British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1317: British Water Company

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For example, the nationalized water supply system must be submitted to the House of Commons. This is the matter of the Prime Minister and the Secretary of the Cabinet. It is nothing more than the following. Let the Ministry of Finance come up with the budget that should be provided for the nationalized water supply system, and then evaluate it. How much staff is needed to set up a British water company to arrange jobs.

The current employment situation in the UK is actually worse than it was in Attlee's time. After all, many industries that are worthless in the eyes of Alan Wilson have been transferred out. This may also be the source of Aiden's overturn this time, so through nationalization to create some jobs, Whitehall certainly has no objection, which can also increase the number of civil servants.

The first step is naturally to ask the Ministry of Finance if there is any problem. Frank came to the Cabinet Office in a short time. Alan Wilson waited for the other party to sit down and said hello first, "Frank, how do you feel about your minister?"

"Callahan?" Frank pondered for a while and shook his head. "He just took office, and I can't see any difference from the previous one."

"Of course we hope there is no change, but don't take it lightly." Alan Wilson nodded, Callahan? He remembered that the Chancellor of the Exchequer was also Prime Minister, and it was also the end of the Labour Party ruling wave, which was finally ended by Margaret Thatcher.

Although highly valued by Harold Wilson, Callahan and the current Labour leader are not a faction on the political spectrum, but a faction of former leader Gatwick.

Immediately, Alan Wilson conveyed that the Prime Minister wanted to start with the water supply system in this round of nationalization, and asked Frank what he thought.

"I'm fine. Alan, what do you think." Frank didn't express his objection. He clearly knew that it would cost money, but this time the Labour Party won a big victory, winning nearly 100 seats. At this time, Whitehall It is impossible to oppose the cabinet, and now it is a strong government.

"I'm also not against the nationalization plan, you know, it creates a certain amount of jobs, and we have another place for our colleagues," Alan Wilson said, adding, "But let's be clear, the new The establishment of the British Water Company is to make money, and the bottom line is that it cannot create a fiscal deficit, and it is definitely not possible to use the power of the government to cover the loss.”

As an outstanding representative of the old imperialism, Britain had achieved 100% tap water coverage in 1944. Only with this foundation can we talk about the nationalized water supply system.

The problem to be solved now is nothing more than the issue of authority. The water supply system in the UK is relatively low in concentration and belongs to various local governments. What we need to do now is to integrate the water supply systems of local governments and municipal governments, which are either privately or publicly owned.

There are three main rivals, the local government, the Joint Water Resources Commission and the water company.

Although private companies are also players in the water market, their market share is less than one-fifth, and the actual control of the water industry is still in the hands of local governments; while water supply business needs to be conducted across regions frequently, the terms of bulk supply arrangements Central government approval is required, and the involvement of such a large number of organisations in the water supply business has led to inefficiencies in the UK's water supply.

"The local water company alone has thousands of institutions." Frank said this is not easy. "Does the Prime Minister know what he is going to face?"

"I know or I don't know. But it doesn't matter. The existence of disorganized institutions also makes us do not know where to start. With this nationalization, we will sort out the water supply system. Replace with reliable people to arrange."

Alan Wilson knocked on the table, "Arrange a group of civil servants admitted this year to Malaya. Malaya's water supply system is shared with private companies, but it is far more clear than the local chaos. Let local colleagues Come back and things will be easier."

Frank may not believe other words, but he absolutely believes in the words of supreme authority, that shared private company in Malaya? If nothing else, the owner of the company should be called Pamela Mountbatten.

Ask Frank to make a budget, Alan Wilson picked up the microphone and waved the Home Office phone and asked the Home Office to come up with a feasibility report. He gave him a week to ensure that the report must be detailed and let the Prime Minister know about the British water supply system. real situation.

After all, this involved thousands of stakeholders including local governments, water companies and institutions. When he returned home at night, he checked the time in Kuala Lumpur, and then called the Kuala Lumpur High Commissioner's Office to inform him that he needed local water services. The company's employees, returning home to dominate the nationalization.

"I'll arrange it right away, Secretary-General." Richard's voice came from the microphone, and Alan Wilson was relieved and replied, "The wave of nationalization is not a bad thing for civil servants, and these institutions will not ultimately depend on us. Is it management? The integration of thousands of institutions, should the congressmen manage it, they can at most have a name."

Just after putting down the phone, Xia Meng posted a message, "It seems that the Xiangjiang water supply system is also yours, right?"

Xia Meng came back this time because of the award ceremony of the British Golden Globe Awards. She has become a benchmark for Asian films. Naturally, she cannot make the man behind her feel empty every day.

"Don't say that." Alan Wilson flatly denied it, and then added, "I asked people to talk, and of course thank you for your country's cooperation. In fact, we have a chance to cooperate, don't we? It's ugly to everyone. No. Of course, the Vietnam War is an exception, and I can't blame the UK. The UK has the mentality of a big empire. Compared with the Americans, I despise the Europeans in my heart. Your country is entangled in the relationship between the UK and the United States. I can Tell you that it is definitely more inclined to the United States. But in the end, the outcome of the war determines the attitude of China and Britain."

No matter how many Vietnamese people the United States killed in the Vietnam War, 2 million or 5 million, as long as the United States finally withdraws its troops and South Vietnam is destroyed, it will be a sure defeat.

On the other hand, even if Vietnam is miserable, as long as they can persist until the Americans go, they will be the winners. For the world number one, once the undefeated golden body is broken, it is quite a terrible thing.

The United States should immediately find a victim to defeat the Soviet Union once, otherwise the consequences will be quite serious.

There is no doubt that after a few decades, the United States has a lot of cards in its hands, and it turns its head and gives Eastern Europe a point. But there are really not many choices in the United States now. It is **** when a big country collapses from Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan? Right now, a certain big country has no level of proficiency in addition to being able to fight, and even sacrificing a dog the United States feels that it is a loss.

But decades later in Asia, the United States also has its own difficulties. At least Southeast Asian countries do not have the same belief in American military power as Europeans. Southeast Asian countries have witnessed the Saigon Iron Fist with their own eyes. Europeans have only heard about it. Witnessing it with their own eyes and hearing it with their own ears are not the same concept.

Alan Wilson told Xia Meng, do you want the United States to talk to you in a calm manner? Prove that you are not to be messed with. It doesn't matter how ugly the process is, the results speak for themselves.

Why did Alan Wilson seize Malaya? Because when a major country opened up, the first batch of capital injection was not from the UK, the US, Europe, or Japan and South Korea, but the overseas Chinese scattered in Southeast Asia. Now overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia have been regarded by him as an important starting point for the return of British capital.

When the overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia made money, Japanese companies appeared. As for European and American companies to start investing, it was a very later event.

The nationalization this time is very vigorous. The main reason is that Alan Wilson transferred people from Malaya and the Middle East. There are also British civil servants in the Middle East who are responsible for the seawater treatment and sewage purification systems. Especially the latter is very important. The establishment of a reliable water purification system is the top priority of the nationalization of the water supply system, and it is directly concerned with the success or failure of this nationalization.

"Ellen, the Cabinet Office has added some unexpected aspects to the Cabinet's plan." Prime Minister Harold was quite satisfied and expressed his appreciation to the Cabinet Secretary without hesitation.

This report clarifies the aspect of sewage treatment: there are many management agencies, and localized treatment leads to frequent sewage problems.

The rapid growth of water demand has driven the rapid development of the sewage treatment industry under the policy requirements of meeting public However, the problems in the sewage treatment industry are similar to those of water supply, that is, in the area where sewage treatment is the responsibility of the local authorities rather than Under the premise of the responsibility of the watershed area, the participation of more than 1,400 local institutions has caused many problems in the sewage treatment industry.

Local authorities are all required to carry out sewerage collection, sewage treatment and pollution control across basins, but since there is no co-managing body across basins, each manages to their own standards for river pollution control; from London's population of eight million to the smallest In areas with a population of about 20,000, the scale and capacity of local governments vary significantly.

Each local government works for its own purposes, there is no one agency responsible for coordinating the use and development of water resources in the entire basin, sewage treatment is highly localized, and there are many problems in effectively working within the basin.

Alan Wilson's plan was released much earlier than the Prime Minister expected. To be honest, as Cabinet Secretary, he was more urgent on the wave of nationalization than the Prime Minister himself.

This comprehensive plan to set up a UK water company predates the Water Resources Act the Prime Minister is planning to promulgate.

"In the next few days, the team from the Middle East and Malaya will return to London. They are the most suitable talents in the UK. They are responsible for the water supply company, seawater treatment, water purification system and so on. They have accumulated considerable experience. "Alan Wilson spoke eloquently and showed with practical actions that he had done everything for the Prime Minister's nationalization plan.

"I only saw your talent in diplomatic work at first, but now it seems that you have become a beloved cabinet secretary, which absolutely makes sense." Prime Minister Harold was amazed, and he took it out so quickly at Whitehall. Eucalyptus is happy.

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