British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1318: Tentative Prime Minister

For this report, Harold Wilson was very satisfied and recognized the ability of the Cabinet Office. On the contrary, the "Water Resources Act" he promoted is still in the drafting stage.

He kept the report, intending to use some of the contents of the report to supplement his draft legislation.

The Prime Minister introduced legislation, and the Cabinet Secretary set up institutions to make the Prime Minister's vision a reality, and in the days that followed, overseas civil servants from Malaya and the Middle East returned to London. As an important part of the civilizational cornerstone of the British Empire, local civil servants and overseas civil servants should learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses.

After meeting with the civil servants who returned from the two places, Alan Wilson set out to establish two institutions to promote the nationalization of the water supply system this time. One is the establishment of the River Bureau. Responsible for the distribution of rivers in the UK. A total of 29 river management agencies will be established, that is, the river bureau. These 29 river bureaus are responsible for the implementation of activities related to water resources, river pollution, land drainage, fishing and water entertainment in the country. Related laws, this is also the beginning of British watershed management.

The rationale for watershed management comes from the notion that a river is an organic system, characterized by physical linkages and interdependence, which translates into economic linkages; the management of wastewater treatment and water abstraction sites and operations by the same agency minimizes costs and maximizes efficiency .

In addition to the river bureau, a water committee should be established. The Water Board is a national body whose purpose is to advise the government and river authorities on water conservation issues nationwide.

The Commission promotes cross-regional cooperation in water work to meet the needs of the various authority regions by promoting regulation of reservoirs to increase river flow during periods of otherwise low river flow.

However, the Water Resources Commission does not have any administrative power, it is purely a public servant of the local water supply agency, providing a new place to work.

After all, Whitehall couldn't fire all the civil servants from more than 1,400 institutions. This also involves the happiness of many families.

Alan Wilson can't do anything about this. In fact, he knows a little about the UK, and he knows that the proportion of civil servants in the UK is not the highest in the world. But if it is said that the expenditure of civil servants occupies the country's financial expenditure, I, Daying, have never targeted anyone. For a long time, it has been the number one in the world. It is no surprise that I can maintain this advantage into the 21st century.

After settling the establishment of the two institutions, Alan Wilson picked up the phone and said, "Let the Deputy Secretary-General come to me."

Burke Trend originally hoped to be promoted to the supreme authority, but he did not succeed in the end, and Alan Wilson could not be regarded as a cut-off. He even counted on Burke Trend to continue to maintain the cornerstone of the British Empire. This time the Prime Minister The idea of ​​nationalization, the establishment of the Water Commission, was ready to be handed over to Burke Trend.

In good conscience, Alan Wilson definitely didn't mean to push Burke Trend to the top of the thunder, but he was very interested in Burke Trend's ability.

But maybe Burke Trend didn't think so, but his face was full of whether you were avenging private revenge, "Everyone knows that this time the nationalized water supply system involved twenty-nine rivers and fourteen hundred. A number of local governments, water companies and institutions, if steel and coal were to be nationalized, they would not have to face so many institutions. In the final analysis, coal and iron mines are not widely distributed, and at most a few coal-producing areas and Workers in the iron mines will do.”

"That's why we must first push forward the nationalization of the water supply system. I hope the prime minister realizes the difficulty of nationalization. And having said that, it will be a matter of time before the establishment of a unified national water supply system. You also understand this." Alan Wilson is not salty If the Labour Party realizes that it is not easy to handle, what if the nationalization of coal and iron is put on hold? Although this hope is not great.

This is definitely a good thing, otherwise Alan Wilson would not agree. More than a thousand institutions are in charge of their own, and the water supply is okay. The most important thing is that water pollution is pushed up by three obstacles and four, and no one is willing to take responsibility.

The attitude of not paying attention to sewage treatment has led to the lack of investment in sewage treatment by many local governments, and the lack of reward and punishment mechanism makes the government lack the motivation to improve the quality of sewage treatment.

The rivers in the UK are not clean these days. After much deliberation, it is impossible to compare with the Ganges, but it has nothing to do with the environmental protection concept of later generations.

"This will increase the authority of Whitehall, my Deputy Secretary-General, doesn't increasing the authority of Whitehall increase your authority?" Alan Wilson asked, as his colleagues were judging whether you were reliable, "I believe that , colleagues in Whitehall are hopeful that this will be a success, especially under your leadership."

At any rate, Burke Trend finally agreed. In fact, if Alan Wilson was not there, Burke Trend would not be able to avoid this. Without Alan Wilson, Burke Trend is the cabinet secretary, and he has to worry about the nationalization of today's water system, and there is no way to hide.

But now, Burke Trend, the head of the nationalization of the water supply system, has people Alan Wilson called back from the Middle East and Malaya.

This may make Burke Trend a little uncomfortable, but Alan Wilson is not trying to uphold Burke Trend, take the credit for me, and take responsibility for your idea, but really because the Middle East Having done this kind of work with people in Malaya, I teach students according to their aptitude, and they are absolutely selfless.

After Burke Trend left, Alan Wilson was thinking about the candidate for the permanent secretary of the Department of the Interior. Before he had finished thinking, Markins came to the door to report on the Ministry of Defense.

"How is your minister?" Alan Wilson, as usual, greeted Britain's new head of defense, and he didn't come up with anything.

"I feel that the Secretary of Defense still seems to want to control military spending." Markins mentioned Defense Secretary Dennis Healey, who has a negative attitude towards some military projects.

"I remember Dennis Healey as a Conservative of the Labour Party." Alan Wilson murmured, yes, he is a Conservative of the Labour Party, and there are many factions within the Labour Party, especially when they are in opposition, the contradictions are still very prominent, yes After Gaethsk died, Harold Wilson reunited and reunited.

The Labour Party was mired in factional feuds after his resignation, and although Healey was a friend and supporter of then-leader Xiaozhi Gaethke, when Gaethke died suddenly, Healey was in the first and the second successively. In the second round of the leadership ballot, it was Callahan and Wilson. Healey, who once thought another popular candidate for the leadership, George Brown, was moody, on the contrary, he believed that Wilson would be able to unite the Labour Party and have the ability to lead the Labour Party to win the next general election, so he supported Wilson in the leadership election.

"The key to reducing military spending lies with the prime minister. We put our main work on the prime minister." After thinking for a long time, Alan Wilson said, "Is the work of the Ministry of Defense very leisurely."

It makes sense for him to say this. Since the start of the ground war in the Vietnam War, the Ministry of National Defense has become the base camp. Although the United Kingdom did not participate in the war, the generals of the Ministry of Defense have been making suggestions, as if they were serving the United States. The generals' belligerence, Alan Wilson understands.

Bullying third world countries will stimulate the warlike genes of Britain. If you ask these generals to draw up a plan to fight the Soviet Union, they will definitely become pacifists.

British public opinion is naturally based on positive reports on the actions of the United States in Vietnam. Only Alan Wilson secretly instructed Richard to dig up the black material of the US military in Vietnam.

In terms of public opinion, the United States either wins today or tomorrow. If you don't know the British newspapers, you will see that the reports are more confident than the American reports.

Anyway, it was the United States that sent troops. Is it wrong for the United Kingdom to praise the combat effectiveness of the United States? The battlefield of public opinion is also very important. Alan Wilson remembers that during the Syrian civil war, there were countless unknown creatures happily waiting for Damascus to fall and Assad to be hanged.

At that time, Assad was indeed very dangerous. Damascus was still in his hands, and most of the territory had already been captured by the opposition. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before he followed in the footsteps of Colonel General Khalid. Isn't this crazier than the UK's support for the US in public opinion now?

In the end, the war depends on the outcome. The crazy public opinion also ended with Russia helping Syria fight As for the victory of public opinion in Ukraine, it is just a classic re-enactment.

Seeing that the supreme authority is very interested in the Vietnam War, Makins revealed the discussion of the Vietnam War by the Ministry of Defense, "Many generals are very pessimistic about the joint support of China and the Soviet Union in Vietnam. It doesn't seem to be a problem."

"Oh, it's similar to the American assessment." Alan Wilson replied absent-mindedly, to say that China and the Soviet Union or China and Russia in later generations are close to each other, it must be a fart. The country is going to be together.

To put it bluntly, there is no choice. All developed countries will follow the United States. Will the vested interests of globalization follow the muddy legs?

The developed countries are the beneficiaries of this order. Why should you believe that the order you established will be better than the current one?

Developed countries have followed the United States, and naturally there are only two unlucky eggs left to return to the group to keep warm. For two neighboring countries that used to have hatred, this is actually a no-brainer.

One of these two falls down, and the next one will definitely not survive for long. The United States did not win the Cold War completely, which led to continuous troubles. They will not fall into the same pit twice. As long as the two enemies solve one, the next one is the countdown. Can't escape.

"I should find an opportunity to find out the prime minister's attitude towards military spending. The former prime minister's mediation of the India-Pakistan war can be an entry point." Alan Wilson asked Markins, "What do you think of this entry point?"

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