"These magical weapons of the Blood Killing Sect are indeed powerful. Under such an attack, none of them were broken. This is very strong. Next, we will see what kind of counterattack the Blood Killing Sect will be like. Then we are looking for If you get the chance, just release the idol army." Zhang Wutong looked at the situation on the battlefield and said to Ma Yichuan on the side.

Ma Yichuan nodded, and then said: "Their magical weapons will deform, and magical attacks are of no use to their magical weapons. Did you just see that? The stone flame insects are blessing their magical weapons. Gravity spells, but there was no reaction at all. Their magic weapons were not affected at all. It can be seen that this kind of blessing spell is useless to them. Only attack spells will be useful, but no matter In other words, the Stone Flame Insect blocked the attack of their magic weapon, so that we can block their attacks in the future." Ma Yichuan's eyesight is still very strong, he saw the magic used by the Stone Flame Insect, so he would say so.

Zhang Wutong nodded and said: "That's true, but those guys from the Blood Killing Sect can also use battle formations. If they use battle formations to deal with us, how effective can our battle formations be? It’s hard to say.”

Ma Yichuan nodded, and then Zhang Wutong said directly: "Yes, but no matter what, this also proves that our battle formation is useful, and our efforts are not in vain." Zhang Wutong did not object to this, he nodded nod.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield was indeed developing in the direction the two men said. The magical weapons of the Blood Killing Sect began to slowly gather together, and then they directly formed a flower formation, that's all. The magic weapons were combined together to form a battle formation like flowers. Because the battle formation was constantly rotating, their battle formation was still very lethal to the Shadow Tribe people. Even the Stone Flame Insects, When encountering such an attack, you don't dare to get close, because if you get close, you may be hanged directly by this flower. Therefore, as soon as this flower array appeared, the Shadow Tribe people were once again at a disadvantage.

As soon as Zhang Wutong saw this situation, he immediately said: "Order the Idol Army to attack, first defeat several Blood Killing Sect battle formations, and then directly attack the Blood Killing Sect's base." A general responded immediately. With one sound, he went directly to deliver the order.

As his order was passed on, the army of idols that had been prepared for a long time rushed forward. After a while, the army of idols had arrived on the battlefield. Although they were huge in size, their speed was not slow. As soon as they arrived On the battlefield, of course, Ding Chunming and the others caught their attention. As soon as Ding Chunming and the others saw the army of idols, their expressions changed. Ding Chunming immediately said loudly: "Attention, all teams, the production of the idols of the Shadow Tribe has been completed. All battle formations allow you to adjust the attack intensity to the maximum."

The next moment the team captains all heard Ding Chunming's order, and they immediately made arrangements. Immediately, half of the disciples directly injected their spiritual energy into the magic weapon, and the next moment there was bloodshed. The magic weapons of the clan immediately emitted bursts of white light, so the stone flame insects they hit could be broken directly, and all the shadow clan magic weapons they touched were also chopped into pieces. , and Zhang Wutong and the others couldn't help but change their expressions when they saw such changes in the Blood Killing Clan's magical weapon. Zhang Wutong exclaimed: "No, those guys from the Blood Killing Clan have hidden their strength. They are just waiting for the idol. .”

Ma Yichuan also saw this, and his face was very ugly. Then Ma Yichuan said: "Damn it, what should I do now? Can the statue withstand an attack like the Blood Killing Sect?" What Ma Yichuan is most worried about is this. thing.

Zhang Wutong said at this time: "We can only wait now. Our statues must face this test. If we can't pass this test, then our statues will really be useless." Zhang Wutong said this at the end , his face has become very ugly.

At this time, those statues also rushed to the Blood Killing Sect's magical weapon. They saw a statue holding two magical weapons in their hands. One was a long sword, and the other magical weapon was a huge sword. Mirror, when he saw that the statue was about a mile away from the Blood Killing Sect's magical weapon, he raised the mirror in his hand, and a black light was emitted from the mirror, which directly illuminated the Blood Killing Sect's magical weapon. When the black light covered the Blood Killing Sect's magical weapon, the speed of the Blood Killing Sect's magical weapon suddenly slowed down. The entire magical weapon seemed to be imprisoned, and then another long sword directly hit it. When he struck the Blood Killing Sect's magic weapon, he heard a bang, and a huge gap was cut out of the Blood Killing Sect's magic weapon, but he still couldn't break away from the control of the black light.

Light is supposed to be the opposite of darkness, but the light emitted from the mirror of the statue is black. It is just like you are light, but the color is black, very pure black. This feeling is very weird, but Apart from saying that it is black light, you can hardly use other words to describe it, because it is really black light and nothing else.

The disciples of the Blood Killing Sect are still activating their magical weapons, but their magical weapons seem to be tightly controlled by others. No matter how they activate them, their magical weapons are There is no way to operate normally, which is terrible. They have never encountered such a situation, and this situation also fell into the eyes of Ding Chunming and the others, and their faces changed.

Ding Chunming said solemnly: "The magical weapons in the hands of those statues are very powerful. It seems that our people really have no way to stop their attack. We can only use the core of Buddha power." Gongsun Yulong also had a look on his face. With a solemn look on his face, he nodded in agreement.

Then Gongsun Yulong said: "Are we going to let those disciples withdraw?" Gongsun Yulong felt that those disciples were no match for the Shadow Tribe, so let them withdraw. Anyway, they would not be opponents if they stayed there, so there was no need to stay. There it is.

Ding Chunming said in a deep voice: "Don't be in a hurry, just take your time. Let them fight with those statues first to see how powerful those statues are. There should be people from the Shadow Clan among those statues, right? Add them in The magic weapon in their hands was also transformed by the Shadow Clan, but even so, the number of people they use cannot be more than the number of people we use, but they can still control our magic weapon. I think this is the most powerful weapon. The important reason is probably because of the hierarchy of spiritual energy."

Hearing what Ding Chunming said, Gongsun Yulong couldn't help but be startled. Then he thought about it, nodded and said: "It's possible. If that's really the case, it would be really troublesome. The statue borrowed from the Shadow Clan The power of the gods, the power they use is higher than the power we use, so they can control our magic circle. Will those disciples be in danger?"

Ding Chunming shook his head and said: "Probably not. The power they borrowed from the God of the Shadow Clan should not be much. Otherwise, our magic weapon would not still be able to move now. Our magic weapon can still move now. That means that we are not without any resistance, so our disciples should not be in any danger. After saying that, although there is no Buddha power core in our magic weapon, our magic weapon Yes, there is still Buddha power, and that Buddha power can still play some role."

Gongsun Yulong nodded, Ding Chunming thought for a while, and then said: "Qinglong, let all the Tongtian vines release the power of Buddha. Let the power of Buddha in our area become stronger. Then there will be no problem." Qinglong responded. After making a sound, he immediately went to give the order the next moment. Following Qinglong's order, the Babel vines immediately began to release a large amount of Buddha power. The Buddha power in the entire area suddenly became much stronger.

But among the idols of the Shadow Tribe people when Buddha's power met, the statue was not affected at all. It was seen that the statue was still a statue, and the magic weapon in his hand was still attacking. It seemed that Buddha's power had no effect on them at all. The function is the same, but the magical weapons transformed by other Shadow Tribe people have changed. Black smoke is constantly emitting from those magical weapons. Although the black smoke is not much, it can be seen. , Buddha's power still does some damage to those magic weapons, although the damage is not big.

When Ding Chunming saw this situation, he was not too surprised, but said: "Because the magic weapons of the Shadow Tribe people are of the same level as ours, they will be affected by this level of Buddhist power. Those statues, because they borrowed the power of the God of the Shadow Clan, their power is extremely solid, so the Buddha's power is of no use to them. It's like if you use fire to boil water, the water will boil if it is very hot, but If you use a little fire to burn an iceberg, it will have no effect on the iceberg."

Gongsun Yulong nodded, and then he said: "Then do you think our Buddha Power Core can deal with that statue? If the Buddha Power Core can't deal with that statue, then it will be really troublesome, and we will not be very good. There is no way to deal with that idol."

Ding Chunming said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, it will definitely be possible. I believe that our Buddha's power core can definitely deal with their statues. After all, Buddha's power restrains the power of the Shadow Tribe people. This time will be no exception. Look. Let's go." Ding Chunming was still very confident.

When Gongsun Yulong heard what Ding Chunming said, he also nodded, and then he said in a deep voice: "I really didn't expect that these statues made by the Shadow Clan this time are more powerful than we imagined. What do you think?" Too many Gongsun Yulong turned to look at Ding Chunming.

Ding Chunming nodded and said: "Yes, the power of those statues is indeed greater than we imagined." After saying that, he looked at the battlefield. At this time, the statues of the Shadow Tribe people had already destroyed the battle formation of the Blood Killing Sect. Although they couldn't completely destroy the Blood Killing Sect's magical weapons, they could break away the Blood Killing Sect's front line. After those statues broke through the Blood Killing Sect's front line, they directly They rushed towards the Blood Killing Sect's defensive formation. Their actions made Ding Chunming and the others stunned.

But Ding Chunming immediately understood what they meant. He couldn't help but smile, and then turned to Gongsun Yulong and said: "It seems that the Shadow Clan people have learned the lesson and attacked our defensive formation directly. If they succeed, they can They can directly rush into our base and destroy our base. If they fail, they can also attract our disciples back. After all, they are taking advantage."

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