Chapter 14077 Separation

Everyone listened to Da Sima's words. When Da Sima finished speaking, everyone nodded. The Shadow Emperor's voice came at once: "Zhang Wutong, tell me, is Da Sima right?" The Shadow Emperor must The final decision can only be made by listening to the opinions of the frontline commanders. After all, the ones who are really commanding on the frontline are Zhang Wutong and the others, and they have the most say.

Zhang Wutong said at this time: "Your Majesty, Grand Sima's words are right. The disciples of the Blood Killing Sect did not perform well in this battle. We can deal with them. Please rest assured, Your Majesty." Zhang Wutong and the others had already Pay attention to this. The disciples of the Blood Killing Sect had almost no performance in this battle. It can be said that they were not defeated by the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect. They were defeated by the magic circle of the Blood Killing Sect. Yes, so Zhang Wutong is quite confident in what he said.

After hearing what he said, the Shadow Emperor nodded, and then said: "Very good, that's great. Do you think the strength of those in the Blood Killing Sect has improved? I mean compared to before?" "The Shadow King is still very concerned about this.

Zhang Wutong said: "Replying to Your Majesty, the people of the Blood Killing Sect are not only the disciples, but also the masters among them. Compared with before, their strength has improved, but their progress speed has not. Let's hurry up. I have fought against the Blood Killing Clan before, and I was defeated twice and died. But this time I fought against the Blood Killing Clan. Not only did the battle last longer, but I also didn't die. They just suffered some injuries, which shows that their current strength has improved somewhat compared to before, but not much."

Ma Yichuan also nodded, and then he said: "Your Majesty, I think it is mainly because our strength has improved a lot that the people of the Blood Killing Sect are making very slow progress. Please check it out." Zhang Wutong also nodded. He thought so too.

After hearing what the two of them said, the Shadow Emperor couldn't help but be stunned. Then he nodded and said: "So that's it. If that's really the case, that would be great. Let's do this. After you go back, you are still prepared to deal with bloodshed." If you have a chance, you can also try to attack the Blood Killing Sect and see what the result is. How about it? No problem, right?"

Zhang Wutong, Shangguan Feng and the others all responded. The Shadow Emperor then said: "Okay, let's break up the meeting, but it will be time for today's practice soon. Get ready." Everyone responded, and then they all rushed towards The Shadow Emperor said safe and sound, and then went offline. Then came their daily practice time. This time they practiced for a longer time. More than an hour passed before they stopped. Zhang Wutong's original All his injuries are now healed, and his strength has improved again.

Early the next morning, the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect got up early. They were ready to attack early. However, before attacking today, Ding Chunming and the others made an agreement with the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect. , those who did not participate in today's attack will have to train today, and those who participated in the attack must be ready to attack. Although they fought against the Shadow Tribe last night, they still have to attack today. Those bloody Of course, the disciples of the Killing Sect would not object. They immediately responded and prepared to attack. Then Ding Chunming and others gave an order, and the disciples responsible for today's attack directly launched an attack on the Shadow Clan people.

The Shadow Tribe people thought that after the Blood Killer Sect was attacked last night, they would not attack today. They had to rest for a few days before they could continue their attack. However, they did not expect that the Blood Killer Sect would continue their attack today. This made them They were very surprised, but they also had to face the attack of the Blood Killing Sect. Under the command of Zhang Wutong, the great statue of the Shadow Tribe attacked the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect, and the disciples of the Blood Killing Sect also immediately Then attack the great statue of the Shadow Tribe people.

But after they actually fought against the Shadow Clan's great statue, they immediately discovered something was wrong. They found that the Shadow Clan's great statue seemed to be much more powerful than before, with attack power, defense power, and speed all higher than before. It's amazing, and these big statues of the Shadow Tribe people are now moving forward in a three-dimensional battle formation, with the help of long-range attack statues behind them. Although they want to use the magic circle to deal with the big statues of the Shadow Tribe people, the result is It's not very good. The Shadow Tribe's cooperation is better and their defense is better. They really have no way to take advantage of the Shadow Tribe's great statue and they can't even push forward.

Ding Chunming and the others had been watching the battle outside. When they saw this situation, their expressions couldn't help but change. They really didn't expect that today's battle would be like this, but they were relieved after thinking about it. After all, the great statue of the Shadow Clan was much stronger than before. They knew this, so this situation was not unexpected to them.

After watching for a while, Ding Chunming finally took a breath and said: "I really didn't expect that the strength of those guys from the Shadow Clan has improved so fast. It has become very difficult for our disciples to deal with them. Let’s see if our magic weapon becomes powerful enough to deal with the Shadow Clan’s big statue. If this trick doesn’t work, I really don’t know how to deal with the Shadow Clan’s big statue. , do you have any idea?" After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Gongsun Yulong, wanting to hear his opinion.

Gongsun Yulong looked at the battlefield, and after a while he finally said: "The people of the Shadow Clan are very powerful, and it is not easy to deal with them, but they have one characteristic, that is, they usually use it to improve their abilities. The way to achieve strength is to fuse something into the body. In most cases, what they fuse is bugs. This time their strength suddenly increased so much. Do you think it is because they fused it into their own body? Bugs? If that's the case, then as long as we find this bug and see what characteristics it has, can we find a way to deal with them? "

When Ding Chunming heard what Gongsun Yulong said, he couldn't help but be startled, then he nodded and said: "This is a good way, but how can we find what they fused? This is not an easy task. "

Gongsun Yulong said: "We now have the law of separation. It is completely possible to separate the Shadow Clan people from their fused things, but it will take time. Do you think this will work? We will send some disciples and let these disciples, Form a magic circle to surround a big statue of the Shadow Clan people. Then we use the magic circle to add the Law of Separation runes, and then use these runes to attack them non-stop to fuse their people with their things. Completely separate, so that we know what we have fused this time. After all, we have seen the things they have fused before. As long as there is something new, it must be what they have fused this time. What do you think?" Gongsun Yulong thought of a way, and the separation law rune was also the law rune Zhao Hai used when he separated the amoebas from them. This law rune was derived from the separation law rune. Yes, since the last time, Zhao Hai has taught this law rune to the people of the Blood Killing Sect, but they are not very proficient in using this law rune, but if this law rune is used, If you join the magic circle, there will be no problem.

When Ding Chunming heard what Gongsun Yulong said, he couldn't help but nodded and said: "This method is good, let's discuss it carefully, and then we will use the separation law rune array tomorrow." Gongsun Yulong nodded and agreed. .

Ding Chunming directly contacted Bai Yan and the others. After a while, Bai Yan and the others' projections all appeared on the large projection in front of Ding Chunming and the others. When Ding Chunming saw that everyone was coming, he told everyone his thoughts about Gongsun Yulong. Having said that, he finally said: "Hong Liang, I just want to tell you this time. Do you think you can make a magic circle like this? The main purpose is to separate the things that the Shadow Tribe people have integrated into their bodies. How? Like? Can you do it?"

Zhang Hongliang said solemnly: "No problem, yes, but it is best if this magic circle still has the energy of sealing. Seal them first, and then use the runes of the Law of Separation to separate their bodies. This is how it works." What do you think is the best way?"

Ding Chunming nodded and said: "Okay, that's it. You have to complete this magic circle as soon as possible. I have to make arrangements here. This separation will take a certain amount of time. After we use the separation magic circle When dealing with that Shadow Clan person, other people must help them block the attacks of other Shadow Clan people, so there will be no problem, so we still need to make arrangements."

Everyone nodded, rolled their eyes and said, "Yes, this really needs to be considered. We must block the other Shadow Tribe people so that the magic circle can operate normally. Otherwise, I'm afraid this separation magic circle will not work." It may be successful, and the Shadow Tribe people can now use spiritual threads to directly contact the people behind them, so once they have a problem, the people behind them will know immediately, and the people behind them will definitely do their best. Attack us, so it’s important to block their attack.”

Zhang Hongliang said in a deep voice: "Then our sealing formation must be better and disconnect the big statue from the other Shadow Tribe people, so that we can deal with them with confidence. What do you think? Woolen cloth?"

Ding Chunming shook his head and said: "It's useless. If they use spiritual threads to communicate, if we disconnect the spiritual threads, they will know and will definitely come to save people when the time comes. Even if they don't know, what do we use?" We have used a method to deal with that big statue, and after they are resurrected, they will also know what method we used, so don’t think that we can hide it from the Shadow Tribe people, we can’t.”

Upon hearing what Ding Chunming said, Zhang Hongliang was stunned for a moment, and then nodded. It is indeed true, just as Ding Chunming said, those Shadow Clan people can be resurrected. Even if they are killed, once they are resurrected, They can still tell how they died, and what they did will not be hidden at all, so there is no need to hide this matter.

Bai Yan said at this time: "One thing we should also pay attention to is that the big statues of the Shadow Clan are all composed of small statues. Once they are separated, the small statues will probably separate first. In this way, Here we will face a bunch of small statues, so we need to pay special attention to this.

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