Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Volume 1 Chapter 59 Qimen Weapons


Zhao Hai's long knife hit something, and the object was directly knocked away by his long knife, but Zhao Hai's face didn't look good because the power coming from that thing was not small.

Zhao Hai did not stop, but rolled forward several times before turning over and standing up. At this time, he was already leaning against a cave wall, so that he would not be afraid of someone attacking him from behind. .

Zhao Hai also saw that the thing he had just knocked away was a flying knife. This flying knife was larger than the flying knives Zhao Hai had seen before, and it looked like a dagger.

Zhao Hai looked at the direction of the flying knife and said in a cold voice: "Who are you, get out of here."

A cold snort came, and a figure slowly walked out of a small hole next to it. This man was holding a knife and a scimitar in his hand. The curve of the scimitar was very large. Look, It looks like the somewhat abstract sickle in the hammer and sickle in the party flag.

This is a Qimen weapon. It is not easy to use such a weapon. Each Qimen weapon has its own special method of use. It is difficult to practice, but once you master it, Qimen weapons will be better than ordinary weapons. , Weiwei can exert greater power.

Zhao Hai, the scimitar-wielding monk, had actually seen the monk who entered the underground cave before him. It seemed that as soon as he entered the underground cave, he immediately found a place to ambush, and then sneaked into the underground palace. There were monks inside, and Zhao Hai was the second one to come in, and it was the prime minister who was attacked by him first.

The monk holding the scimitar looked at Zhao Hai. He sneered: "Boy, are you committing suicide, or are you waiting for me to kill you? To be honest with you, what I like most is torturing people. If you don't commit suicide, I will cut off your flesh one by one." If you cut it off, you will slowly bleed out the last drop of blood and die."

Zhao Hai looked at the man and sneered: "I won't cut you up, but I like to turn my enemies into zombies, and then make them into slaves to work for me every day."

The monk looked at Zhao Hai. He sneered and said: "You are quite powerful with your mouth, but I don't know if my men are as powerful as your mouth. Boy, just accept death." After saying that, the strange-shaped scimitar in his hand went straight towards Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai waved the long knife in his hand. The Eight-door Golden Lock Sword came out casually and fought with that one. The Eight-door Golden Lock Sword was originally a set of defensive swordsmanship, and there were not many attack moves. However, Zhao Hai is now using all his strength to defend, so now Zhao Hai Hai could hardly see the attack, and the battle turned into an offensive and defensive drill for the opponent to attack Zhao Hai.

When the man saw Zhao Hai's appearance, he couldn't help but reveal a disdainful smile. You must know that the scimitar in his hand is very difficult to deal with, and there are many people with similar strength to him. They were all broken under his scimitar. In his opinion, Zhao Hai could not defend for long with such an all-out defense. It would be a matter of time before he was killed.

But the monk didn't know that the reason why Zhao Hai behaved like this was not because he didn't have the ability to attack, but because he thought of this way to observe what the use of that kind of scimitar was like.

The scimitar turned out to be edged on both sides, speaking of preparation. It should be a scimitar, which makes his attack even more weird. Even if Zhao Hai has practiced the Eight-door Golden Lock Sword to the highest level, he can only defend against his attack.

The monk holding the scimitar became more and more frightened as he fought. He never thought that Zhao Hai's defensive ability would be so strong. He had been attacking for so long but it had no effect at all.

At this moment, a white light suddenly flashed on a teleportation array in the cave. Another monk appeared in the cave. As soon as the monk appeared, he saw Zhao Hai and the monk holding a scimitar who were fighting. A strange color flashed in the man's eyes. Between Zhao Hai and the monk holding a scimitar, Before the monk could react, he immediately escaped into a nearby cave and disappeared.

Zhao Hai and the scimitar monk were stunned when they saw this situation, but then they focused their attention on each other, but they also understood that they had to end this battle as soon as possible, because they There may be a monk appearing in the place where you are at any time. If the two of them are exhausted from fighting and encounter a monk, they will only be able to take advantage of others in the end.

Thinking of this, the scimitar monk couldn't help but strengthen his attack one after another, and Zhao Hai stopped defending blindly and started to counterattack.

The monk realized when Zhao Hai fought back that Zhao Hai had always retained his strength, but he also retained his strength. He snorted coldly, and a person exactly like him suddenly appeared next to him. This person was naturally him. ’s identity, and then the clone went straight to attack Zhao Hai.

Zhao Hai smiled slightly, and a clone appeared beside him. His clone also met the opponent's clone. The two clones fought together, and the scimitar monk's face became even more ugly.

Zhao Hai's attacks became more and more fierce, and the scimitar monk had to take some defense now. The situation became a stalemate. At this moment, Zhao Hai's eyes flashed, and the man who was dealing with Zhao Hai's attack The scimitar monk felt an evil formation coming from behind him, and a sharp feeling hit his back. He was stunned, and hurriedly moved away, trying to avoid this attack, but the attack It came so unexpectedly that he tried his best to avoid it but still couldn't.

flutter! The sound of a sharp blade entering the body came, and the scimitar monk groaned, and glanced at his left arm. A flying knife like a dagger was inserted into his left arm. The scimitar monk's expression couldn't help but change. Because this flying knife was the one he used to shoot Zhao Hai before.

Just when he lost his mind, Zhao Hai slashed his throat with a knife. The scimitar monk's blood gushed out like a fountain. Two uh-huh sounds came out of his throat, and the curved sword in his hand The knife fell to the ground, and he desperately covered his throat with his hands, trying to block the gushing blood, but in the end he failed.

At this time, his clone also disappeared. The scimitar monk finally threw himself on the ground and died. Zhao Hai looked at his body with no guilt and no joy. He just waved his hand and put his body away. , turned into an undead creature.

When Zhao Hai dealt with this monk just now, he did not use his magic form because he knew very well that there was another person watching him in the cave next to him. He could not reveal his trump card, so he just used it. The metal magic made the flying knife used by the scimitar monk to attack him fly up on its own, just like it attacked the scimitar monk. Who knows that the scimitar monk's reaction was too slow and he did not block that attack at all. , was directly injured by the flying knife. When he saw that it was his own flying knife that hurt him, he lost his mind and was killed by Zhao Hairen.

After putting away the scimitar monk, Zhao Hai glanced at the cave where the monk was hiding, snorted coldly, then swayed, escaped into the cave next to him, and disappeared.

But a person emerged from the cave that Zhao Hai had seen before. The person took a look at the blood on the ground, and then looked at the direction where Zhao Hai disappeared. He couldn't help but take a deep breath, turned around and escaped into the small cave. Disappeared in the cave.

The monk had already sensed how scary Zhao Hai was. He knew very well that if he faced a monk like Zhao Hai, it would be hard to say whether he would win or lose. In addition, Zhao Hai revealed his metal magic. It really scared him.

Zhao Hai had previously developed a set of alien combat techniques, but he rarely used them in the True Spirit World. He wanted to practice the Ba Dao Sect's sword techniques first, and then slowly integrate the sword techniques into In the alien combat method, his strength will be greatly increased.

But now he has no way to integrate his sword skills, so if he wants to integrate his sword skills into the alien combat method, it is almost impossible.

It is precisely because of this idea that Zhao Hai rarely uses other abilities in the True Spirit World. When fighting enemies, he mostly uses knives.

Zhao Hai didn't care what the monk thought. He knew that the monk was not very strong. At most, he was only at the clone stage. If he was strong, he wouldn't have to hide and watch him, and he would deal with him directly. He joined the scimitar monk, so Zhao Hai decided that the monk did not dare to chase him.

Sure enough, as he thought, the monk did not come to chase him, but turned around and left. Zhao Hai did not want to stay in the defensive cave to sneak attack those who entered the cave. That would be too boring, such a large underground maze. , he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to find anyone to fight with, so why stay there and wait.

And Zhao Hai also wanted to see what this underground maze was like. After walking around in the cave for a few times, Zhao Hai finally confirmed that this place is really very similar to the underground world of the Zerg. It is very similar, with big holes inside small holes, and small holes inside. There are caves within old caves, there are holes within caves, and holes are connected to holes. It is worthy of the name of underground maze.

What surprised Zhao Hai was that the underground maze was not dark at all. The surrounding cave walls were emitting a glistening blue light, making the entire cave appear remote and mysterious.

Zhao Hai also specifically asked Space to inspect the cave. He wanted to see if there were any radioactive materials in the cave. You must know that those things are not good for the human body at all.

However, the end of the inspection made Zhao Hai very relieved. There was no radioactive material in this cave. The blue light was emitted by an unknown element in the soil. Zhao Hai was not polite and dug a lot of holes in the cave. The soil was thrown into the space, adding another kind of material in the space.

After collecting some soil from the underground palace, Zhao Hai didn't find anything, and he was not in a hurry. He moved forward slowly, and suddenly he stopped because he smelled a very special smell. There was a stench, the preparation said it was corpse stench.

Zhao Hai couldn't help but frowned and walked towards the direction where the smell of corpses came from. After walking for about five minutes, Zhao Hai came to the place where the smell of corpses appeared. In a small cave, a corpse was lying. The corpse was a little strange, because there was a long sword thrown next to the corpse. The sword's blade was like autumn water, and it looked like it was not ordinary.

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