British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1298: Consequences of the oil embargo

Indian Prime Minister Shastri resolutely opposed the oil embargo imposed by the Gulf oil countries on India, and firmly stated that the war will continue until victory.

Then he turned around and got in touch with the UK through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, expressing his concerns about the oil embargo. The UK has a very high presence in the Persian Gulf. New Delhi hopes that London can exert its influence on the Gulf countries and prevent the oil embargo. luck happens.

"Just say we will try our best, but there is no guarantee that we will succeed." After listening to Dixon's report, Alan Wilson replied with a smile, "But this time I am really impressed. Americans know that bombing is bombing every day in Vietnam. , the ground forces did not attack the north at all, and were completely shrunk in South Vietnam to respond passively. Can we all rely on the Air Force to succeed? At the critical moment, the Army still needs to solve the fundamental problem.”

The strategic bombing of Germany by the United Kingdom and the United States in World War II was actually far less effective than what they advertised. In fact, Germany was hard against the strategic bombing of the United Kingdom and the United States, which pushed Germany's industrial level to its peak.

When did the German military industry plummet? It was in January 1945, when the Soviet Red Army launched the second half of the ten Stalinist raids. Starting from the seventh raid, all the lands occupied by Germany had been recaptured ten times. As a result of Stalin's assault, Germany's Romanian oil was cut off, Germany's military ports in the Baltic were occupied, and Norway's iron ore routes were paralyzed, and East Prussia's industrial base was already at war.

This is what caused the German military industry to plummet, not the strategic bombing that has lasted for more than two years. The air force cannot replace the army in a total war, although air supremacy is very important.

"Secretary-General's admiration for India? It's rare!" Dixon was very surprised, as if this was the first time he heard the supreme authority praise India when he was talking about India.

"It's rare, but I'm telling the truth. There are not many countries that can fight large-scale wars, and there will be fewer and fewer in the future." Alan Wilson sighed. "You will understand sooner or later."

In fact, to deal with large-scale wars, the design concept of Soviet-style weapons is more suitable, and American-style weapons are not suitable. Since the Gulf War, the war cost of American-style weapons has increased. More and more countries using American weapons can't afford to fight. Not to mention ordinary countries, Britain and France with a military expenditure of 50 to 60 billion yuan, a Royal Navy has only six destroyers left, an air raid on Libya has depleted its inventory, and the United States has to help.

Even in the 21st century, India can fight wars with hundreds of thousands of troops. There are very few countries in the world that can do it. Not all powerful powers are blown out. As long as you don't compare with the neighbors in the north, Of course India can stand up proudly in front of other countries.

It is a pity that India's two neighbors also have this ability. Pakistan is just a little smaller. As for the other, it is also a country good at land warfare.

Although it may not be as oppressive as the Soviet Union at the beginning, it will be invincible for the world in a few decades.

Compared with the bombing of Vietnam, Alan Wilson still likes this kind of ground war with each other, and his blood boils when he looks at it. It's not like a civil war between the Slav brothers. One is defending the city and the other is ploughing the field. What is this? That's how trench warfare on the Western Front was fought during World War I.

India's weapons and equipment are still dominated by imperial centurions and victory tanks. Among them, there are not many victory tanks, accounting for only one-fifth of the seventeen British armored cavalry regiments.

Pakistan, on the other hand, has completed the replacement of American equipment. As of the outbreak of this war, the Pakistani Army has cultivated a strong armored force, including fifteen armored cavalry regiments equipped with forty-five tanks.

Most of them have American M47/48 Patton series tanks. In addition, they also retained two hundred M4 Sherman tanks belonging to the classics of World War II and one hundred and fifty M24 "Xiafei" light tanks to assist them.

As for the M36 tank destroyer with the lowest proportion, it is also a powerful equipment that cannot be underestimated. The Pakistani army concentrated the above armaments into the first and sixth armored divisions, hoping to crush India with a heavy punch.

When the news that the oil-producing countries announced a collective oil embargo against India reached Karachi, the Pakistani military cheered and expressed gratitude for the support of the Peace Brothers, which also increased Pakistan's confidence in this war, and began to brew a large-scale The offensive, which the Pakistani military named Operation Grand Slam.

Karachi is immersed in an atmosphere where the advantage is in me. The war two years ago proved that the combat effectiveness of the Indian army is just that. This time there is an embargo on India by the fraternal countries of the Peace Religion. It can be said that the realm of vitality and competition is still there. In front of me, I want to replicate the glory of the Himalayas again in two years.

The Pakistani Air Force, trained by the United States, took over the main task of air supremacy. Pakistan Air Force Commander Nur Khan ordered 32 F-86 and eight F-104 fighter jets to launch raids on five airfields and three radar stations deep in the Indian mainland. .

It has to be said that the Pakistani Air Force trained by the US Air Force is a good student, and is far more comfortable than India in the use of air force. The flying coffins of the F-104 fighter jets are all used by the Pakistan Air Force.

Donald, the US ambassador to London, approached Alan Wilson and explained the US's views on this war. There is no doubt that India was still very close to the Soviet Union after Nehru's death. Both Britain and the United States should support Pakistan and balance India's position in South Asia. Influence.

"Dear Ambassador, this will only make India more and more distant from the free world, and India is a Commonwealth of Nations." Alan Wilson certainly disagreed, the United Kingdom must not stand on the opposite side of India, India remains in the Commonwealth, the United Kingdom But support a Pakistan that has withdrawn from the Commonwealth? This makes no sense. "It's like if the United States and the Soviet Union go to war and we support the Soviet Union, do you think that's possible?"

"Secretary-General, this analogy is not appropriate. Many Arab countries are on Pakistan's side. Although India has a lot of weight, isn't the Persian Gulf important?" Donald thought that Britain had better support India, so that Maybe anti-British sentiment will erupt in the Middle East.

He must not know that the initiator of the oil embargo against India by the Arab countries is on the opposite side of him. Alan Wilson cannot destroy relations with India, but he cannot stand on India's side either. Anyway, at that time, he said that he was coerced by the United States, and the United Kingdom was originally going to help India.

In fact, because of this oil embargo, the original intention of the Soviet Union to expand its influence in India has changed.

The oil embargo involves too many countries, not only a bunch of monarchies, but also Iran and Saudi Arabia, which the United States is very optimistic about, and Iraq, Kuwait, and Jordan, where the United Kingdom has traditional influence. It even includes Syria and Sudan, which have turned pro-Soviet, and Yemen, which the Soviet Union is focusing on attracting.

These are not just the Arab world, but the entire Peace Religion world, involving different hilltops, some pro-American, pro-British and French, and most importantly, pro-Soviet countries.

Because the United Kingdom contributed to the separation of North and South Sudan before leaving, which led to a consequence in Sudan that Ibrahim Aboud was very dissatisfied with the United Kingdom and adopted a pro-Soviet policy in recent years. In fact, Sudan turned to the Soviet Union very early in history. For the oil of South Sudan, Alan Wilson exhausted the fish, which greatly accelerated the process.

The oil pipeline that the United Kingdom built in South Sudan later passed through Kenya, and it slapped its **** and left. Therefore, North Sudan began to hate South Sudan and the United Kingdom, the initiator, and it became the current situation.

Syria and Sudan are pro-Soviet countries in the Arab world. Now the Soviet Union is still approaching the Yemen Free Officers Organization, which represents progress. It hopes to bury a nail in the **** of Saudi Arabia, a pro-American country, and can also establish influence near the Suez Canal. force.

Now, the Arab world, and even the entire world of Peace Religion, has picked up the card of the oil embargo, regardless of whether it is pro-American, pro-Soviet or pro-British and French, so that the Soviet Union, which wants to expand its influence in India, is also scratching its head.

The Kremlin, and Brezhnev, who was still in the honeymoon period with Sherepin, called Sherepin over to discuss how to deal with the current situation, "Shurik, now it seems that the whole world of Peace Religion is united. Obviously favoring India, it offends the entire world of peace religion. For our struggle against imperialism, UU Reading is obviously unfavorable."

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so sudden, that the Iraqi king still has such an idea?" Shelepin was very surprised, "So many countries are on Pakistan's side, if we support India, we will definitely get the friendship of New Delhi, but we can't We must explain it in front of the Arabs. After all, our official position is also in support of the Arab liberation cause.”

It is the official attitude of the Soviet Union to support the Arab liberation cause, and the Soviet Union really wants to win over India, but when faced with the clear position of so many oil countries, the official attitude is not inflexible.

"Even the British colonies and protectorates are on the side of Pakistan this time. I remember that the United Kingdom also has huge interests in India. Not even the British dare to say anything." Brezhnev pondered for a moment, "I I believe that the United Kingdom is also in a dilemma now, otherwise, we can give it a try, communicate with the British side, and jointly mediate and end the war between the two countries, what do you think?"

If only the Soviet Union did this, it might become the target of public criticism, but if it is with the United Kingdom, it is not impossible to do this. Britain also has its own interests in the Persian Gulf. There are still tens of thousands of troops stationed there, and there are leftover British-owned enterprises in India. Brezhnev felt that the situation of Britain and the Soviet Union was similar.

Because of the oil embargo, the three giants of the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union did not know how to deal with it for a while. The United States is the easiest, and the United States has always supported Pakistan. Britain and the Soviet Union are in silence, refraining from expressing their stance to avoid offending either party.

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