British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1294: New Deal Begins

The latest website: That is to say, at a certain time in the future, the Suez Canal can be handed over to Egypt, but Egypt must ensure that it does not fall to any country except the United Kingdom.

This not only refers to the Soviet Union, but also the United States. Since there is no British armed force in Egypt, there cannot be any country's armed force.

Of course, in essence, Alan Wilson still delays the handover of the Suez Canal with the safety of Europe. He may have to talk to the French next. If it doesn't work, he will try to list the Suez Canal Company in London.

There is no way to do this. When the Syrian special envoy asked such a question, he could only answer like this, and he couldn't say no.

Because the Suez Canal was already under the conditions of the Aswan Dam as early as when the Labour Party was in power, in exchange for the Suez Canal still under British control. Now that the construction period is over halfway, the Aswan Dam has gradually taken shape, and it will be a matter of time to return the foot of the Suez Canal to Egypt.

In essence, the use of the Aswan Dam and the Suez Canal for bundling is also a reference to the Soviet Union's process of supporting Egypt. When was the Soviet Union driven out by Egypt? It was during the Sadat period, when was the Aswan Dam completed, 1970.

More than one-third of the loans for the construction of the Aswan dam were provided by the Soviet Union. After the dam was completed, Egypt let the Soviet Union go to hell.

Naturally, the United Kingdom was not so generous. It only took part of the proceeds from the Suez Canal and purchased the raw materials provided by Malaya. After a series of write-offs, it was shown that it could only provide so much help.

The Soviet Union took advantage of the situation, which the United Kingdom tried to avoid. However, the United Kingdom could not refuse Egypt's request for help, so it could only use financial means to hide it from the sky, which was exactly what the Soviet Union lacked.

Of course, Alan Wilson never denied that the Soviet Union's takeover during the Cold War did have an impact on many countries. Even if Egypt later switched to the United States, the Egyptian people still have more than half of their favor towards Russia, but not so much towards the United States. Politics is politics and has nothing to do with people's likes and dislikes.

If public opinion really counts, there will not be a single pro-American country in the entire world of Peace Religion, and it will be much simpler to bribe the upper class. This is also the line that Alan Wilson is currently taking.

There are almost all the prince's envoys in the world of Peace Religion. Alan Wilson definitely cannot choose to start from his position of strength, and naturally adopts an attitude of keeping his promises.

Anyway, that was something that the Labour Party had agreed to, and even if the Conservative Party was in power after a change of office in the UK, he himself would not be responsible.

Sure enough, after holding an open opinion on the ownership of the Suez Canal, the diplomats of the peaceful countries present all said that the UK's commitment reflects the demeanor of a world power. Immediately endorse it, I believe that the UK and Egypt will solve the issue of the ownership of the Suez Canal.

"The UK will not be under pressure from any country, except Egypt. I know that many countries in the world of peace religion are very concerned about this issue, and the UK's commitment is of course effective." Alan Wilson is just right, and there are many witnesses at the funeral, not all The downside is that how often the Witnesses represent great influence, the United Kingdom will follow the rules in the future, and the United States and the Soviet Union will have no excuses.

After dealing with this hurdle, Alan Wilson broke away from the Arab crowd and watched Pakistan's special envoy, Jarrah Khan, privately connect with the special envoys of brother countries with great enthusiasm.

The India-Pakistan conflict in February has been over for a few months now. It is not surprising at all. The reason for the end is of course the credit of Prime Minister Aiden, who loves diplomatic work the most in the UK. Decided to die for a few months.

At present, Foreign Secretary Rabo Butler is visiting between Karachi and New Delhi. Otherwise, Rabo Butler should also attend the funeral of Farouk I this time. It is really impossible to leave. But obviously, the good offices of the United Kingdom this time only temporarily suppressed the anger between the two countries.

After India's defeat in the Himalayas, the aura of India's third world leader and the leader of the Non-Aligned Movement has been shattered, and Pakistan has also raised its desire to try India's quality.

Of course, it is not easy for Alan Wilson to inquire about specific matters in such a public setting, but his good friend John, the High Commissioner for the Persian Gulf, also came to Cairo secretly, and is now in the Cairo embassy.

After a whole day of tossing, the funeral of Farouk I was finally over. The heated discussion in the streets and alleys of Cairo was that British officials kept their promises and returned the Suez Canal when the Aswan Dam was completed.

"Return the Suez Canal to Egypt?" John took the cigar handed over by the supreme authority, lit it, and took a sip. "This canal is too important."

"There's no way, it's already been decided during Prime Minister Attlee's time. Besides, the Aswan Dam doesn't know when it will be completed. We'll talk about it later." Alan Wilson explained, and then asked back, "I know the minister is going now. Let's go to New Delhi. Have you talked about the situation in India and Pakistan? I think the Pakistani envoy is very active today."

"Our minister is mediating, but you are trying to embargo Indonesian oil." John sighed with a smoke ring, and then said, "I have not talked directly with overseas countries, but I have met the Pakistani ambassador in Kuwait before. , made this suggestion in a suggestive tone."

"It's a good suggestion." Alan Wilson smiled and explained, "It's not that I don't trust the minister, the key is that since India was hanged and beaten, it urgently needs a country that they feel can eat steadily. To regain self-confidence, and the impact of India’s defeat on Pakistan is that Pakistan looks at India as if it were the same. When both sides have the desire to war, it is difficult to do this.”

"The civilians of the two countries have to pay the price again." John shook his head sympathetically, he did not sympathize with the civilians of the two countries, it was their own choice. Britain has said that partition of India and Pakistan will hurt each other, has anyone heard that? Nehru did not want to split, but he could not control the hard-liners of the Congress party.

This kind of thing has always been simple. If you want to solve the problem without blood, you have to sacrifice money. Simply put, it is benefit. Obviously, Hinduism definitely does not want to benefit, so this matter is difficult.

"Isn't that what a country is like? When a country develops, civilians will not necessarily benefit. If there is chaos in a country, people in this country will definitely be unlucky. There are almost no exceptions." Alan Wilson commented indifferently.

There are various methods for forcing men to go to war. Don't expect ordinary people to run away when a country is caught in a war. If they run out, they will be refugees. Refugees have no rights. To put it better, women go out to sell and men clean toilets. As long as you think a little darkly, you are lucky if you don’t become a human organ provider.

During the First World War, British women showed great enthusiasm to support the war. Women did not have to go to the battlefield, but they humiliated the men who did not go to the battlefield. They walked on the street and wore white flowers for every man they saw, in order to laugh at men who did not go to war. Dare to go to the battlefield, this is just one of the small means.

In fact, any country can throw away its usual norms when facing danger, and really start a national mobilization. You can choose one for treason and joining the army. The former will definitely be killed on the spot, while the latter may survive.

In front of an old friend, Alan Wilson was pessimistic about Rabo Butler's hard work for peace this time, whether it was a fight or not, there is a saying that peace is fought.

"If India and Pakistan really fight, which side will the United States stand on?" John choked out his cigar and suddenly asked this question.

"Don't think about it, it's definitely on Pakistan's side. Even if it loses the Indus Valley and the Ganges Delta, India's fundamentals are too big." Alan Wilson replied without thinking, "The so-called world order is this The world should always be ruled by the Americans. Washington has no London in sight. Do you remember what the Americans said in 1945 when the world was ruled by Britain and the United States? But when they collected debts, didn't they just want to drain Britain's blood? ?"

"When India was the representative of the third world before, it did not respect the United States very much. Nehru often contradicted the United States. If there is a chance, the United States will definitely make Indians uncomfortable."

The United States has never changed. What the Vietnam War and decades later have in common is to start the war around the secondary enemy, first bring down the less powerful enemy, and then concentrate on the main enemy after success.

As for why this is done, it is a matter of path dependence, because a certain major country has indeed jumped backwards, and wants to do it again in Russia decades later. The strategy of alliance with Russia does not have to be beneficial, but it can also give Russia bloodletting to make the other side surrender.

"Then let's see if the United States still has time to support Pakistan when it is focusing on one battlefield." John said suddenly, "The Arab world will not have a common language with the United States because of the India-Pakistan war?"

"If the United States can give up Israel, there is really such a danger." Alan Wilson asked with a smile, "Guess, will the United States give up Israel?"

The High Commissioner of the Persian Gulf came secretly. After the two talked about the plan, he was going to return to Bahrain secretly. As for Alan Wilson, he waited and watched the direction of public opinion. For example, what do the Egyptians think about the discussion of the constitutional monarchy? How about the evaluation of so many countries, princes, envoys and even kings are there.

According to Queen Nariman and Queen Farida, the last words of Farouk I, who wanted to reform and establish a constitutional monarchy before his death, were confirmed by the two queens.

As the representative of the United Kingdom in Cairo, Alan Wilson immediately expressed his support and commented in public, "The esteemed king obviously recognized the problem and hoped that the Egyptian people could take responsibility for themselves."

He said this, almost as an endorsement for the two queens. Of course, only God knows how many last words Farouk I left before his death, it seems that there are too many.


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