British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1191: The result of the decisive battle

Now, occupying one third of Western Australia, Australia is in a position that has never been seen in a century. With the blessing of strong mineral resources, the first is Perth's leap forward.

The top of this leap forward is Pamela Mountbatten herself. For a long time, she has been instilled by her husband with very basic underlying logic. This is also the world's scientific and technological progress, humanistic culture, and social system are all fake. .

Only two things are true, one is man and the other is land, on which all progress is based.

Australia has land but the population is insufficient, then land is Australia's reliance, and the purchase of properties must be based on land. Pamela Mountbatten did the same.

I have to admit that Australia is really a treasure trove of minerals, allowing Pamela Mountbatten and even the British aristocracy to find the soil for a new life. The jazz in Australia have been sublimated to the top.

Although Australia is not like the Soviet Union, it has no shortcomings in filling the periodic table, but some mineral types are still above the Soviet Union. After the discovery of massive amounts of silver, Pamela Mountbatten discovered a giant gold mine.

God is not fair, even in a country, Australia's minerals are distributed unevenly. Although Melbourne was famous for its gold in the gold rush era, the majority of Australia's gold mines are still in Western Australia. The gold mines discovered now are far more than the sum of the gold mines discovered in Melbourne during the gold rush era.

Shakespeare once praised gold, hey, what kind of gold is this. yellow, luminous, precious gold

No, gods, I'm not a layman; I just want you to give me some roots

This thing, just a little bit, can turn black into white, ugly into beautiful, wrong into right, humble into honor, old man into youth, coward into warrior.

Pamela Mountbatten felt that it is unreasonable that the current concentration of Australian minerals in the east and west ends. The vast inland cannot be without value, but good things have not been discovered.

But even so, the minerals discovered so far are enough for the jazz gentlemen who came to Australia to return to the glorious era overnight. The nobles of the year relied on the land, but they still lost to the merchants in the end. Now the nobles still rely on the land. But it took a turn for the worse.

"The British Empire is essentially an Asian country." I don't know who said this when British India existed, and it is really a famous saying.

Ian Smith, who was transferred from London to Perth, was soon told by his obedient wife, her husband who had nothing to do in London, and the same attitude of the female president to Southern Rhodesia.

"It's really not giving up." Alan Wilson sympathized with Ian Smith, the white leader who had a deep love for Southern Rhodesia. As far as he knows, Ian Smith lived in Zimbabwe for a long time after he lost power and saw the era of Zimbabwean billionaires per capita.

Even in that case, Ian Smith didn't leave, he must still have feelings for there. It's just that his feelings are based on not treating black people as human beings.

This sentiment is similar to that of white people in South Africa, which has never been the only developed country in Africa. It is nothing more than a gimmick that counts blacks in total, and statisticians exclude blacks.

Sympathy is sympathy, Alan Wilson is still unwilling to help, how Ian Smith is willing to toss is his own business, but Britain cannot take such a big risk and offend the entire black Africa to stand for him.

Not to mention a Southern Rhodesia, even South Africa, Britain and the United States, for the sake of gold mines, would only dare to bypass sanctions secretly. The Cold War ended, and the white regime in South Africa was quickly abandoned.

Pamela Mountbatten also knew the seriousness of the matter. She firmly stood on the side of her husband. The development of British Africa and the Great Lakes region, as well as the look and feel of the Gold Coast. The value of these places is not worth letting Britain stand. On the side of Southern Rhodesia, come and show what **** blood is thicker than water.

Alan Wilson is very relieved that his wife is taking care of the overall situation and wants to take care of her, but she is not in Europe. That's okay, it's the same with pampering a woman of equal status as a wife.

The praise from the head of the family made Pamela Mountbatten happy and brought this joy into the parenting experience. Take your kids to play around Perth and experience the power of nature.

By the way, let's take a look at the private collection of the head of the family, which she brought from the United Kingdom, and built a special exhibition hall for this purpose. The exhibition hall is located in Mountbatten Manor. Although the female president does not live here, she usually Leave it to someone else to take care of it.

There is an apple orchard in the back yard and a nice veranda in front to sit and listen to the chimes of the harbour buoy clock and the singing of the beautiful white-throated birds from the high pine tree tops.

Pamela Mountbatten can't remember a happier time. These days she goes with her children picking wild strawberries, or scouring the beach for beautiful sea glass, like a treasure washed ashore from an old wrecked ship.

At night, watch the kids eat popcorn on the veranda, where you can see Perth in the distance with car overhead lights moving like stars across the sky. The manor's villa has five bedrooms, and the two sons play a game with the cars on the road, guessing how many cars will pass by before falling asleep. There is plenty of sunshine during the day, like a paradise.

I have to say that the life of the female president and the children is much better than that of Alan Wilson, who is comparable to the lonely old man in London. Although the deputy secretary just went to Stockholm and returned home via Bonn and Paris, there are also Vivien Leigh and Xia in London. Dreams accompany, but still can not avoid the loneliness in my heart.

Only a huge piece of good news can arouse his enthusiasm, rather than a past Internet celebrity who is not even paying attention to the newspapers, how far has the Cuban missile crisis progressed. He needs new good news to energize him.

"Prime Minister Eden intends to open the general election, of course there are doubts within the Conservative Party." Norman Brooke revealed this to his successor, "You also know that Prime Minister Eden is also very old, and the Conservative Party has a There are voices that say there is disapproval, given the previous Conservative election defeat, and Churchill's age."

"The Conservative Party's election has nothing to do with Mr. Churchill." Alan Wilson laughed directly, "In fact, from the perspective of Whitehall, we are happy to see a prime minister who is not full of energy on stage, so he needs our Help, give professional advice, and at the same time help him deal with his political enemies."

"So from a personal point of view, I have also given professional advice, and I believe that the prime minister's health is not a problem. The leader of the Labour Party, Mr. Gaiske, is also in poor physical condition. In this case, the prime minister's age is not a disadvantage." Norman Brooke nodded, "What do you think?"

To be fair, Aiden's age is not particularly old, and it is not a hindrance for politicians. It's just drug dependence that the Labour Party has been clinging to, believing that Aiden doesn't have extraordinary energy.

In fact, as long as Aiden himself thinks that there is no problem, then it will be no problem. Even if there is a real problem, isn't Whitehall still there? Whitehall is happy to see a Prime Minister who obeys professional guidance and has no extraordinary energy, and can even exist for a long time.

"I think it's very good, Sir Norman." Alan Wilson agreed. At least Aiden is not a particularly bad choice. He feels that Britain can exist as a world power. As for other Conservatives, they don't necessarily think so. "I just don't know, when is the Prime Minister going to start the general election?"

"After the meeting of the Commonwealth Prime Minister and the summit of the United States," Norman Brooke replied, "The Prime Minister felt that at that time, with the support rate of the Conservative Party, it should be no problem to continue to govern."

That is to say, before the election, Aiden will have a summit with Kennedy. If this is the case, Alan Wilson feels that once Kennedy makes any excessive demands, Aiden will not agree.

While the two were discussing what choice the public opinion would make this time, the distant subcontinent was also undergoing an ultimate test of public opinion. The battle of the Roof of the World has finally been decided. The battle report from the front came that the Indian army has fully retreated from the east and west fronts.

The whole country of India is New Delhi, the capital of India, is panicking, those rich people have chosen to flee New Delhi, those poor people who are unable to escape ran to the temple to pray, rumors spread on the streets of New Delhi, and some said that the enemy had already Occupied the northern gate of New Delhi, Tespur, the army is about to go south.

The various state governments in northern India have begun to organize the evacuation of residents and bombed power plants, water plants and other institutions.

The morale of India as a whole and before the war took on the opposite look. The British ambassador to India witnessed the whole process with his own eyes and saw the disintegration of the morale of a nation in his lifetime.

But he didn't have time to lament the fact that the mud in the former colony could not support the wall. He immediately reported the situation in India to London and asked the British embassy if it was considering evacuation.

"Honestly stay where you are!" Alan Wilson took a stack of documents and was about to go to No. 10 Downing Street. He instructed the chief private secretary, the Wake Newspaper ambassador to India, not to go anywhere. To reflect the calmness of the British, "If he dares to run, Iceland lacks an ambassador. Ask him if he is interested there?"

Ask Wick to send a telegram, and Alan Wilson has the vehicle ready to take him to No. 10 Downing Street. Although it is not necessary to do so from a distance, he has to protect Whitehall's face on such a formal occasion.

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