British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1301: Mediation advice

"Of course I don't think India will lose. What I said about pulling them is only at the economic level. In fact, India is a low-human rights country. If we don't pull them, they can also tide over the difficulties."

Alan Wilson explained to his wife the importance of helping India. The situation in India is obvious. With the size and population of India, you can't turn a blind eye to him no matter what. It has resistance and low human rights advantages, it is best not to offend it.

Of course, the advantage of low human rights is also an advantage. Isn't the death of one million people in the United States not a trivial matter? Open-air cremations in India have been seen by US satellites. What else should the whole country do?

Occupying India by means of war, in theory only the Soviet Union can do it, but in reality no country can do it. Although the Indian army can only fight a first-class war, it is already considered a powerful power in the world. , at least if India wants to fight Portugal, Goa will definitely not be able to withstand it, so it is only the Rhodesian royal territory that surrounds itself with a minefield.

Britain has ignored India this time, and will it not want to reconcile with India in the future? It would be better not to destroy relations with India.

"From your attitude, I know that Whitehall is now paying more attention to the India-Pakistan War than the Vietnam War. It's really a place for a place, and Australia is obviously more concerned about the Vietnam War. If it wasn't for Indonesia, it would Australia is going to war." Pamela Mountbatten poured a glass of milk and drank it with a grunt.

"Isn't that a good thing. The world situation is intertwined, and it is a good thing for us, a country that cannot compete with the US and the Soviet Union in national strength, but has influence." Alan Wilson still felt that his behavior of betraying Indonesia was really patriotic. I can't say how good the choice is, but it's not so bad.

If he were a socialist, Brezhnev should have given him the Great Gold Star Medal, which was a stroke of genius, greatly expanding the influence of the Soviet Union in Asia. Indonesia is the largest country in Southeast Asia, even if it loses half of its land. The labor force of 80 to 90 million people can help a little no matter what.

Although selling Indonesia may have some consequences, for example, if the Soviet Union disintegrates, the Soviet system countries in Asia may remain, just like North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, and nothing.

But that is the future. Now he can't control so much. That is to say, Britain has no territory in America now. Otherwise, he will go from one betrayal to another. It is best to support a few pro-Soviet countries in Latin America. , so that the United States can be honest.

It's better to compete with each other in the world than to compete for strategic determination in Europe. Those third world countries themselves are the role of the chessboard, and it is better for them to die than to suffer in Europe.

"It's just that Indonesia has too many people. It's better if there are fewer people." Pamela Mountbatten lamented the pressure on Australia. Her husband could not feel the same. Compared with the current pressure in Western Europe, the pressure in Australia is not at all. What kind of.

"What you should consider now is that after the Vietnam War, there will definitely be a large number of illegitimate children in the United States who are homeless. Are the Korean orphans accepted at the beginning easy to use? If you think it is easy to use, you can continue. This is also a good thing, after all, the Americans They are also unfilial sons in the UK, and sometimes we help them, and we also help ourselves." Alan Wilson slapped his forehead and thought of the Korean orphans in East Malaysia. If it wasn't for their help, Grace would not have wanted to kill Syngman Rhee. So easy.

These carefree war orphans are definitely useful, otherwise there will be no armed orphans specially selected and formed by the orphans of Yulin.

The Mountbatten group cannot rely entirely on those Balkans, and in many parts of Asia, white faces are very prominent. In some countries, women take the initiative to post it, while in some countries, they think of the crimes of the colonizers. In either case, it is too noticeable.

With these war orphans, the problem is much smaller, there is no shortage of mixed-race faces in Southeast Asia, and a few different characteristics will not attract attention, and it will be much easier to do things. The cabinet secretary has a dark heart, and likes to use the descendants of American soldiers to do things for himself.

"The United States can stabilize the situation, and these illegitimate children will not be exiled on a large scale." Pamela Mountbatten said, looking at her husband in surprise, "You mean you will lose?"

"I didn't say that. You can say that the strategy is moving forward. Don't question my judgment, just be prepared." Alan Wilson said with a face on the upper body of the special relationship between the United States and the United States.

Anyway, from any point of view, the United States has no chance of winning if it does not cross the 17th parallel, but Alan Wilson can't say that the Americans are timid. Compared with Ukraine, they are unwilling to even send the Air Force. Virtue is abundant.

It can be seen that even in the face of enemies who are also in the diode state, the United States also has some choices. I believe that after the Vietnam War this time, the United States will evaluate a certain power at a higher level.

At the Brussels meeting, the EC members also talked about Africa, especially when France was negotiating with Rabeau Butler, or testing the British response to the expansion of the Soviet Union in Africa.

The political situation in Congo has changed. The "August Revolution", also known as the "Glorious Three Days", broke out in the Republic of Congo. The Yulu regime was overthrown. The Republic of Congo "walks the socialist road".

The Congolese government took over the monopoly on log acquisition from foreign timber companies and nationalized foreign companies and the forest concessions they manage. In addition, industrial sectors such as textile factories, fish processing factories and small shipyards were established, which enabled the development of the national economy.

In terms of agriculture, the Congolese government put forward the policy of "agriculture as the foundation and industry as the driving force", and took various measures to organize labor to reclaim wasteland. On the basis of carrying out land reform and restricting the power of national dignitaries, all provinces, counties and districts established their own farms and launched a large-scale production movement.

News came from Brussels that Alan Wilson was discussing with Prime Minister Eden about whether the EC would implement an integrated approach to the EC's national oil reserves.

"Congo Bu, it's that French colony." Ai registered these countries as one of the colonies released by the French together. "Are the French going to interfere? Why ask our opinion?"

"No matter what the reason is, it is a French colony, and the relationship between France and the Soviet Union is ambiguous. If we get involved, France will betray us in two years? And to be honest, the situation in French African countries is not stable, maybe The French did it on purpose." Alan Wilson talked about the fact that there were frequent coups in French Africa, "Let's not listen to what the French have to say. If the French want to do something, it's totally fine with the French's own abilities."

Any attempt to form a British-French coalition will be shamefully defeated by the spokesperson of the special relationship between the United States and the United States. Even more than two million square kilometers of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have been lost. Do you still care about a Congolese cloth?

"With the current distribution of British troops stationed overseas, sooner or later, it will be more tolerant to African colonies. Since Yemen became independent, Nyerere also expressed his desire to start the independence agenda through the local high commissioner. The local high commissioner is communicating with Nyerere. The main issue There is also the issue of famine in Southern Rhodesia, which has led to the armed conflict. The situation on our side is also complicated and we cannot help the French.”

Alan Wilson's meaning is very clear, British Africa is not completely fine, and now there is no time to wipe the **** of French Africa, but also to interfere with an already independent country. It's not that the French don't have this ability, and it is obvious that they have to pull the back when discussing with the British.

Aiden also agrees with this point of view. It should be that France is looking for something to do for the UK at the European Community meeting, and it may be a temptation to distract the UK's attention.

After all, the relationship between Britain and the United States and the relationship between Britain and France have always aroused the suspicion of the de Gaulle government. The French always feel that Britain is not loyal to Europe.

Such doubts are of course justified. Look at the things that concern you recently. They are everywhere, but they have nothing to do with Europe.

The battle for Kashmir continued. India and Pakistan broke out in a fierce tank battle around Jambu. The Pakistani Army's vanguard quickly arrived in the Jambu area, and the Indian army kept retreating because of the outnumbered.

However, in order to resist the rapid offensive of Pakistani tanks, the Indian army dispatched bombers to carry out indiscriminate bombardment, resulting in a large number of Pakistani infantry casualties and tank damage. The two sides launched a war of attrition in Chamubu for a while, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

The sky in Chamubu was also not calm. In the 1960s, American aircraft designers and Air Force decision makers believed that missiles were everything, and "takeoff-search-lock-launch missile-separation" would become the basic mode of air combat. The Pakistan Air Force is equipped with the world's most advanced radar system and Sidewinder air-to-air missiles on the US-made Sabre fighter.

Under the technical advantages of the air force, Pakistan pursued the victory, crossed the Devi River, and fought with the Indian army at the Deriti fortress. In the end, the Indian army did not have the support of the air force and was defeated. The Pakistani army took advantage of the situation to occupy Deriti.

The unfavorable situation in Kashmir caused the Shastri government to bear huge pressure. After a night of discussions, with the support of various parties in India, Shastri decided to expand the war. The battlefield is not limited to Kashmir, and India must be used. The advantage of large size can change the current passive situation by spreading the battlefield to the hinterland of Pakistan.

India re-opened the southern front and sent an army to attack, which caused a shock in Karachi. Once there is a problem on the southern front of Pakistan, the whole country of Pakistan will be caught in the flames of war.

When India and Pakistan were in a real fire, the Soviet ambassador to the United Kingdom came to the door with Moscow's sincerity.

"Ambassador Victor, it's better to be in Stockholm. What kind of neutral country is Switzerland? It is surrounded by NATO countries. Sweden is the real neutral country." Listening to the mediation suggestion of the Soviet ambassador in London, Alan Wilson gave a positive response .

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