With the intensity in a high-level plane, every move he makes will cause space fluctuations in the low-level plane. If it is more severe, it will collapse the space in the low-level plane. It is precisely because of this that the high-level plane There is no way for a strong person to enter a low-level plane, as the laws of heaven and earth do not allow it. Of course, if you are born in a low-level plane, but you practice hard and become very powerful, You have reached the limit that this plane cannot bear. You will also be kicked out by the laws of heaven and earth, and you will be kicked directly to a high-level plane. This is what Zhao Hai and the others concluded after traveling through many planes. of precision.

Zhao Hai's strength has actually reached the standard for ascension. According to normal procedures, he should have been kicked out of the plane by now, that is, he has been ascended. However, because this plane has been kicked out by the Shadow Clan people, Occupied by the power of the Shadow Clan, but the laws of heaven and earth in this plane have not died yet, and his instinct is still to save himself, and for a master like Zhao Hai, he will not give up. So he left Zhao Hai in this plane, and wanted Zhao Hai to help him deal with the Shadow Clan people, so Zhao Hai could stay in this plane, otherwise he should have left long ago.

However, the laws of heaven and earth in the plane can only go so far. If Zhao Hai wants to compress energy and compress his own energy into energy crystals, that will not work, because if he does that, his strength will be reduced. It is too strong, and every move may cause this plane to collapse, so when he compresses energy, he compresses the energy to a certain degree, and there is no way to compress it anymore, because if he is compressing, this will He can't bear it on the first level, so the laws of heaven and earth on this level don't allow him to compress, so no matter how hard he tries, he can't compress his energy to the energy crystal of the God of Shadow Clan. size.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Zhao Hai couldn't help but frown. He was now almost certain that the God of the Shadow Clan must be waiting for him in the upper plane. After he reached the upper plane, the God of the Shadow Clan would definitely appear. Kill him with all his strength, so he must improve his strength, otherwise, he will be in danger when he reaches the upper plane. Zhao Hai can be sure that he is not the opponent of the God of Shadow Clan yet. If he really It was really troublesome to be targeted by the God of the Shadow Clan just after he ascended. He didn't want to die in the hands of the God of the Shadow Clan as soon as he ascended. And he didn't die alone. , almost everyone in the Blood Killing Sect will die with him. Whether it is for himself or for the entire Blood Killing Sect, he cannot die. He must improve his strength. Only in this way can he defeat the God of Shadow Clan. , protect yourself and the Blood Killing Sect.

But now there is no way to improve his strength. This is not good news for him. Zhao Hai can't help but frown even more tightly. He must find a way to improve his strength. The only way is to improve it. Only by improving his strength can he have the strength to face the attack of the God of Shadow Clan after ascending, but how can he improve his strength at once?

Zhao Hai recalled the various methods he had used now. His body was now very strong, and his spiritual energy was also very powerful. However, the degree of compression of his spiritual energy was not as good as one-tenth of that of the God of Shadow Clan. Zhao Hai Hai made a rough calculation and found that he was trying to compress his spiritual energy fifteen to twenty times before he could compress his spiritual energy to the level of crystallization of the God of the Shadow Clan.

And Zhao Hai can be sure that the God of Shadow Release has reached this level for who knows how many years, and his aura must have been increasing. In other words, he doesn't know how much Zhao Hai has obtained in his body now. In short, the quantity of that kind of energy crystal is definitely not small. In this case, if Zhao Hai wants to defeat the God of Shadow Clan, he must make sure that his own energy is at the same level as the opponent's energy. When he thought of this, Zhao Hai couldn't help but think about his own abilities. What abilities could help him reach that level? Now that the method of compressing energy is definitely not working, then we have to think of other ways. What is the best way? Zhao Hai's brows wrinkled again. His most powerful method now is actually the rune method. Runes are his best method. They are extremely powerful, but how can he use runes to improve himself? What about the strength? He has almost used the runes to the extreme now. He can use those runes at any time. How can he use runes to improve his strength?

I want to think about it, besides compressing energy, what else has the Shadow Clan God done? Can we learn something from him? When he thought of this, Zhao Hai recalled what he had learned from that energy crystal. Suddenly his eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought that the reason why the God of Shadow Clan is so strong, in addition to compression In addition to energy, he also did another thing, which was to turn the energy crystal into a magic weapon that he was afraid of. So what if he turned the runes into his own magic weapon? The God of the Shadow Clan can turn energy crystals, which are originally nothingness, into entities, and then turn this thing into his own magical weapon. So can he also turn runes into magical weapons? You must know that his runes can be converted between entities and energy. If you say they are entities, you can use materials to make them entities. If you say they are energy, you use energy to form runes. It can be used as well, so what if I turn the runes into magic weapons? But how to turn runes into magic weapons? This is a difficult question.

While thinking about it, Zhao Hai condensed a rune in his hand. Runes were something he was really familiar with. These runes were all placed in the rune space, and they could be produced at any time. , no matter how much he extracts, he can produce it immediately, endlessly, and the magical uses of runes are endless, so runes can be said to be Zhao Hai's best weapon.

Zhao Hai looked at the runes in his hand. This was just the simplest rune. However, after turning into three-dimensional runes, this simple rune became no longer simple, because these three-dimensional runes all contained Energy, it's just that some runes contain strong energy, and some runes contain weak energy.

Wait, energy, the runes contain energy. If the runes contain energy, can he inject energy into the runes? If he can inject energy into the runes, can the runes be used as energy crystals? In his rune space, the runes are endless, so it's time to give it a try.

When he thought of this, Zhao Hai immediately began to inject energy into the rune in his hand. When the rune absorbed energy, the entire rune lit up, but the rune did not become larger and kept absorbing energy. , he absorbed energy very quickly, and absorbed a lot of energy. When the energy absorbed by the rune reached five times the energy crystal of the God of Shadow Clan, the rune had turned golden, and at the same time the rune It no longer absorbs energy, and at the same time, the rune looks like it has become an entity.

As soon as he saw this situation, Zhao Hai immediately thought about taking this rune back to the rune space. He was worried that this rune had absorbed so much energy and would no longer be able to enter the rune space. He wanted to See if this rune can be absorbed into the rune space.

It went very well. Just as he had this idea in his mind, the rune was immediately withdrawn into the rune space. When he saw this situation, Zhao Hai couldn't help but be overjoyed. This was definitely a good thing for him. Son, but he immediately thought that there were countless runes in his rune space. If he slowly injected energy into those runes one by one, how long would it take to inject energy? This was obviously not possible. He decided that he must find a way so that his runes could automatically absorb energy without him having to deliberately control it. In his opinion, the God of Shadow Clan would not always be able to control energy compression by himself. Bar? He must have a faster way to increase his energy. When he thought of this, Zhao Hai started to deduce how to make the runes absorb energy by themselves. What should be done? He knew very well that as long as he solved this matter, his training speed would be very fast, and he would not waste time chopping wood, so he was not in a hurry and solved this matter first.

When he thought of this, Zhao Hai took another look at the Yin-Yang Thunder Pond he had created. The Yin-Yang Thunder Pond was indeed very powerful, and it seemed to be quite useful, but it was a little inconvenient, and the movement it made, It's really too big, so what should be done so that this Yin-Yang Thunder Pond can provide him with energy at any time without attracting the attention of others?

Zhao Hai decided that things should be solved slowly one by one. He thought of the fusion rules used by the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect. Zhao Hai also thought of this. This time he directly used the Babel Vine, Alien Bloodline, and Blood Gold. , law crystals, stars, twenty kinds of divine fires, all were brought out, as well as some good things he had obtained before, such as the method of making tail balls, and some good things he had obtained before, and finally added Go to his rune space and look at these things. He has too many good things in his hands now. What he takes out now is just the best part of them. Zhao Hai looks at these things, and then he Taking a deep breath, he directly brought out the fusion runes, then involved all the things in it, and then took all these things into his body. The next moment, Zhao Hai suddenly kept Transforming, various things were constantly changing in his body, which made his body look like metal for a while, like a Babel vine for a while, like a law crystal for a while, seemed to have become an alien shape for a while, and seemed to be all over his body for a while. It was on fire, and the fires were of different colors. After a while, his head turned into a star phoenix, and then he was surrounded by runes. At the same time, Zhao Hai also had a look of pain on his face. He was really He didn't expect that it would be so painful, but he soon understood that he had integrated too many things this time, which was why he was like this, and now he had no way to integrate all these things into his body, because He still needs a little bit of external force, and this external force must be strong enough. ()

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