean not only tactics, but also strategies. Who can you join forces with? What is the benefit to the other party?

The ultimate goal of the other party is to kill you. It doesn't matter what appears on the negotiating table. As a general, he wants to win on the battlefield.

"That means I'm going to work hard to make money from now on? You're going to play for a month, with a team of 20,000 to 300,000 people?

Lao Guo, discuss it, I'll give you something, you go to Bohai and Silla, anyway, it's all money.

If you destroy them, then the Turks are ours, and I will provide you with a year of logistics. "

Li Yi is about to cry, how much ammunition does the exercise use?

"What excuse?" Guo Ziyi felt that it was really a waste.

"Do they have slaves? Emancipate the slaves. Did the Silla royal family kill the palace maid and eunuch? It's too brutal and must be beaten.

The last time the great martial artist of Bohai Kingdom sent him a telegram, he farted. What, hiccups are not farts, and hiccups are disrespectful to me.

Especially when they traded with us, they didn't pay tariffs, five years, right?

The interest of our public money is almost 100% for one year, what is the compound interest for five years?

The northeastern tribes who were transported by airship and returned to their mother's arms were bullied by Bohai.

I have evidence, but I will not provide this evidence, think about how helpless those people are when they are bullied!

Worst of all, I had a dream that they cursed me, and cursed His Majesty, the Queen, the Supreme Emperor, and the Empress Dowager. "

Li Yi gave a reason, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. How could Bohai do such a bad thing?

"Yes, very good, then we have to practice first, and then the division of justice will come out after the practice."

Guo Ziyi gave a thumbs up, expressing his conviction, you can do it, it's okay to dream.

You dream of a flood, and the collapse of Xingdaofang has all come true, right?

"Okay! You should train your troops first, and it will be easy after you occupy them, and there will be more resources."

Li Yi took a step back and asked you to practice. Anyway, everyone is idle. On weekdays, it is training and training, plus political lessons.


It was night, everyone had a good night's sleep, and in the early morning of the next day, some Yulin flying riders were left behind, and Li Yi flew the helicopter to another place.

Li Yi's mood turned sour, and he saw more people get smallpox.

Fortunately, due to the poor roads, communication is not so frequent. There are more than 90,000 people living here in a large area.

"What's the reason? No information can be found in history." Li Yi asked Zero Sansan.

"Is the historical data you found the same as now? The cause of the smallpox virus is the existence of the smallpox virus, cowpox.

Right now in the history of war, the cow, or the person who was carried by the virus that mutated after infection, may have died in the war.

He was alive without the war, and then he was infected when he went to feed or handle the beef of a dead cow because there was also no war.

History has changed, and if you are entangled in history, it is better to look ahead. "

Zero Sansan refuted, your coming is not right, you have to develop according to the history you understand, so what is the difference between coming or not?

"Don't say it, let's say it is the category of philosophy. I hate philosophy the most, it is more profound than any discipline, and finally it becomes consciousness.

I want conscious satisfaction, I want to eat well, dress well, and life makes me happy.

Thinking about philosophy can blow up your You will find that everything comes back to the original point, and then choose again, just like religion. "

Li Yi is not entangled, religion is philosophy, science is philosophy.

Scientists are not robots, they are so smart, they can study ideology and so on. The logic of mathematics is originally operations and formulas.

After understanding, it is natural that people's pursuit is a breakthrough, and once a breakthrough is made, they fall into a philosophical illusion, which is also a philosophy, which is too annoying.

If you have this idea, you will delay things. If you don't have this idea, you will just work. What's the difference between it and a robot?

So after a robot has a mind, is it classified as a robot, or is it not a robot? Is the definition of man consciousness or the material and structure of which the body is made?

Materials can be cultivated and structures can be imitated. Are intelligent programs defined by people, or are they random after the breakthrough?

Li Yi thought about it before, don't think about it, just live in the present and be happy.


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