British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1299: European Energy Security Conference

India is a big country, both in terms of population and area. It is not Australia, which has more evaporation than precipitation, although India's evaporation is also very amazing.

Population and area are combined with good agricultural conditions and resource reserves. Sorry, this is the case in a large country, and India is still a little worse.

India is also short of water in the same latitudes in the northern hemisphere, and where high temperature records are always recorded, North America is due to the unstable climate caused by the cold current going south, and India is unstable because the monsoon does not come.

Of course, the United Kingdom attaches great importance to India, but this time there are indeed too many peaceful countries. Only Turkey, which is Westernized, has not made a statement, and the rest is complete.

This is difficult to do. The two most important points for a country to become a powerful country are population and area, which India has. But the world of peace religion is not easy to provoke. The world of peace religion has threatened Europe for centuries. It was only before World War I that the collapse of the Ottoman Empire gave Europe a sigh of relief. No matter which of Europe and the United States, they are preventing the world of peace religion. Power again.

The world of Peace Religion is bigger than India's basic foundation. Although there is no strong country to back it up and the organization is relatively loose, it cannot be offended.

This made it impossible for a country with broad interests like the UK to easily choose a side. Alan Wilson agreed to help when he received the Indian ambassador, but he also understood their support for the brother country Pakistan when facing the Gulf countries, and then he looked for opportunities. Follow Pamela Mountbatten to visit the Land Rover factory.

The Land Rover factory now retains the production line in the UK, and only the Land Rover Range Rover production line remains, which is the most high-end among the Land Rover brands, and the high-end off-road models guided by Alan Wilson, who will copy the shell, have now exceeded 10,000. , Pamela Mountbatten was in the past to attend the celebration.

Production of Land Rover Defender pickups and Land Rover Discoveries is on the rise, and they are already common in the Middle East, North Africa and Australia.

While driving, Pamela Mountbatten was still paying attention to her husband who was reading the documents, "Everyone else is driven by men, and the wife is the co-pilot."

"Our family is just the opposite." Alan Wilson glanced at his wife, and said frankly that he had a bad stomach, and then continued to read the preparations for the European Community meeting.

"Meeting matters of the European Community? Is there anything related to me?" Pamela Mountbatten didn't look at all, and wanted to know the country's trends from her husband.

"An important part of this EC may be that India's oil embargo is more relevant to you, and another major issue is that France proposes to increase Germany's right to speak in the EC." Alan Wilson accepted "You have to know that there is no resource in Europe except for one North Sea oil. When facing an oil embargo similar to India, you may encounter even greater problems."

Of course, a single North Sea oil can hoist India's oil reserves several times, but considering the industrial scale of Europe, the oil required is far more than India's.

India's own oil reserves are enough for a major country in the 21st century to use for a year, and its shortage is comparable to Latin America's coal reserves.

When a large country was about the same size as India's industrial scale, its local oil could fully support its own oil needs. However, when India reached this stage, its import ratio was almost 85%. It can be said that it is almost completely dependent on imports.

In the long run, the price of oil will definitely get higher and higher. The skyrocketing oil price faced by a major country's development will only become more obvious to India, which is simply unbearable for life.

India has not discovered much oil in the 21st century, not to mention that in the 1960s, Alan Wilson colluded with oil-producing countries to embargo India's oil, just to see if India was facing the situation, whether Europe, which also lacked resources, could handle it. Live, the UK has already shared the risk after all.

"I remembered, has your industry gone up a lot recently?" Alan Wilson asked his wife that the oil industry is also an important industry of Pamela Mountbatten. The good news of India's oil embargo should theoretically rise. That's right.

"It went up a few pence. Although India has no domestic oil, its demand is far from the point where it will cause volatility in the world market. In the face of the oil embargo, it is their own country." Pamela Mountbatten He pouted, apparently not thinking that India has the ability to influence oil prices, "The United States has already increased its troops in Southeast Asia by more than 100,000, and you don't seem to care at all."

"Isn't it a replica of the strategic bombing of Germany? What's there to care about? That is, the free world is stronger than its opponents, otherwise it will kill us if Washington does this." Now that the Vietnam War has officially started, Ai Ren Wilson stopped pretending, and began to mock the United States unscrupulously.

In the situation of the Cold War, even if a great power and the Soviet Union were united and never turned against each other, the probability of victory in the free world was higher than that of the hostile camp. Unless India also changes color, the free world is over.

As for a few decades later, as long as the Cold War begins again, the victory will be easier than this time. The industrial scale of a large country needs to be supported by resources. It is not that the resources of a large country are too few, but the industrial scale is too large. is inaccurate.

Once the rhythm of the Cold War began, it took decades for him to believe that the free world could once again triumph.

But the problem is that the United States seems to be reluctant to pay the price, which means that it needs both. It’s not okay to always think that you can win without paying a price, and the United States doesn’t seem to be able to benefit and doesn’t want to benefit.

The US military in the Vietnam War, the ground troops were like Ukraine, piled up in South Vietnam, and the air force was like Russia, talking with bombs, how could this win the war?

While the couple were attending the celebration, Dixon was discussing the direction of the India-Pakistan war with the Soviet ambassador, Viktor, and Moscow took the initiative to ask whether Britain would mediate the war.

A day later, Alan Wilson, who came back from a private trip, found out about it and shook his head. "This is just the beginning. Only when the two countries are weak is the opportunity to mediate. If they mediate now, both countries will consider themselves at a loss. We are still preparing for the European Community meeting. After the meeting, it is estimated that the two sides are almost fighting before going to mediation. Just answer the Soviets like this. "

It involves mediation between two countries, and the location of mediation is also a problem. The Soviet Union is definitely not happy in London, and the United Kingdom is not willing to put it in Moscow.

That's all there is to it, Geneva? Forget it. Those goblins from Zurich don't deserve it, it's better to keep them in Stockholm.

"Then we'll reply that Moscow is waiting?" Dixon said of the inquiry. "And the Prime Minister?"

"Oh my god, can we hide this kind of thing from the Prime Minister? But to emphasize the importance of the EC meeting. France is speaking up for Germany to have a bigger voice." Alan Wilson gave Dixon a hint , This European Community is not the European Community. This European Community is the product of the heating of the colonial countries' newspaper groups. It has evolved to the present day when both Britain and France agree that the EU model of one person, one vote must not be used.

I don’t know if the Europeans remember to eat or not, but Poland has used the system of one person, one veto, which has caused Poland to become a European stepping cloth from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, a major Eastern European country. Fortunately, the European Community, which was born out of European colonial countries, does not have this thing. At present, the European Community can be said to be a kind of democratic centralism. In theory, everyone has equal rights, but in fact, as long as France is settled, the United Kingdom can lead the decisions that are beneficial to the United Kingdom.

Germany and Japan are both countries that have lowered their exchange rates under the acquiescence of the United States. From the post-war period to the present, Germany has surpassed France to become the second largest in Europe. Now that the Vietnam War broke out, the United States also intends to enhance the status of Germany to prevent problems with the defense force on the European side when the United States fights in Southeast Asia.

However, Alan Wilson still believes in France. Once France has completely digested Algeria, it will be able to regain its advantage over Germany, unless Germany is unified.

As usual, Rabo Butler attended the meeting of foreign ministers of the European Community. Alan Wilson knew in his heart that Prime Minister Aiden was the one in control of the overall situation.

"Aren't you in control of Britain's foreign policy? I should be glad that you came to see me in your busy schedule. UU read" Hepburn was breastfeeding with his son, but his tone was always sour. .

"I'm also busy, and I'll come here impatiently when I'm free." The supreme authority was full of grievances at the moment, and clapped his chest to express his loyalty to Qiuhua, "It's so graceful when breastfeeding, dear, you It is the embodiment of the word elegance, and I believe no one will object."

"I know it sounds good." Hepburn put down the bottle and shook it with his son. "I know you are busy and have nothing to say."

"I'm very grateful for this kind of understanding." Alan Wilson hit the snake with the stick and kissed the back of Hepburn's hand. "Actually, it's nothing, it's just running for peace and protecting the development of Europe."

Alan Wilson deals with personal affairs here, while Rabo Butler talks about Europe's energy dependence in Brussels. There is really no energy distribution in Europe. Europe should avoid the current situation in India, which will be encountered by Europe one day.

"The Soviet Union built an oil pipeline. In fact, we can think of ways to build on this pipeline and not completely rely on oil and natural gas from the Middle East." German Foreign Minister Gerhard Schroeder mentioned that the Soviet Union last year The completed Friendship Pipeline, think it's a way to share the risk?

The news came from Brussels, and Aiden consulted on this, thinking about whether it was a risk, but Alan Wilson was suspicious and firmly opposed, "This will reduce the role of North Sea oil."

"But the production of oil in the North Sea is limited." Aiden was also a little embarrassed. "France does not seem to object to this, and it is the same attitude as the Germans."

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