Chapter 14076 Analysis

After listening to Ding Chunming's words, he nodded and said: "Old Ding is right. We were indeed a little too relaxed before, and our requirements for the station were too low. Our bodies and magic weapons have passed through it. After one refining, they have been completely integrated together, but don't forget that the characteristics of those magical weapons have not disappeared, so when we use the magical weapons, we can indeed achieve ever-changing changes, and because of the Yantian Sphere It is also integrated with us. It is easier for us to command those magic weapons. It is also easier to add Yin and Yang thunder pools to the magic weapons. With the addition of spiritual threads, we want to control those magic weapons. It has become easier to use magic weapons, but we have not developed so many potentials. When we were fighting the Shadow Tribe people today, when our disciples released magic weapons to attack the enemy, their magic weapons were too powerful. Small, so we must train our disciples in many aspects. From today on, all disciples must train. They must enter the real illusion every day to train. If there is no battle, enter the They train for four hours in the real illusion, and they train for four hours outside. The remaining four hours are their rest time. When there is a battle, they cannot participate in training, so we must How about all the disciples taking turns? Is there no problem?" After Bai Yan said this, he glanced at everyone.

Everyone shook their heads. Of course they would not object. In this battle, the performance of the disciples was not good. They all saw this. So when Bai Yan and Ding Chunming said this, of course they would not object. .

Baiyan nodded, and then said: "He was talking about another thing, which is about Ouroboros. I feel that this time the battle half did not bring out the power of Ouroboros, just like As Lao Ding said, we are still not very proficient in the use of ouroboros, so starting from today, we must train ouroboros, how about it? Is everyone okay? "

Everyone shook their heads in unison, indicating that there was no problem. To be honest, the performance of Ouroboros today was not satisfactory to them. Ouroboros was indeed very poor. Originally, they could have exerted greater power, but Now it doesn't, much to their disappointment.

After rolling his eyes and seeing that no one objected, he continued: "Okay, from now on, there are three main things we have to do. One, Hongliang, you need to tell Lao Wen about the defensive formation. Then take a look at our defensive formation and see if there is anything that needs to be changed. Secondly, regarding the magic weapon, our disciples must strengthen their training. Thirdly, what about the Ouroboros matter? And Nothing else to add?" Everyone shook their heads, indicating that there was nothing else to add. Bai Yan then said: "Okay, that's fine if you don't have anything. Then everyone can go back and rest first. Starting tomorrow, we will officially start We have to train those disciples and Ouroboros. As for the matter of speaking the formation, we leave it to Hong Liang and Mr. Zhen. By the way, Mr. Zhen, I have never asked you. After so many days, our underground city was built. What's going on? How far have you come now?" When everyone who was about to leave heard what Bai Yan said, they all turned to look at the leader. They must know that the dungeon is also an important part of them, so they all want to take a look. , what state has their dungeon reached now? After all, so many days have passed. Although the Blood Killing Sect is advancing, the distance they advance is very far, but no one in the dungeon stops them. Their advancing speed It will definitely be faster, so they are all curious.

The boss of the formation said: "Everything is going smoothly in the construction of the underground city. Now the underground city in the Huanying tribe area has been built. What we are doing now is to steadily move from the base to the Shadow tribe area. Moving forward, no one needs to worry.”

Upon hearing what Mr. Zhen said, everyone's eyes lit up, and they rolled their eyes and said, "Okay, great, I won't ask about the dungeon. If you have anything, just tell me. Okay, everyone, let’s go back and rest.” Everyone responded, and then they all bowed to each other, then turned around and left. They rolled their eyes in the direction of the Shadow Tribe people and went back to rest. He didn’t believe the Shadow Tribe people. They will come to attack us again, especially at this time, they should not attack them again.

He was right. The Shadow Clan would not attack them anymore. After Zhang Wutong and the others returned to the Shadow Clan's camp, they immediately contacted the Shadow Emperor and informed him of the battle situation here. Once, Grand Sima and the others were all there. After listening to Zhang Wutong's speech, the Shadow Emperor said in a deep voice: "In other words, you have broken through the two defensive formations of the Blood Killing Sect, but the defensive formations of the Blood Killing Sect are huge. There is another large formation inside the formation. As long as our people enter this formation, they will die immediately, is that right?"

Zhang Wutong responded, Shangguanfeng also responded, and then Shangguanfeng said: "The Blood Killing Sect has too many magic formations, and we don't know what kind of magic formations they used this time. I asked After passing the resurrected tribesmen, they said that as soon as they entered the magic circle, they saw the boundless sea of ​​fire. The energy of the Lord God was quickly consumed, and then their defenses were directly burned away. , and then they died. The whole process was very fast. Although they had stone flame insects and were not afraid of flames, it was useless there. Their defense was useless. Those fires were not ordinary fires. They were much worse than ordinary fires. The fire was much more powerful, that's why they failed, and they also said that no matter how many people went in, they couldn't come out alive. The fire was too powerful, so what we should do most now is to figure out, they What kind of fire is this fire?"

Shangguan Feng is a disciple of the Shadow Emperor, so when he speaks, his tone is harder than others, and the Shadow Emperor does not blame him for this matter. After listening to Shangguan Feng's words, the Shadow Emperor nodded and said : "It makes sense, it makes sense. So what do you think that kind of fire is? We don't have that kind of fire at all now and there's no way to verify it. We can only rely on guessing. I'm afraid we can't guess right?" The Shadow Emperor's tone was calm, and he didn't feel angry at all, but his words made everyone stunned, because they all knew that what the Shadow Emperor said was right. There was no way for them to get that kind of fire, so naturally they wouldn't have it. There was no way to know what caused that kind of fire. They just relied on guessing. There was really no way to guess this, so they didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, the Grand Sima said: "Your Majesty, I have an idea, and I don't have to say it right or wrong."

The Shadow Emperor said solemnly: "Speak." Da Sima responded, and then said: "Your Majesty, it's like this. We used the true fire of the sun to deal with the people of the Blood Killing Sect before, but the fire did not affect us. The imaginary effect seems to have been taken away by the leader of the Blood Killing Sect. I am wondering, could the fire they are using now be the true sun fire? The true sun fire also has a certain restraint effect on us. Yes, if the fire is really the true fire of the sun, it can kill our people in such a short period of time. It is also possible. Please check it out." His words made everyone They were stunned for a moment, but then they all nodded, because Da Sima's guess was very reasonable. The power of the True Sun Fire was very powerful. They knew this, and the True Sun Fire was also killed by people from the Blood Killing Sect. It was snatched away, so it is absolutely possible for the people of the Blood Killing Sect to use the True Fire of the Sun to deal with them.

After listening to Da Sima's words, the Shadow Emperor also nodded, and then he said: "It makes sense. It is indeed possible. If it is really the true sun fire, it can indeed kill people in a short time. If someone kills us, how should we respond?"

Da Sima said at this time: "Your Majesty, I feel that now is not the time to consider how to deal with the True Fire of the Sun. The Blood Killing Sect's response is very fast. If our attack fails this time, I'm afraid they won't be here either." Give us a second chance, and if we want to encounter the True Fire of the Sun, we must first break through the two-layer defensive formation. I'm afraid it won't be easy for us to break through their defensive formation in the future. That's the thing, and there is the big snake they sent when they fought with us today. Our big snake also appeared when we fought with us before, but it was not very powerful, but today's power is very powerful. Big, this means that the big snakes have probably been upgraded by them. If they are thinking of some ways to deal with us, it will be even more difficult for us to break through their formation. I'm afraid we won't be able to in the future. Opportunity, the Suns are really hot facing them."

Da Sima's words made everyone stunned, but then everyone was silent. After a while, the Shadow Emperor finally said: "Da Sima's words are very reasonable. We have already said it before attacking this time. We There is only one chance. If we cannot completely destroy the defensive formation of the Blood Killing Sect, then it will be impossible for us to attack them the second time. So how should we deal with the Blood Killing Sect next? Zong's attack, do you have any thoughts?" When the Shadow Emperor said this, his tone was still very calm, but everyone could tell that the Shadow Emperor's mood was not very high. It seemed that he was a little depressed. .

Da Sima said: "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry too much about the Blood Killing Sect. Our attack this time broke through their two-layer defense formation and seriously injured their big snake. The most important thing is that this attack , the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect also sent people to attack us, but the effect didn't seem to be very good. If their disciples were strong enough, it would be impossible for us to break through their formation, and it would be impossible for them to kill those big snakes. They sent out the big snake, and now they sent out the big snake, and also let us break through the formation, and even had to use the true fire of the sun to deal with us in the end, so that they could repel us. This shows the strength of their ordinary disciples, It's not very strong. If they use their ordinary disciples to attack us next time, we will attack with all our strength. I believe this time we can make it difficult for them to move forward. Next time we fight against the Blood Killing Sect, we will attack us with all our strength. Use a three-dimensional magic circle and have people with long-range attacks at the side to support us. I believe that the people of the Blood Killing Sect will be unable to do anything to us."

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