British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1293: Funerals and Diplomacy

The latest website: Egypt has a reputation in the Arab world, and with the support of the United Kingdom, it can also have more appearances. The funeral of Farouk I is a very good occasion to show the majesty of Egypt as a great country. Isn't there a sentence? , Farouk I's contribution in death is greater than what he has made in his lifetime.

No nation has a bad face, even if the nation's situation is indeed very difficult, this is not to mention a powerful country.

Compared with India, the life of the Egyptian nation can go on, and it is not a big problem to promote national pride. Alan Wilson offered to do his part in the funeral of Farouk I.

All the monarchical countries in the Arab world, even if the monarch does not come in person, should have a prince or something, and the republic should also have a special envoy. He has not forgotten France, after all, Britain and France still occupy Algeria, which is half of it. In African countries, the Charles de Gaulle government is making every effort to establish the national prestige of a major European country.

But even so, the proud and sensitive pride of the French should be taken care of.

Queen Farida and Queen Nariman both expressed their gratitude to the enthusiastic Britain. They may not love Farouk I, but it is okay to love the king. When the king had just died and Egypt was standing at a crossroads, Britain, also a monarchy, was more trusted than other countries.

If this was in the past, this kind of opportunity, how could Alan Wilson not want to sleep in a dragon bed or something like that, but when he is middle-aged, he will no longer take animal actions as a meal, and besides, he can't take the classic Arab Heidi Rama in the robe explained that he asked the embassy in Egypt to telegraph the monarchs of the Arab world countries, Alan Wilson chose the Windsor Castle Hotel to rest, and the sister-in-law's industry still gained more trust.

"I've prepared a set for you as well." Heidi Rama took out a light-colored Arab robe, which she prepared for this funeral, "You're very practical, you wear clothes wherever you go. It doesn’t matter at all, it switches seamlessly.”

Originally, Alan Wilson thought it was a very common sentence, but Heidi Lamar's next sentence said that the drunkard didn't mean to drink, "I heard that the two wives of Farouk I are very beautiful."

"Heidi, what are you thinking? She is the queen of a country." Alan Wilson was very keen on capturing this kind of overtones. At this time, he had forgotten Queen Nanfang, and it was better for them to live a quiet life. As for other things Well, let's talk about it.

"I certainly don't doubt anything else, but you have a criminal record." Heidi Rama frowned, thinking about the man's past, how can this be reassuring.

As he talked, the shackles on his body had been untied by the cabinet secretary who was on a business trip.

Here again, Heidi Rama thought so in her heart, she still let the other party take the initiative, and obediently lay down, letting the man behind her come within range.

In the next two days, the monarchies of the Arab world mourned deeply for the death of Farouk I, and some gossip was also circulating, such as Prince Fuad's acceptance of Farouk I's will, what must be done to the Aswan Dam? Completed, took back control of the Suez Canal, etc.

Anyway, the people who eat melons in Egypt love to listen to it, and the rumors are spread vigorously by the British embassy in the base camp. As for the military, especially the palace guards, it is natural that the inner tightness and the outer looseness have been on alert. It is a tradition to prevent people from being instigated at home, and to say that Israel may take the opportunity to attack.

This also led Israel to immediately refute the rumor, believing that the Egyptian military's accusation was not true, and now if this is to provoke border friction. It will only arouse the hatred of Israel in the whole country of Egypt. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Israel to pick up troubles at this time. In fact, Israel does not, but some people frame it.

At this time, Alan Wilson was chatting and laughing with King Moulay Hassan II of Morocco, and he greatly praised the current situation of Morocco, which should contribute to the friendly relations between the two countries.

In the world decades later, there have actually been territorial changes in some corners. For example, Sikkim has been destroyed, and Turkey has occupied the northwest corner of Syria. But these are all minor adjustments, and it can be said that there have been major changes in Africa.

For example, Rwanda only has this little bit on the map, but it has occupied Congo land that is several times more than its own territory. The same is true for the Kingdom of Morocco. The Kingdom of Morocco has occupied most of the land in Western Salaha, and it is also because of the demarcation issue with Algeria. , leading to constant hostility.

Looking at the weapons and equipment of Algeria, we know that Algeria has always distrusted the Anglo-American law since its independence, and the national weapons procurement has always been from the Soviet Union and later Russia. France, which is opposite the Mediterranean Sea, has always been vigilant to prevent the colonists from coming back.

In the field of mercenaries in Africa, Algeria has long cooperated with Russian mercenaries in Africa, while Morocco has always maintained good relations with Western Europe. The two countries have been fighting openly and secretly over the border issue. Algeria and Russia are friendly, and Morocco is pro-French.

There is a kind of grand Moroccanism spreading in Morocco, in Morocco, both official and unofficial voices have territorial claims to these areas. They believe that as early as colonial times, they were also Spanish enclaves in Africa, all of which were under some form of Moroccan sovereignty.

The Algerian War of Independence broke out, Morocco captured Tindouf and Bechar in western Algeria and claimed it as Moroccan territory, of course, in this time and space, because of the French victory over Algeria, Morocco spat out these lands again.

The above is not all of Morocco's territorial claims. The supporters of Greater Morocco believe that the whole of Mauritania, which exceeds one million square kilometers, should be part of Morocco. According to this view, Morocco believes that the area of ​​its own territory should exceed the total area of ​​Algeria, which is more than two million square kilometers.

Morocco was a power in North Africa before the colonial era, and it once killed the king of Portugal's expedition to Africa, while Algeria was only a marginal corner. If it was not colonized by France, it would not be comparable to Morocco at all. During the Algerian War of Independence, Morocco recognized France Will eventually give up, first attacking Algeria at war.

And in a world where France has maintained its **** of Algeria, the Kingdom of Morocco has to pay for its adventures.

Unlike Algeria, who was pro-Soviet in the previous life, and Morocco, who was pro-European, Morocco must now be wary of France. With this condition, it has become an opportunity for British capital to flourish in Morocco.

Moulay Hassan II, who had just become a king, faced such a situation. On the one hand, he chose the United Kingdom as a balance of French power. On the other hand, because of religious relations, he wanted to expand his friendship with the Arab world. Egypt is the first in the Arab world. A country with a large population, this time Farouk I's funeral, he came over in person.

Alan Wilson is naturally happy to see this, occupying the African market, with the help of Portugal, and Morocco is even better. This is also to contribute to his wife's industry, he naturally did not say.

In the following days, princes and special envoys from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Oman including some small emirates, and even Pakistan as far away arrived in Egypt one after another. Alan Wilson used Britain's soft power to bring about such a result, and he was a little relieved.

There are so many princes and ambassadors in so many countries. It is unwise for someone to take advantage of the vacancy of the Egyptian king who died of illness.

"Princess Badia, the unity of the Arab world is truly amazing." Alan Wilson greeted with a smile when his old friend appeared, "Long time no see, Her Royal Highness is getting more and more radiant."

"Sir is just relying on this mouth to make Pamela so happy." Princess Badia was not absent, chatting with Alan Wilson, during which there were some worries about the growth of the Free Officers Organization, which is also a lot of The same concern of the military-dominated countries.

"Yes or no, it's true that the UK cares about the safety of the Arab monarchs." Alan Wilson smiled, "Peace is hard-won, and we must cherish it. The result of the Yemeni royal family is something that no one wants to see. Yes, but the threat does exist, doesn't it?"

Alan Wilson also met with the Prince of Saudi Arabia, whose full name is Prince Khalid bin Abdul-Aziz Al elaborated on the development of relations between the UK and Saudi Arabia. The funeral of Farouk I was too busy for him, dealing with the envoys of various countries, and the turban was stained due to sweating.

Farouk I's funeral, as predicted by Alan Wilson, was very solemn and solemn, attended by kings, princes, special envoys, ministers and ministers of dozens of countries. It satisfied the Egyptians' longing for Egypt to be the leader of the Arab world.

These guests all spoke highly of the achievements of Farouk I, from economic construction, to the subsidy of pie for the bottom people, and the establishment of the Century Project Aswan Dam.

Of course, there is also a mention of the control of the Suez Canal. These are the words of the Syrian envoy, which made Alan Wilson very unhappy.

But the atmosphere has already set off here. It is inappropriate for him not to speak. He can only pick up the spirit of the contract that had been left on the ground and stepped on 10,000 feet, and talked about the importance of the Suez Canal to European countries, "We all understand, What the Suez Canal means to Egypt, I hope the Egyptian government promises that the neutrality of the Suez Canal must not be used to harm Europe. Under this premise, there is much to talk about, but nothing that cannot be discussed.”


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