British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1189: disappointed white leader

Ian Smith can be regarded as the same age as Alan Wilson. Now Alan Wilson feels that those younger than Garbo are his own peers. In any case, he is also a person who is about to enter the supreme authority. He should be a little more mature.

In the past ten years, Ian Smith's influence in Rhodesian politics can be regarded as a rocket. Even Alan Wilson, a rocket expert, has to admit that there are indeed a few people in this world who can be called geniuses in some fields.

After the war, Smith, who returned to Rhodesia, participated in the 1953 federal parliamentary election and was successfully elected as a member of the Central Province constituency. At the same time, he resigned as a member of the Southern Rhodesia Legislative Assembly.

Five years later, Smith became the United Federation Party's chief whip in the federal parliament, but his relationship with the party and the new prime minister, Sir Roy Werenski, has grown increasingly estranged. At the beginning of this year, he withdrew from the United Federation Party to form the Rhodesian Reform Party and merged with the Dominion Party to form the Rhodesian Front.

In this year's general election in Southern Rhodesia, Smith represented the constituency for the first time and returned to the Southern Rhodesia Parliament. Party leader Winston Field was appointed as Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia, and Smith was appointed as Minister of Finance.

Smith is now the No. 2 figure in the Southern Rhodesian colony, equivalent to the British Chancellor of the Exchequer.

While waiting for the other party to come to the door, Alan Wilson was actually thinking about the value of this colony and the other party's purpose.

From the perspective of the whole of Africa, Africa does not have particularly advantageous land conditions.

This is not to belittle. The land conditions in Africa are indeed relatively general. The overall conditions are only higher than those of Australia. The tundra and Gobi Desert are not considered. On average, the cultivated land in Africa is not as good as that in Europe, Asia and the Americas.

The best arable land in Africa can be seen from the natural population growth, which is the Niger Delta in Nigeria.

This is a high-quality river basin comparable to the Ganges and Yangtze Rivers. Although the Congo has a large area, it is actually a tropical rainforest climate. Once the deforestation is excessive, the speed of land degradation can scare people to death. Most of the land in Africa is still red soil.

The soil quality of Southern Rhodesia is not red soil, but it would be nonsense to talk about the foundation of an agricultural power. The same is true of Northern Rhodesia. The soil quality of the two colonies is good within the range of Africa. The so-called developed agriculture, but the population is small.

Australia also has a high food self-sufficiency rate, which is also set off by a small population.

Alan Wilson had some guesses about the purpose of Smith's visit this time. The division of North and South Rhodesia was not completely free of entanglements. Malawi, which was given to Nyerere as a gift by Allen Wilson, was divided into North Rhodesia in the north. Occupy, the south is annexed by Southern Rhodesia.

Now that Nyerere is not yet independent, Southern Rhodesia still has some grudges about the ownership of southern Malawi.

Alan Wilson was ready, waiting for Smith to talk about it.

Talking about this matter in the Foreign Office seems a little formal, and Alan Wilson felt that he should find a more relaxed environment.

An hour later, at the Southern Rhodesian office in London, Alan Wilson met the white leader who would lead the independence of Southern Rhodesia.

After the small talk, Smith introduced himself and went straight to the point, "Sir Allen, do you know about Lubumbashi?"

"Slightly heard!" Alan Wilson nodded, saying that he had just found out that he was still a little surprised by the untimely behavior of Northern Rhodesia, who was walking alone without permission from London. He thought it was from Malawi. question.

Whether this perfunctory answer is true, Smith doesn't care, he asks about his vital interests, "I wonder what London thinks of the independence of Southern Rhodesia?"

Alan Wilson glanced at the other party and calmly said in an official tone, "Dear Mr. Smith, you also know why London's attitude should be asked? Either remain in the colonial state, or establish independence after the establishment of majority politics, other than that. There is no other choice."

The so-called majority politics means that the post-independence Southern Rhodesia will be handed over to the black people who occupy the vast majority of the population.

Despite Smith and other white colonists' claims, the local electoral system was largely non-discriminatory, because they believed that with the gradual improvement of black education and wealth, Rhodesia must have the opportunity to implement majority rule. Opponents, however, point out that Rhodesia's economic and political system inherently favors whites and unfairly treats blacks.

The rhetoric of these southern Rhodesian whites is simply more false than Russia's retreat all the way to Moscow. Not to mention trying to deceive the world, not even London.

This answer is definitely not what Smith wants, "Secretary, are you abandoning us?"

"Compared with the resources of the whole of Africa, it may be a shame to abandon you. But I'll be honest, it's a matter of time." Alan Wilson shook his head, "It depends on when the British and Portuguese colonies become independent, you We must understand a problem in our hearts. Both the United States and the Soviet Union are dismantling the colonial system. Although Britain and France have been delaying the arrival of that day, they may not be able to support it any time soon.”

"Smith, this is not your problem, this is the error of the times, and I have deep sympathy for you personally. But I can't show even the slightest support for you at the policy level."

Alan Wilson apologized to the white South Rhodesian leader, but that was about it.

"France won the Algerian war." Smith was a little emotional, as if accusing Britain of being less powerful than France and unable to provide help to the subjects of the British Empire.

"We also won the military operation in Lubumbashi." Alan Wilson remained unmoved, showing the latest results. But still replied with an attitude that NATO would never interfere in Ukraine, "but not for Southern Rhodesia."

"Why?" Smith was unwilling, almost wanting to accuse the other party with righteous indignation.

"Isn't the problem very simple? The white population of Southern Rhodesia is only 300,000, which is just over 5% of the total population of 4 million. On your side, it will offend nearly 4 million black people. In the context of the disintegration of the system, to help you is to offend the whole of Africa, the well-being of your 300,000 people is more important, or is the perception of black people on the entire African continent more important?"

"Smith, I'll be honest, you can see the situation in South Africa. There are 3.4 million white people in South Africa, aren't they still under hostility from the international community, not to mention that you only have 300,000 people."

"We can merge with Northern Rhodesia." Smith thought about it and proposed this idea.

"I can guarantee that the people of Northern Rhodesia will not merge with you. You may think that with the 700,000 white people in Northern Rhodesia, you will have a solid foundation for ruling, but you should think about it, Northern Rhodesia. There are no black tribes in Western Asia, there are nearly four million in Southern Rhodesia."

"Don't think about ethnic cleansing. The Soviet power has penetrated deep into the center of Africa. If you do this, you will definitely be hanged on the gallows. It is estimated that after the Nuremberg trial, the thing that will attract the attention of the world is you."

"You can think about merging with South Africa, but I don't think Cape Town is very willing."

In Alan Wilson's view, the problem facing Southern Rhodesia is that it will be overthrown in the future, and one can consider taking refuge in Northern Rhodesia. It is impossible to become a white-ruled country after independence.

Disappointed, Smith muttered, "Sir mean, as long as the black population exceeds the white population, we will lose everything after that?"

"At least you won't die!" Alan Wilson shrugged. "Ethnic cleansing will definitely kill you without a place to be buried."

Although this is a **** fact, Alan Wilson still made it clear to the other party, don't think about going to extremes, really want to do it, the United Kingdom and the United States may move faster than the Soviets, measuring the white heads of southern Rhodesia, To win the favor of the black man is not to scare the other party, but something that is destined to happen.

"Is there no other way?" Smith suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Secretary, can't we adopt the means of partition?"

"You white residents are dissatisfied with the less points, and the black people are willing to pay more points? You don't even make up one-tenth of the population!" Alan Wilson snorted with sympathy on his face, "If you can convince the white people It only occupies less land than blacks, but it can be talked about on this basis."

Anyway, Alan Wilson doesn't quite believe that these local white children have the courage to break their wrists. History has proved that the white regime in Africa just thinks I want it all, and then loses everything.

Just out of some sympathy, Alan Wilson was meeting with the other party to discuss trying to have a good home.

The matter of Southern is actually not worth worrying about in London. The current situation is that France occupies Algeria, the United Kingdom has Northern Rhodesia as its base, and both Britain and France have their own African fulcrum.

In this case, what Britain and France need to do is to stabilize and strengthen their fulcrum, rather than gluttony.

Alan Wilson left, Ian Smith didn't move for a long time, he didn't get political support, and he was thinking hard about a way out.

"Secretary of the Treasury, Sir Allen may have a bad attitude here, why can't we go the lady's route?"

"Madam's line?" Ian Smith couldn't understand, but there was a glimmer of hope in his heart, "What do you mean?"

"Ms. Pamela Mountbatten! Ms. Pamela lives in Australia. As far as I know, Australia has a White Australia policy in place, and the local social environment is very conservative. It's just that Ms. Pamela is a group president and deals with business groups. There may be a price to pay.”

"It's no problem, let's go to Perth." Ian Smith raised the flame of hope, and he couldn't deal with the permanent secretary of the empire, so he got support from the wife of the permanent secretary.

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