Then Zhao Hai started his third experiment. This time he changed another type of rune. This time he used the natural energy rune. He tried to combine the sun's true fire with the natural energy rune. , and finally they came to a kind of fire. This kind of flame is somewhat similar to the fire of Nirvana, but it is different. The murderous spirit in this kind of flame is heavier, so Zhao Hai named this kind of flame Nan Mingli. Fire, Nanming Lihuo is also a legendary flame. It is the accompanying flame of the Suzaku beast, and its attack power is very powerful. Because this flame is somewhat similar to the fire of Nirvana, Zhao Hai called him Nanming Lihuo. , this kind of flame can replace the fire of Nirvana, allowing him to merge with the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect, and the effect may not be wrong.

Then came the combination of ghost fire and natural energy runes. After these two energies were combined, what Zhao Hai got turned out to be a black flame. The scary thing about this flame was that he was constantly absorbing the energy around him. It seemed to be absorbing all the life around it, and it was a very domineering flame. Zhao Hai finally decided to call it the Fire of Death.

Then Zhao Hai combined the Holy Fire of the Great Sun with the natural energy runes. In the end, what he got was a yellow-green flame. There was life in this flame, but at the same time it also had a hint of death. This kind of very strange flame, Zhao Hai felt it, and he understood the peculiarity of this kind of flame. This kind of flame, he is actually a kind of flame that can turn the dead into ashes, and then generate new life. This kind of flame It is very similar to the meaning of withered glory of grass and trees. There is death in death, and there is life in death, so Zhao Hai named him the fire of withered glory. This kind of flame can make people like the Blood Killing Sect who practice the withered glory technique go Fusion, the effect must be very good.

Then Zhao Hai fused the Nine Heavens Thunder Fire with the natural energy runes. This time he got a very domineering flame that could burn almost nothing and was very powerful. Zhao Hai felt this flame and finally He decided to name this flame the Capital God Fire. It burns everything in the sky and all the worlds. This kind of flame is so domineering.

Then Zhao Hai combined the Nirvana Fire with the natural energy runes. This time Zhao Hai got a golden flame. As soon as this flame appeared, Zhao Hai felt a powerful vitality. This vitality was this Zhao Hai felt the flame coming from this kind of flame. It was a kind of restorative flame. It seemed to have no lethality. This kind of flame could repair any injury, but it mainly refers to the body. There is nothing he can do about the injuries and soul injuries. In other words, if you have injuries on your body, as long as you enter this kind of flame, your injuries will heal quickly, and even the broken limbs will survive. It's not a problem, as long as your soul is scattered, it doesn't matter if you are reborn with blood, so Zhao Hai named this flame the Fire of Rebirth.

At this point, Zhao Hai's experiment this time was completed. In this experiment, plus the divine fire they originally had, he collected a total of twenty kinds of flames. Each of these flames has different abilities, but It was almost enough for the current disciples. Zhao Hai set aside a kindling for each of these flames, and then put the kindling into a jar. Then he directly called Wen Wenhai, Wen Yuming and Ding Chunming. Arrived in his room.

After the three received the news from Zhao Hai, they rushed to Zhao Hai's room as soon as possible. Zhao Hai glanced at a few people and then said: "I may have to retreat for a period of time. If you If you have anything important, you can send me a letter. I will see it, but don't disturb me at ordinary times. These are some magical fires that I took the time to test. You can take them back and study them carefully. Remember, there are some Divine fire, don't take it out for study easily, it will kill you. I have engraved the name of each flame on the jar. This is some introduction about these flames. After you take it back, take a look at it slowly. Some flames are not suitable for study, but some are. You study slowly and let the disciples in the sect integrate these flames as soon as possible. Okay, take them all back." After saying this, Zhao Hai said Waving their hands, Wen Wenhai and the others responded quickly, then took away the jars and left Zhao Hai's room. They were really curious now as to what kind of flames were inside. What was even more curious was that, Why Zhao Hai could create so many flames at once really surprised them.

But Zhao Hai didn't care about them. He was going to start his second part. He wanted to find an energy source that could provide him with energy. This energy source must be powerful enough so that he could absorb enough energy. It is very important to use the energy to compress and refine the spiritual energy. The energy source is actually ready-made, and he can use the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool. However, the energy that the current Yin-Yang Thunder Pool can provide him is still too small. Zhao Hai is still planning to improve the current Yin-Yang Thunder Pool and then use it. Otherwise, the energy in the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool will not be enough for him. When he thinks of this, Zhao Hai thinks of these divine fires he has created this time. Zhao Hai Hai thought about the divine fires he had made this time, and he found that among these divine fires, there were two kinds of divine fires, which were really very useful. They were just right for use in the Yin-Yang Thunder Pond, namely the True Sun Fire and the True Fire of Taiyin. , one yin and one yang are exactly in harmony with the yin and yang thunder pool, so adding the true fire of the sun and the true fire of the tai yin to the yin and yang thunder pool will definitely enhance the function of the yin and yang thunder pool.

Zhao Hai brought out the current Yin-Yang Thunder Pool. Looking at the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool in front of him, Zhao Hai had a smile on his face. He had already thought about how to change the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool. He now has twenty-one kinds of divine fire. , and these divine fires are actually the best energy sources, but some divine fires are suitable as energy sources, and some divine fires are not suitable as energy sources, but this makes no difference to Zhao Hai, because once the divine fires are After entering the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool, it is just a kind of fuel, just like coal and wood are the same. No matter what material it is made of, the energy it releases is the same after being converted by the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool.

Zhao Hai thought for a while, and then he started to make arrangements. First, he placed the Sun True Fire and Taiyin True Fire on the two fish eyes of the Yin and Yang Thunder Pond, and the remaining eighteen types of True Fire were divided into two. Group, a group of nine kinds of true fires, placed on both sides of yin and yang respectively. The true fires on the yin side are: Netherworld Ghost Fire, Nine Nether Hell Fire, Red Lotus Karma Fire, Immortal Nether Fire, Death Fire, Ziwei Heavenly Fire, Nine Heavens Tribulation thunder, fire of Nirvana, fire of rebirth, and the real fires placed on the yang side are: Great Sun Holy Fire, Nine Heavens Thunder Fire, Rune Fire, Great Sun Rune Holy Fire, Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire, Rune Spirit Fire, Nanming Li Fire, Dutian Divine Fire , the fire of withering glory. After these twenty kinds of divine fire were divided into two major groups, Zhao Hai then activated the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool. With the activation of the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool, an extremely powerful spiritual energy emerged directly from the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool. This spiritual energy was very It was so rich and abundant. Such spiritual energy surprised even Zhao Hai, because Zhao Hai had never seen such rich spiritual energy before, and the Yin-Yang Thunder Pond was operating very normally.

Zhao Hai looked at the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool. He paid attention to the material of the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool and found that the material of the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool could not withstand the energy of the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool. Zhao Hai immediately stopped the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool and then He directly used the Law Crystal to make a new Yin-Yang Thunder Pool, and then conducted the test. This time, there was no problem. The materials could withstand the energy of the Yin-Yang Thunder Pool, and there were no problems in running it. Zhao Hai That's why I feel relieved.

Then he moved directly into the Yin Yang Thunder Pond, and then he began to use energy compression methods. He wanted to see if he could really compress the energy to the level of the Shadow Tribe people. He slowly Compressing the energy in his body, his energy kept getting smaller and smaller. Soon Zhao Hai discovered that it was impossible for him to compress the energy to the level of the God of the Shadow Clan, because he was now The energy was compressed to the limit, but he still couldn't compress the energy to such a small size. This surprised Zhao Hai. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't do this. This was something he never expected. Zhao Hai couldn't help but frowned. He didn't know where the problem was. With his current strength, it should be possible for him to compress the energy to the level of the God of Shadow Clan, but he failed. , which made him a little puzzled for a moment.

He stopped immediately and began to analyze the situation. Why did this happen? Zhao Hai soon found out the reason. Because of the laws of heaven and earth, the interface he is currently on is not the same interface as the one where the God of Shadow Clan is. The interface he is currently on is not the same interface. The first layer of interface is the fairy world, and the layer of interface where the God of Shadow Clan is located is a higher level interface. In that layer of interface, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is very rich, so the God of Shadow Clan compresses energy. It's absolutely possible, and the laws of heaven also allow it, because even if he compresses the laws of heaven and earth to such a small degree, it will not pose any threat to that layer of interface, but it is different here in the fairy world. Zhao Hai's His strength is already beyond the standard in the Immortal World. The reason why Zhao Hai has not been kicked out until now is because of the laws of heaven and earth here. He instinctively knows that Zhao Hai is helping him deal with the shadows. clansman, that’s why he didn’t kick Zhao Hai and go with him. If it weren’t for the Shadow clan members, Zhao Hai would have been kicked out by the laws of heaven and earth of this layer of interface, because his strength has exceeded that of this layer of interface. This is the limit that the Law of Heaven and Earth can withstand. Under normal circumstances, if this situation occurs, the Law of Heaven and Earth will kick Zhao Hai out, but here he did not kick him out. This is because the Law of Heaven and Earth requires him to deal with the Shadow Tribe people, but the Law of Heaven and Earth It is just to let Zhao Hai deal with the Shadow Tribe people. His strength cannot be stronger. If his strength is stronger, it will pose a threat to the interface. In other words, the laws of heaven and earth on this layer of the interface cannot be eliminated. There is no way to suppress Zhao Hai, so when the time comes, the laws of heaven and earth on this layer of interface will not allow Zhao Hai to become stronger. If Zhao Hai really compresses his energy to that degree, the laws of heaven and earth will be completely unable to do anything to him. Even his every move may cause the interface to collapse, so the laws of heaven and earth do not allow it. ()

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