Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Volume 1 Chapter 60 Confrontation of Divine Powers

There is nothing strange about dead people. The strange thing is that the sword is a good thing at first glance. No matter who kills this monk, no matter whether the other party uses a sword or not, he will not let go of that sword. It's really strange that the sword is just there now.

Zhao Hai glanced around, waved his hand, and the ground rippled, and then the body and the sword were buried in the soil and disappeared. Just as Zhao Hai was about to leave, he heard a loud shout: "Stop, boy, you have ruined my good deeds. Do you know that you just want to leave?"

Zhao Hai didn't pay attention, and looked over following the voice. A monk slowly emerged from the cave. Zhao Hai had thought that this man who spoke loudly and kept silent would be a burly man, but At first glance, this is not the case at all. The monk who appears now is thin and small, only about 1.5 meters tall. He is dressed in a black warrior uniform. He carries a single sword on his back, except for one The color of his face and his entire body were wrapped in his black samurai uniform.

But this man's appearance surprised Zhao Hai. For such a thin man, he had a thick beard on his waist, which looked very funny.

When the man saw that Zhao Hai didn't speak, he stared at him, and his expression turned even more ugly. The man knew that he was ugly and ugly, but it was precisely because of this that he particularly cared about other people's opinions. As long as he found out If others look at him in a strange way, he will take someone's life.

The man snorted coldly: "Boy, that's what the uncle used for fishing. Now you've buried it, but it's okay, I finally caught your fish. I'll spend some time later." It’s time to dig him out.”

Zhao Hai looked at the monk and said with a smile on his face: "Oh, you are quite confident. Why, are you so confident that you can keep me?"

The man burst out laughing and said, "How dare you, a mere clone-stage monk, talk to me like this? Boy, I really don't know whether I should admire your eternal energy or laugh at you for not overestimating your abilities."

Zhao Hai looked at this monk. To be honest, this monk was not very strong, but he was only in the soul-joining stage. Of course, the combined soul stage is much stronger than the body stage. Although the monks in the clone stage also have clones, the clones can also practice and help them fight, but their identities are still independent and cannot be changed. The aura they cultivated is used by the main body, but the monks in the soul-joining stage are different. The monks in the soul-joining stage branch out the soul. It has been integrated with their body, so the soul practiced by the clone is equivalent to the aura he cultivated. Even when fighting, they have a steady stream of aura provided by the clone.

It is precisely because of this that it is impossible for ordinary monks in the clone stage to defeat the monks in the combined soul stage, because no matter in terms of the total amount of spiritual energy or the durability of the soul, the monks in the clone stage are not as good as those in the combined soul stage. A monk in the soul stage.

However, Heyunsi's monks are indeed a bit unsatisfied if they want to deal with Zhao Hai. The monks in the Heyun stage have sufficient spiritual energy, but Zhao Hai's sword skills are enough to make up for the shortcomings in spiritual energy. As for the recovery power of spiritual energy, those monks in the Hehun stage are not necessarily much better than Zhao Hai's recovery power. , if both sides remain in a stalemate. It’s really not certain who will drag who to death in the end.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Hai really doesn't take the monks in this soul-joining stage seriously. And the monk obviously noticed Zhao Hai's expression. Zhao Hai's disdainful expression deeply hurt the good man. The monster shouted: "Good boy, you are just a clone, but you are also in the clone stage." Dare to look down on me? You will die." After saying this, he grabbed his hand back, and the single sword behind his back was in his hand, and he slashed at Zhao Hai with one strike.

Zhao Hai also took action with a long sword and placed it on his single sword. As soon as he heard a sound, Zhao Hai felt a huge force coming towards him. He couldn't help it, and he took seven or eight steps back before he stood firm.

Zhao Hai was really stunned at this moment. Although he was not using his full strength now, you must know that his power was still much greater than that of ordinary monks, but he was actually stabbed by this thin monk. They were all forced back, and they were forced back by sheer force. This was beyond Zhao Hai's expectation.

Zhao Hai looked at the monk blankly. Because Zhao Hai didn't want to expose his strength, he usually wouldn't use his strength talent when fighting with others, let alone use the magical method of subduing demons with great strength. The strength was only slightly stronger than that of ordinary monks, but he never thought that this thin-looking monk was actually born with divine power, and this knife actually made his arm numb.

After the monk struck this sword, he did not attack. Instead, he stood there triumphantly, looked at Zhao Hai, and said with a smile: "Boy, how does it feel? Hahaha, now you know how powerful the uncle is, right? You still have to do it?" Go ahead and commit suicide, uncle, I will leave your body intact, otherwise I will definitely chop off your head."

Zhao Hai looked at this thin monk and laughed suddenly: "Okay, I haven't met such a powerful monk for a long time. Today is the time to have fun." After saying this, Zhao Hai stood still and said, He screamed, and then his body changed. His body actually became taller. In an instant, he turned into a big man more than two meters tall. The muscles on his body were taut, but his face exuded... The bursts of golden light make people feel calm and confident.

This is the most powerful state of the magic method of subduing demons with great power, Vajra transformation. Vajra transformation is the most powerful state of the magic method of subduing demons with great power. He transformed into a powerful Vajra with angry eyes, subduing demons and slaying demons!

The thin monk couldn't help but change his face when he saw Zhao Hai's change. He was born with divine power. This was his innate ability. Although he was thin and small, he had the power of a dragon and elephant. His hands Although the knife inside is not long, it is made of a special metal and is not light in weight. Therefore, when he confronts people, he usually wins with force. Even some powerful opponents can't. It is impossible to defeat him in strength.

But now that Zhao Hai is like this, it puts huge pressure on him, because except for people with talents like him, generally strong people are burly men, muscular men with muscles, so As soon as he saw Zhao Hai transformed into this, he knew that he must have used some secret method to make himself stronger instantly.

Not only was Zhao Hai's body shape changing, but the long sword in his hand was also changing. In an instant, the long sword in his hand turned into a long-handled ghost-headed sword. The handle of this ghost-headed sword was not very long. But it was more than half a meter long, just enough for Zhao Hai, who had grown in size, to hold it with both hands.

Zhao Hai held the ghost-headed sword in both hands and raised the sword to the right side of his head. He looked at the monk coldly and said: "Since you are born with divine power, let me see which one is stronger, yours or mine." Big." After saying that, Zhao Hai roared and struck out with a knife.

The skinny monk's face changed, and he raised his sword to meet him. He heard a loud bang, which made the whole cave buzz, as if a big bell was being struck.

But Zhao Hai and the monk did not stop. They kept waving the knives in their hands, one long and one short, one large and one small, and the sound of clanking was endless.

This was a competition of pure strength. Zhao Hai and the monk had even forgotten what kind of moves they used. They were just slashing at each other.

The two of them had been fighting for who knows how long. The thin monk who fought with Zhao Hai couldn't stand it. Although he was gifted with strength, he had never fought with someone with such power before. Zhao Hai's strength after transformation , and he is just a match between them, but Zhao Hai has a long Qi pulse, which is longer than that of a monk in his Soul Fusion Stage. The two have fought for hundreds of times now, but he has not gained any advantage at all. Now he can't bear it anymore.

To be honest, this thin monk now feels a little regretful. He really regrets provoking Zhao Hai. He never thought that Zhao Hai would be so powerful, so powerful that he could compete with him in strength. Not falling behind was something he would never have imagined before.

Zhao Hai also saw that the thin monk was about to reach the end of his life. What he practiced was Buddhist Kung Fu. The most important thing in Buddhist Kung Fu was persistence. All ordinary Buddhist cultivators were people with long veins. Their Kung Fu It's the same, and Zhao Hai's resilience is second to none, so he won't lose in a protracted battle with any monk. Now this thin monk lost to Zhao Hai in terms of endurance.

Zhao Hai is not a kind person, especially to his enemies. He will not be polite. Now that thin monk is almost at the end of his life, how could he let go of this opportunity? Not only did Zhao Hai not let go Slowing the attack speed actually speeds up the attack.

The thin monk was really in trouble this time. He never expected to meet such a pervert as Zhao Hai, but now he began to breathe heavily, and the knife in his hand seemed to weigh ten thousand kilograms, but he had to Blocking Zhao Hai's attacks with one knife after another.

However, there was no trace of panic in his eyes. Zhao Hai also noticed this. He found that not only was there no panic in this man's eyes, but on the contrary, there was a trace of cruelty in his eyes. Zhao Hai couldn't help but feel Slowly paying attention, he also turned his skin into crystals.

Sure enough, just when the thin monk was about to be unable to block his attack, the thin monk suddenly turned his hand, and there was a green bead in his hand. This bead was not too big, only It was the size of a dragon's eye, but Zhao Hai's expression changed when he saw this bead.

Zhao Hai has never seen this bead, and he doesn't know what it is, but one thing is certain, this bead is not a mortal thing, because he felt a very powerful force from this bead, this force The power is very powerful, but now it seems to be imprisoned by something. Once this power is released, it will be absolutely terrible.

At this moment, the thin monk also saw Zhao Hai's face. He laughed loudly and said: "What? Are you scared? I spent a lot of money to get this Sky Thunder Pearl. I will let you know today. The thunder beads are so powerful today, let’s die together, eh~”

"You talk too much nonsense!"

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