British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1190: People 1 must rely on themselves

For Alan Wilson, this incident was just a small episode. He still paid more attention to the opportunity of my great sublimation. He remembered that there were two stages before and after the decisive battle to the top of the Himalayas. The first stage was the most intense in the Cuban Missile Crisis. The stage is mainly to annihilate the infiltration of India.

The second stage is the aftermath of the Cuban Missile Crisis, during which the United States and the Soviet Union are discussing the withdrawal of missiles.

And the Indian Army is being beaten. At present, the news from New Delhi is still optimistic, so it can be concluded that the disaster that makes Indians panic has not yet come.

Alan Wilson is like a fly, wandering around in various departments. People who don't know think that the recent deputy secretary of the cabinet is familiar with the new job. In fact, he is not at all. He is just walking around to kill the waiting time.

"If there is no precedent, I almost think you made a mistake in judgment." Marshal Mountbatten saw that his son-in-law was definitely not too happy to be able to endure his promotion. It must be an Asian issue.

"Marshal, you'd better plan how to intervene at the right time." Alan Wilson did not lose his confidence, still sticking to his earlier judgment, "Maybe the time is not accurate, but the result will not change."

"What? You're in front of me now, and you're devoting yourself to the role of cabinet secretary?" Marshal Mountbatten said rudely. "Maybe I should tell Pamela that you're deceiving and attacking my old father."

"Just kidding!" Alan Wilson bowed his head decisively, and emphasized with some dissatisfaction, "The marshal knows that my relationship with Pamela is indestructible."

"I'm not helping you to test the level of indestructibility." Marshal Mountbatten muttered in the presence of the old god.

Perth, the capital of Western Australia, is the most dynamic city in Australia with the fastest population growth in the past decade. Perth has developed at an alarming rate. As the main destination for British immigrants, Perth's population has grown from 1945 Less than 300,000 people, soaring to nearly one million.

Only Melbourne in the gold rush era has this kind of population growth rate. In fact, the population growth of Perth is accelerating, faster than that of Melbourne at that time. Melbourne was the gold mine that attracted the population to settle down. Perth is the capital of Western Australia. , is propped up by minerals throughout Western Australia.

Australia's mining revenue also needs to feed the three major cities in the east, and Western Australia only needs to feed one city of Perth.

Half of Perth's nearly one million settlers have dual British and Australian nationalities. They are Australians and British. In Perth, the Union Jack and the Australian flag are hung side by side and can be seen almost everywhere.

Over the city, you can clearly see Perth's beautiful skyline close to the sea, while in the east of the city, there are single-family residential areas, which are connected to the main urban area by a developed road network. This infrastructure The construction reflects the deep pockets of the Western Australian state government.

The four major family-owned enterprises in Heungkong, Swire and Jardine, have also set up branch offices in Perth, which are used to connect Malaya and Heungkong as an axis of industrial circulation.

The energy of Perth conquered Ian Smith almost at once, and he felt it was more prosperous than London.

This is natural. There are still many old towns in London, and the previous renovations were just some tinkering. In such a big city in London, all renovations are an astronomical number. It's not like Perth is moving lightly, and the state government is really rich.

Unlike Australia's current Conservative Party ruling status quo, Western Australia is governed by the Labour Party. The current leader of the Australian Labor Party is Arthur Calwell, who, as immigration minister in the Conservative government, adopts a pro-immigration policy and is a firm supporter of the White Australia policy.

With the help of the immigration minister, British immigrants entered Western Australia in large numbers and turned it into a loyal supporter of the Labor Party. The Labor Party then, with the support of British immigrants, relied on the abundant finances of Western Australia to establish a more than eastern state. welfare system.

When Ian Smith arrived in Perth, the Land Rover Discovery could be seen everywhere on the road. After the tough-looking Land Rover Discovery entered the Australian market, it quickly gained a firm foothold and won the favor of British immigrants.

Taking Western Australia out alone, it is no worse than the living standard of Americans, maybe only inferior to Newfoundland, and far more than Southern Rhodesia.

Mountbatten Building, Pamela Mountbatten walked out of the office with her young son in her arms. He was in a good mood in recent days. He was looking for dips at the most dangerous time of the Cuban missile crisis. After a few days, the crisis was essentially over. As of now In a few days, the profit exceeded 22%, and the profit exceeded 30 million US dollars.

When she was in a good mood, she had the leisure to meet Ian Smith, who was visiting.

"Welcome, Minister Ian." Pamela Mountbatten put down her younger son and greeted her gently, "I don't know if you came from far away Southern Rhodesia. Do you have anything to do with me?"

"Ms. Pamela, I'm from London, and I've met your husband." Ian Smith introduced his intentions, and said that he had already been to London, and now he came here on a special trip.

"The first time we met, it was more formal to call Mrs. Wilson." Pamela Mountbatten corrected the other person's address and then changed the conversation, "Have you met my husband, how is he recently? He is a person who is always on the back of his mind every day. It is occupied by the international situation, and it is always worrying to work.”

In just a few words, Pamela Mountbatten expressed her concern for her husband, sighed and continued to ask, "Minister Ian, explain your purpose? You don't want to go the lady's route, right?"

Ian Smith nodded, Pamela Mountbatten's face changed immediately, and he said sympathetically, "You and most people actually misunderstood one thing, our family is what the men say, the reason why I am running a business , it's just that my husband isn't interested in it, no other reason."

"If you have a question that isn't answered with my husband, it probably won't be answered with me either."

"You and Sir Alan, your speaking styles are really similar." Ian Smith opened his mouth and said a little discouraged.

"Thank you!" Pamela Mountbatten instead thanked, "On the issue of Southern Rhodesia, both the Cabinet and Whitehall are of the same opinion. In terms of utilization value, how could 300,000 white immigrants be better than the whole of Black Africa? What about the look and feel? Don’t think that being white can change that. South Africa has the largest gold mine in the world, isn’t it being sanctioned now?”

The little girl who was stunned by a handful of diamonds has grown up. If Alan Wilson saw this scene, he would be relieved. Don't think that he is indispensable in the world. It took only ten years for the Soviet Union to be attacked. . A certain big country has been blocked since its founding, which also proves that the world has been the same without you.

Even the United States cannot make enemies everywhere, let alone a colony supported by a population of 300,000 white people.

Knowing Ian Smith's intentions, Pamela Mountbatten said that she couldn't help, "Actually, the most realistic way is to divide and conquer, but your population ratio is too small, so there is no way."

After thinking about it, Ian Smith suddenly said, "We have half of Malawi in our hands, and the London side wants us to assign it to Nyerere, but we haven't done it yet."

"50,000 square kilometers of land, not to say it's completely useless, but to try it." Pamela Mountbatten felt that the other party was desperate, and it was not easy to kill the other party's hope, "More black people in, in the future. Maybe there will be less trouble."

As for what grain and fruit yield Ian Smith said, Pamela Mountbatten was not interested at all. These are all worthless things. "In times of famine, food is precious. In normal times, food is not so valuable."

Pamela Mountbatten has lived in India and is very clear about the power of food, but because of that. Only then did he understand the value of food in peacetime, and the output of food must be above the consumption of the population. There is no one hundred people to eat, only ninety people have food, and everyone will get through the difficulties on average.

Once this demand gap occurs, food prices will skyrocket, and the already insufficient food will be hoarded, causing the spread of even greater famines.

Pamela Mountbatten just said casually, indicating that Southern Rhodesia is indeed worthless, but the speaker was not interested in the listener, and the silent Ian Smith suddenly raised a terrible idea, once this idea appeared I can't even stop it.

In the early days of Southern Rhodesia, there was an act to separate the land of whites and blacks, but because the number of blacks skyrocketed, the lives of blacks plummeted, and the food of blacks was always in short supply. Because of the population relationship, the land of black people can only make a living for black people, and if there is a famine?

If it is properly guided, will it cause a wave of flight and reduce the number of blacks in Southern Rhodesia?

Ian Smith left Mountbatten Mansion with nothing but seemingly big gains. Now he is going back to Southern Rhodesia to practice.

Relying on the mountains to fall, relying on everyone to run, people must rely on themselves, the problem of Southern Rhodesia, London can not save, Cape Town can do nothing, only self-help.

Ian Smith, who walked out of Mountbatten Building, looked at the bustling Perth, full of traffic, and made up his mind, he must try it no matter what.

"Leave it for a year, and wait until next year to sell off. I feel that the good news that the United States has withstood the blackmail of the Soviet Union should last for a year. It is right to keep an eye on silver now and have a good relationship with the members of the United States Silver Party. ."

Pamela Mountbatten seemed to be indifferent, discussing business operations with her assistant.

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