British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1292: 2 Palace Queen Mother

Latest website: If the prime minister visits because a king dies of illness, then the prime minister of the world's great power, the United Kingdom, is a bit cheap, but Egypt is not important, but the Suez Canal is important. The United Kingdom must show something, so who will go?

In fact, there are not many options. Rabo Butler is an option. If he can't make the trip, Alan Wilson has to go out.

Of course, before he left, he had asked the Egyptian embassy to find out whether the situation in Cairo was stable.

The Free Officers Organization that has surfaced is now in Yemen. It should not be able to beat people with two fists and set off waves in Egypt. The Free Officers Organization, which has been under suppression, should not have such strength.

The situation now is completely different from the situation in 1956. The US and the Soviet Union, with the dignity of Britain and France on their feet, are in their minds. The Soviet Union is free, but the US is rolling up its sleeves in Vietnam. But if the free Soviet Union really set its sights on the Middle East, it should focus on Yemen at this time. The death of Farouk I was an emergency after all, and Moscow should have no plan.

"Be careful, don't let any danger happen." Pamela Mountbatten expressed her concern when she saw that her husband was ready.

"There is no danger." Alan Wilson is full of confidence, the world is still a blue ocean, and there is no soil for a world war to break out. He has always believed that the 21st century is the real danger. Technological progress is better than nothing. The United States calls for innovation every day, but nothing comes out of innovation. The whole world is overproducing, and new markets cannot be developed.

Compared with that world now, he is still very happy. It is far from the time of the showdown. He prefers that Egypt will not change, and he only goes there to reassure himself.

Alan Wilson set out with Lin Lianyu. He couldn't let this educator continue to hang out in London. If he couldn't satisfy himself if he saw something, it would damage the glorious image of supreme authority.

After getting on the plane, Alan Wilson closed his eyes and rested his mind. Lin Lianyu sat beside him before returning to Kuala Lumpur. During the journey, the two talked in Chinese, and the atmosphere was quite relaxed.

"The situation here is much calmer than in Southeast Asia." Lin Lianyu sighed that now a war is breaking out in Vietnam, and inevitably many people are talking about it.

"Chaos is a ladder." Alan Wilson replied calmly, "Mr. Lin, I admire your knowledge. As for other aspects, it is too ideal."

He is not worried about the outbreak of war in Southeast Asia. Would a major war in Europe be worried?

There may be concerns that it doesn't last long enough. Although it may be morally untenable to think this way, it must be admitted that most people are just so gloating about their misfortunes that they do not have a high sense of morality.

"It would be great if China and the UK could coexist peacefully." Lin Lianyu still sighed, "The Soviet Union is too aggressive, and I always feel that following them will suffer."

Did you say you have the same choice? A strange look flashed on Alan Wilson's face. Except for the Soviet Union, there will be no fool who will transfer technology, and even dare to share nuclear research. Isn't that a fool?

"Indeed, I hope so too." He laughed at Lin Lianyu's innocence, but Alan Wilson expressed his agreement with sincerity.

Before arriving in Cairo, the Egyptian embassy had released news that they were going to extract the last bit of profit from Farouk I. Dead people, once a person dies, no matter how much wrong he has done, his reputation will not be better than when he was alive. Even worse, not to mention that the reputation repair of Farouk I has been going on for many years, and the pie policy is still effective.

The policy of repairing Farouk I is still mainly tied to the Aswan Dam, emphasizing the king's wisdom and ignorance and the correct way of fighting. According to some roadside news, Farouk I's greatest wish before his death was to see the completion of the Aswan Dam to solve the electricity and irrigation problems of the Egyptians, what a splendid king.

Prince Fuad is only twelve years old now and is obviously unable to govern. Now the rights of Egypt should be in the hands of Queen Nariman and several important members of the royal family.

Nariman, a famous Egyptian beauty, was engaged to someone when she was thirteen years old, but when she was sixteen, she accidentally met King Farouk of Egypt in a jewelry store. Farouk was deeply immersed in Nariman's beauty, unable to extricate himself, and finally used the power of the king to force Nariman as his wife. And when getting married, King Farouk prepared more than 20,000 diamonds as a dowry to marry Nariman.

However, after Egypt abolished the monarchy, Farouk was forced into exile, and Nariman also took the opportunity to divorce Farouk and find a new husband.

But now, Egypt still retains the form of a kingdom, and Queen Nariman must not let herself go for power. The maintenance of the traditional relationship between Egypt and the United Kingdom rests on this queen.

Seeing the queen who was not very old, Alan Wilson couldn't help but sighed that, somewhat like the image of Cleopatra played by Vivien Leigh, Farouk I's vision was quite good.

"Respected Queen, the Prime Minister was very sad when he heard about this tragedy, so he sent me to Egypt to offer condolences." Alan Wilson was very calm in the face of this widow. If ten years ago, the cabinet secretary would have let the other party know what a rocket expert is, but now and then, there can be no more, and no amount can really take care of it.

The two talked a lot, even including the queen before Farouk I, Farida. Queen Farida has three daughters. In such a traditional place as the Arab world, it has always been a big deal that there is no male heir, which is also the cause of Queen Farida. Reasons for divorce from King Farouk I.

The embassy has informed Alan Wilson that Queen Farida's reputation in Egyptian society is very good. He instantly thought of a configuration of my Qing Dynasty. Isn't this the configuration of the empress dowagers of the two palaces?

The shameless interference in Egypt's internal affairs suddenly occupied Alan Wilson's mind. Since the former queen is so respected, the current queen has a son to support it, which is perfect.

Speaking out her thoughts, Queen Nariman is obviously not very willing, but Alan Wilson emphasized that the next king is his son, and everything is the first priority to enhance the support of the royal family.

"Actually, you have nothing to lose. Prince Fuad will definitely be the next king once he is an adult. The key is to oppose the power of the royal family. The Free Officers Organization that Egypt suppressed in previous years has gone abroad and spread to several countries, especially in Yemen. , even we can't continue to pursue. Once they come back against the royal family?"

Alan Wilson isn't lying, it's all true, he's just finished talking to the Free Officers and is waiting for the day when Yemen will officially declare independence.

Under such circumstances, even if the Free Officers Organization does not come back, it is a huge threat, not to mention that the Yemeni royal family has already been overthrown, who said that Egypt cannot replicate it?

"And the queen, what is the most important thing? You have to understand that the most important thing is that the queen is a commoner, but the political situation is in the hands of the relatives of His Majesty. The prince is not yet an adult. What? When His Majesty the King was alive, we were actually very worried. In this world, the autocratic monarchy can no longer quell the dissatisfaction of most people. The king's power must be restricted to a certain extent, and the king cannot hold everything in his hands. It is the most dangerous when great power is spied on.”

Alan Wilson felt uncomfortable talking. The more he talked, the more he seemed to be the Guizi Liu, who wanted to eradicate the eight ministers of Gu Ming, and was discussing the long-term stability of my Da Ai with the two royal sisters-in-law.

But in any case, these problems are real. A constitutional monarchy is always safer than an autocratic monarchy. Queen Nariman's family is indeed a commoner class, and there is almost no place to help her. She was rejected by Faro because of her beauty. What Ke I saw in his eyes was that the stability of his position was entirely a matter of motherhood and sonhood.

When the British in front of her said this, Queen Nariman suddenly became hesitant. The rights of Egypt were indeed in the hands of the cousins ​​of Farouk I. "I wonder if Sir can help."

"If the queen can be loved by the Egyptian civilians, of course the United Kingdom is very willing to help." Alan Wilson said that it was time to kill the eight ministers.

Immediately, Queen Farida, who had been away from the royal family for a long time, was recalled to the palace, and the palace guards who went to the former queen were surprised to receive such an order.

On this day, the palace is brightly lit, and the free officer organization is vigorous. The Egyptian royal family is definitely not as stable as Mount Tai. With the opening of Egypt's democratic rule, the autocratic monarchy system will not last too long. These threats are real and also No matter what time it is now.

"The two queens, you are not enemies, but women in the same situation. You are not competitors, but rely on each other." Alan Wilson looked solemn, no I know if this year is the year of Xinyou, it seems not, but it probably means that Egypt's future is uncertain, and the burden of the entire country falls on the two women.

"What kind of support can the UK give us?" The long-term persuasion was still effective. Queen Nariman took the initiative to seek support for her status and her son.

"Of course, we must fully support it, because this is a good thing for social progress, and there is no reason for any country to oppose it." Alan Wilson patted his chest and promised, "Release the excessive power that restricts the members of the royal family, I believe the Egyptian people will also be very happy. Yes. The main thing is that the Royal Guard will never betray the Royal Family."

Of course, the royal guard composed of Copts, Egypt has really changed a lot, can they still guarantee that the new government will be able to maintain a level of water?

Now, the first thing to do is to finish the funeral of Farouk I, make it clear that the inheritance is stable, and don't let other forces make a fuss.


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