Gongsun Yulong said in a deep voice: "Not only that, if our disciples don't come back, they can also turn around and attack our front line. They can gain three gains by hiding. So this time, the Shadow Tribe people really made a good move. We are now Let Lao Wen put the Buddha Power Core into the real illusion, and then let our disciples replace the Buddha Power Core immediately."

As soon as Ding Chunming heard what he said, he immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I'm going to tell Lao Wen now." After saying that, Ding Chunming immediately sent a letter to Wen Yuming, who was also very happy. The connection was quickly connected. After Wen Yuming was connected, Ding Chunming immediately said to Wen Yuming: "Old Wen, the shadow tribe's idols have been made. The fighting power of those idols is very powerful. You can use the Buddha's power immediately." Put the core in the real illusion, we will use it here soon." He directly told Wen Yuming his purpose.

After hearing Ding Chunming's words, Wen Yuming nodded and said, "Okay, I'll do it now." After saying that, he immediately cut off the contact, and then Wen Yuming immediately arranged for his subordinates to put a Buddha power core into the Now they want to put something into the real illusion. It is much easier than before. They only need to let this thing be scanned by the Yantian Sphere. Basically, this thing can be directly Now that we have entered the real fantasy world, it is much simpler than before.

Soon a Buddhist power core entered the real illusion. Ding Chunming immediately asked his disciples to redeem this Buddhist power core. At this time, the statues of the Shadow Tribe people had also rushed to their magic circle and began to attack. Their defensive formation was attacked. The attack power of those statues was indeed very powerful. When they attacked the defensive formation, it caused the defensive formation to shake slightly. You must know that such an attack is already very powerful. Generally, Attack, the defensive formation will not react at all.

Those statues attacked for a period of time and found that there was no way to break through the formation, so they gave up. When they saw that the Blood Killing Sect people did not come back for help, they just followed their previous agreement and faced the Blood Killing Sect from behind. weapon to attack.

As soon as he saw this situation, Ding Chunming knew what to do. He said in a deep voice: "Qinglong, give the order and let everyone retreat and stop attacking. There is no point in attacking now. " Qinglong responded and went directly to give the order.

After receiving the order, the Blood Killing Sect disciples immediately retreated to the Blood Killing Sect's base. When those disciples retreated to the Blood Killing Sect's base, the Shadow Clan's army slowly retreated, and Ding Chunming also I'm going to have a good meeting with everyone.

Ding Chunming called everyone to the conference room. After everyone arrived, Ding Chunming said: "This time, everyone has seen this statue of the Shadow Clan. It is indeed stronger than we originally expected. Even stronger, I have now asked our disciples to redeem the Buddha Power Core. When we attack tomorrow, they can form the magic weapon of the Buddha Power Core. I think we will almost not be able to block the attack of those statues tomorrow. Is there anything else you want to say?”

Sun Buyu said: "I'm not really worried about anything else. What I'm worried about now is actually the number of our magic weapons. The Shadow Clan people have a lot of magic weapons, and how many people will use the Shadow Clan's statues? It’s really hard to say. If they don’t use many people, then their statues and magic weapons combined will not be used by as many people as us. In this way, the number of our magic weapons will definitely be greater than the other party’s. If the number of idols is small, will our pressure be too great? So my idea is, should we reduce the number of disciples in the magical instruments and increase the number of our magical instruments? If our Buddhist power core is enough , then our magic weapon should be very resistant to the Shadow Clan, so there is no need for us to put so many disciples in one magic weapon?"

When Sun Buyu said this, Ding Chunming and the others were stunned. Then they thought about it and nodded. Sun Buyu's suggestion was indeed a good one. Ding Chunming nodded and said, "This is a good idea. I think it's a good idea." It’s feasible, what do you think?”

Everyone nodded, thinking that Sun Buyu's proposal was a good one. Ding Chunming turned to everyone and said, "Then how many people do you think should be included in our magic weapon?" Ding Chunming asked. This question made everyone stunned.

At this time, the formation leader who came to the meeting suddenly said: "I think it would be best if each of our magic weapons is controlled by a disciple. Let the disciple's Yantian Sphere directly control the magic weapon. There is an energy beast in each sub-magic weapon of a magic weapon. Our energy beast has a beast core. The beast core can provide energy, and there is a lot of energy in the beast core. We can make the energy beast , input the energy in their beast cores into the sub-magical weapon, increase the power of the sub-magical weapon, and add the Buddha power core, the power of our magical weapon will definitely not be small, what do you think?" Mr. Zhen said and looked at it. He looked at everyone, and after listening to his words, everyone fell into deep thought. You must know that there are four million disciples in each of the Blood Killing Sect's magic circles. Now it suddenly turned into a magic weapon. As a disciple, isn’t this change a little too big? So everyone was a little silent. They were all a little unsure. If only one disciple was placed in each magical weapon, would the power of their magical weapons be reduced too much? If it was reduced too much, That would be troublesome. They believed that Buddha's power could deal with the Shadow Tribe people, but they didn't know if they could use only Buddha's power to deal with the Shadow Tribe people.

Ding Chunming said solemnly: "It would be best if only one disciple can control a magical weapon, but will the power of our magical weapon be affected? You know there are originally four million disciples. If I only put one now, is this too different?"

Mr. Zhen said in a deep voice: "I don't think it's much. Think about it, what if our disciples encounter an enemy that they can only face by themselves in the future? What if there is no way for others to help him? What about that?" Letting those disciples control a magical weapon by themselves is also a kind of training for them. And I think everyone may have forgotten one thing, that is, we can count the core of Buddha's power as a separate magical weapon. Yes, that is to say, we can also let him separate out 36,000 sub-cores. In the same way, the energy beasts can also be separated into 36,000 sub-cores. The energy beasts are divided into different sizes. Although the sub-energy beasts that come out are not as powerful as the main energy beasts, their energy is not small. They are blessing the sub-magic weapons of the magic weapon. How powerful will the sub-magical weapon be after it is fused with the main magical weapon? Does anyone have any ideas? The most important thing is that the enemy we face this time is that kind of statue. That statue looks huge and defensive. The power is very powerful, and the attack power is also very powerful, but there is one thing that everyone seems to have not noticed, that is, the movement of the statue is not very fast. In other words, the statue has nothing to do with the magic weapons we are releasing now. It may have strong attack power, but if it is our disciple who attacks him with a magic weapon, the situation will be different. Just like a lion, he can kill a huge bison in the wild, but if he faces a What about a mosquito? Not to mention that our disciples are not mosquitoes. What do you think will happen?"

When Mr. Zhen said this, Ding Chunming and the others were all stunned. Then Ding Chunming turned to look at the others, and then said, "How do you feel?" After saying that, Ding Chunming looked at the others, waiting for them. Opinion.

Everyone was deep in thought and did not speak. After a while, Gongsun Yulong finally said: "I think it is feasible. The Yantian Sphere controls the magic weapon. What kind of magic circle is most suitable for the magic weapon? The Yantian Sphere can be controlled at will, and we There is already an energy source in the magic weapon, and there are several energy sources. We can even add a few more energy sources to our magic weapon and add a Buddha power core, which is enough. Okay, as for the energy beasts blessing the energy of the magic circle, I actually think that it is not necessary. We can let the energy beasts help us deal with the statue. You can imagine that our disciples are holding an extremely powerful magic weapon. Weapons, and energy beasts, aliens, and Babel Vine can be transformed into other magical weapons to attack the statues. Have you ever thought about what the final result will be? At the worst, we will give energy beasts, and Babel Vine, in Just add a Buddha core, so their attack power will be very powerful, what do you think?" After saying this, Gongsun Yulong looked at everyone.

After listening to Gongsun Yulong's words, everyone nodded, and then Ding Chunming laughed loudly and said: "Okay, I think it is feasible. One of the important reasons why we have been fighting against the Shadow Tribe people here for so long is not just because we want to Do you want to train troops? Is there any better way to train troops than this? And we seemed to have thought wrong before. Think about it, if our disciples all hold magical weapons of comparable power, and then form a magic circle, or It is to form a battle formation to attack the Shadow Tribe people. What kind of effect will it have? Will it be better than four million disciples staying in one magic weapon? What do you think?" Ding Chunming looked away after speaking. Looking at everyone brightly.

When everyone heard what Ding Chunming said, they couldn't help but be stunned, and then their eyes lit up. Then everyone nodded and laughed. They realized that they had indeed gone the wrong way before, but they walked They took the wrong path, but they were still able to defeat the Shadow Tribe. In the end, the Shadow Tribe had to create such an idol to deal with them. This shows how big the gap is between the Shadow Tribe and them. Now when they heard what Ding Chunming said, they also immediately I figured it out, yes, why do they have to let four million disciples stay in one magic weapon? If each of these four million disciples holds a powerful magic weapon and then forms a battle formation or magic formation, then the power of this battle formation or magic formation will not be greater. ? That's why they reacted like this.

When Ding Chunming looked at everyone, he then said: "If everyone agrees to do this, then I will go and make arrangements. Do you have any objections?" After speaking, Ding Chunming looked at everyone, and everyone shook their heads. Shaking their heads, of course they had no objections. This was a solution they had discussed together. What opinions could they have? ()

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