British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1300: Pull India 1

"Paris and Moscow are fighting hotly now. Naturally, they agree. In fact, there is no shortage of oil in France. Algeria also produces oil." Alan Wilson commented indifferently, "It has almost become a key industry supporting the franc. , the real lack of oil is Germany. France is promoting Germany's voice, of course we don't like it, but the United States is doing the same thing, which is very troublesome."

If you want to balance Britain and France with Germany and Japan, Alan Wilson has long understood this trend, so he used Malaya to hedge against Japan.

Aiden also agrees with this point of view. If it is only France, it is not mentioned. The key is that the United States also relies heavily on Germany, and hopes that Germany will undertake the task of resisting the Soviet Union's ground forces. This responsibility is impossible without quid pro quo, and Germany also hopes to change the status of the country. .

"The Prime Minister's consideration is right, and it is indeed very difficult." Alan Wilson agreed that Germany has always had a higher status than Japan. Japan has an unspoken rule that cannot exceed 1% of military spending, but Germany does not. Japan's armed forces can only be called the Self-Defense Forces, while Germany is a real army.

In addition to race, this difference is also related to the Soviet Union's main attack direction is Europe.

On the contrary, in the direction of Asia, it is impossible for a major country to exert any pressure on Japan, and it is impossible to cross the strait, and it still wants to threaten Japan?

Things are universally connected. If one aspect is adjusted, it will inevitably be linked to other aspects. Alan Wilson originally intended to use the oil embargo on India to remind Europe to prepare early and not be caught off guard. But they forgot that the oil pipeline of the Soviet Union had just been completed and had already reached the territory of the GDR. The Federal Republic of Germany suddenly remembered that it could obtain energy from Eastern Europe.

This is not surprising. After all, the Fuhrer's theory of living space is essentially aimed at Eastern Europe. Germany was also the biggest beneficiary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. It not only reunified, but also seized the economic interests of Eastern Europe, and got rid of the negative impact of the Plaza Accord signed at the same time with Japan.

Germany also signed the Plaza Accord, but by swallowing up the development of the GDR for decades, the negative impact of the Plaza Accord was offset, and the vast Eastern European market helped Germany take off. Not to mention getting rid of the strong Deutsche mark, dumping Eastern Europe with an integrated euro, stabilizing the value of the euro with Russian energy, and so on.

During the civil war in Yugoslavia, the Germans were the first to intervene in the civil war, and the Germans were the first to intervene. The space for natural activities in Germany was greatly increased, and the gap with Japan and Italy, the two defeated countries, was far behind, and its economic influence in Europe was greater than that of Britain and France. above the country.

Now the de Gaulle government and Moscow are at odds with each other, but de Gaulle actively develops friendly relations with the Soviet Union, and once invited the Soviet leader Khrushchev and his family to visit Paris. In this meeting between the leaders of the Soviet Union, France and the Soviet Union, de Gaulle talked to Khrushchev about "moderation, understanding, cooperation. To establish a "Greater Europe from the Atlantic Ocean to the Ural Mountains" system.

At best, France's oil in Algeria can support itself. If you add another Spain, Libya can serve Italy, Greece, and the North Sea oil neighboring countries. There are very few that can be left to Germany. Of course, Germany now has a good relationship with Iran. , but Iran is also a Middle East country, and it is also among the countries that have imposed an oil embargo on India this time. Besides, Iran is too far away.

Now Alan Wilson is very entangled. When he thinks of the Soviet Union's supply of energy to Europe, he can think of Beixi No. 2. Although it is a natural gas pipeline, if it is in the field of natural gas, the UK is in an even more embarrassing situation. The problems it faces are more than oil pipelines. Even more trouble.

If Britain opposes oil and gas pipelines from the Soviet Union, then the result is likely to be that France dominates the European energy market, oil may not be able to satisfy, but coupled with the increase of natural gas's influence on the European Community, so It will not be so easy for Britain to counterbalance France.

Algeria is the second largest natural gas supplier in the future, supplying more energy to Europe than Norway, but lower than Russia.

The barren energy distribution in Europe stumped Alan Wilson all of a sudden. If Britain opposed the Soviet Union, it might lead to France becoming bigger. And France, a dubious ally, flirted with the Soviet Union.

"We will either see France dominate the European energy market, or we will see oil and gas from Eastern Europe entering Europe. I don't think eggs can be put in one basket." After thinking hard, Alan Wilson smiled wryly with a constipated face, "This is a Tough choice, Prime Minister."

Either choose France or the Soviet Union, this is not a pleasant choice, and Aiden is not willing to face this choice, but he has to choose, "We have no objection to Germany's use of Soviet energy. Germany wants to have good relations with Eastern European countries, It will also take a few years. Maybe then we will be able to come up with a better way to deal with it.”

Believe in the wisdom of future generations, right? Alan Wilson almost couldn't help laughing, but he suggested to him, "We don't know our objection, but it must be a new pipeline dedicated to supplying Germany. It can't go through any country's land on the way to Germany. If Germany can Fix that, and we'll agree."

In fact, this is the transportation line of Nord Stream 2. As long as Nord Stream 2 is activated, Russia can stop the Ukrainian pipeline. The province of this country plucks wool from Russia every day.

"Isn't this putting Germany's energy security in the hands of the Soviets?" When Markins came to the Cabinet Office, he heard Alan Wilson's suggestion and asked suspiciously, "Can't Norway supply the Germans' energy needs?"

"The production capacity is not enough, it can't be done. From the UK's point of view, we can only choose one of the French trans-Mediterranean and Soviet Baltic pipelines. If you choose France, the Charles de Gaulle government is now so difficult to reach, and the French really occupy European energy sources. The market is more qualified to challenge us." Alan Wilson sighed, "In theory, we don't want to choose, but isn't this our initiative to pay attention to energy security?"

"France controls the European energy market? Then let's choose the Soviet Union. It is estimated that the Soviets will not agree so quickly. The onshore pipeline has been built, and an offshore pipeline will be built? And the reconciliation between Germany and Eastern European countries is also a problem, no Mediation for a few years is not enough." Markins nodded in agreement, "But once France starts to build, it will not be so difficult. This threat is imminent, and the threat of the Soviet Union is far away."

Alan Wilson nodded, "What happened, we can send the navy to destroy the ocean pipeline like World War I cut off the Atlantic cable. But if we want to treat France like this, there is no excuse for it, and the United States also Will not watch us fight with the French."

At this moment, the law that heretics are more hateful than heretics is shining in the Cabinet Office, the Soviet Union may not necessarily do what to Britain, but France will. Now that discussions in London have been concluded, Rabe Butler in Brussels has informed Bonn of this attitude.

Alan Wilson asked Margins to call in the Ministry of Defense to come up with a blueprint, which must be landed from the original British-occupied area, which is now near the British military base in Germany. The coast of the Federal Republic of Germany belongs to the original British-occupied area. In doing so, the valve of Germany's energy can be controlled in the hands of the British garrison, and it may also increase the influence of the United Kingdom on Germany.

"Is it not just being caught in the throat by the Soviet Union?" Pamela Mountbatten asked with a face full of questions, "Isn't it just a little more expensive, and Germany's economy is not bad."

"My dear, Germany is not a colony. Oil is easy, natural gas is hard." Alan Wilson replied with a wry smile, "Unless we take out the electric cars that were eliminated at the beginning of the century, but the cost is estimated to be loss every year."

Electric cars are not new, let alone electric cars. Steam cars existed in the UK at the beginning of the twentieth century. At that time, no one knew the development direction of future cars. But as a result, we have seen that oil trucks have eliminated trams. If the price of oil in the future remains high, electric vehicles will not be able to be resurrected. UU reading www.

When the two were discussing, Rabo Butler was still talking nonsense in Brussels, showing that Britain was prepared for danger in times of peace and boasted with a long-term vision. Taking advantage of the predicament faced by India, it reminded the importance of energy security in Europe, and at the European Community meeting, it also had friendly exchanges with France on the status of Germany.

India, which is under an oil embargo, is gritting its teeth and preparing to change the current isolated situation from the battlefield, hoping that the war will be won and the current predicament will be solved.

Indians do not know that the current predicament is related to the former British Indian Assistant Commissioner. India is indeed an oil-poor country. The oil embargo has forced India to respond immediately, prohibiting domestic motor vehicles from refueling in large quantities, and cracking down on people who drive up oil prices. Behavior.

In fact, the oil crisis against India is rarely solved. India can’t, but the UK can, because Malaya also produces oil, and Kenya’s oil pipeline can also solve India’s urgent needs, but now is not the time. The oil embargo lasts for a year and a half, and the UK can cut the leeks of the former colony on energy issues.

"Your ingenuity is all on India." Pamela Mountbatten was amused, not knowing whether to praise or depreciate her husband.

"It can only be said that the colonial heritage is still rich, and it is not a problem to deal with India." Alan Wilson raised his chest proudly, "How can we see the fall of the pearl of the British Empire? Of course I do not deny that it must be the most difficult for them. when they are, just pull them."

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